Naruto: I Crossed With A Full-Level Number

Chapter 41 3 Kazekage: Do You Think You Can Escape From Me?

Third Kazekage, known as the strongest wind shadow in Sand Shinobi Village's history, has a powerful Magnet Style bloodline limit.

They know the basic information.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the strongest ninja in Sand Shinobi Village, but now the strongest ninja in Sand Shinobi Village has come after him personally.


This is really over.

Minato's heart sank to the bottom, Uchiha Mikoto's lips trembled, and his heart was already panicked.

"I'm dead. If I take on such a task in the future, I won't be called Iori Qian Yue!"

Angrily throwing the person on the ground, Qian Yue moved his stiff neck and scolded:

"Third Hokage is not a thing, it even gave us such a broken task."


In normal times, Minato would definitely refute, correct Qian Yue, and stop him from cursing.

Especially scolding Third Hokage, it's disrespectful.

Now Minato doesn't care about that.

Death was imminent, even if Qian Yue scolded the senior officials of Konoha, it wouldn't matter.

"Are you ready to watch Fengying dance?"

Qian Yue turned back and smiled at the two of them.

Too bad Minato and Uchiha Mikoto couldn't laugh.

"It turned out to be three little devils. Did you kill Red Ogre?"

Third Kazekage stepped on the Iron Body condensed by iron sand and landed not far from the three of them, looking at them curiously. pen fun library

"It's really over!"

It was Third Kazekage himself.

Minato's lips moved:

"Qian Yue, run, I'll stop him, you must send the information back to the village."

"Shut up and go away."

Qian Yue pushes Minato away, even though he is moved, because Minato is willing to sacrifice himself to save him.

But Qian Yue didn't need Minato's sacrifice.

Looking silently at Minato who wanted to die, Third Kazekage couldn't help recalling his childhood.

At that time, he also had two teammates who were loyal and willing to sacrifice.

"No need to fight, you can't leave."

Third Kazekage is a serious man, and he will never play tricks on his enemies.

Even if it's just three kids.

Giving others hope and letting others fall into despair is not something he does.

crumbs to do it.

Third Kazekage's words made Minato and Uchiha Mikoto's heart skip a beat.

Qian Yue was not worried at all, and asked:

"Lord Fengying is so flamboyant, chasing our three little Chūnins in the land of fire alone?"

"You don't have to play emotional cards, and you don't have to use aggressive tactics on me."

Holding his arms, Third Kazekage looked at Qian Yue with indifference:

"Face me, you can't run away."

"But I will send your corpses back to Konoha at the right time. This can be regarded as the senior's care for the junior."

"Sorry, I don't accept it."

Send my body back to Konoha?

God knows how many times you have to research Sand Shinobi Village before sending it to Konoha, it's best not to happen.


Third Kazekage looked at him unexpectedly:

"Do you think you can escape from me?"

With a bit of contempt in his indifferent eyes, he paused and said:

"is it possible?"

"Everything is possible! I hope Lord Fengying will like the gift I gave you."

"I hope your mental power is strong enough, otherwise you will be embarrassed."

Instead of being afraid, Qian Yue laughed.


Is there something wrong with this kid's brain, or is he scared stupid.

at this time.

Qian Yue's eyes turned red, and Third Kazekage felt that his body was uncontrollably drawn into a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, surrounded by blooming Sakura flowers.


I seem to have fallen into the other party's illusion.

While Third Kazekage was speechless, he felt a little weird.

A little devil can actually use illusion to affect him.

Third Kazekage wasn't worried about his own safety, as he would soon be able to break the illusion.

"Just why do I really want to dance?"

what's the situation?

Outside, Minato and Uchiha Mikoto saw Qian Yue's eyes flashed a red light, and Third Kazekage remained motionless as if it had been immobilized.

That's all, the dignified Third Kazekage is dancing! !

My darling, is this true?

I am dreaming?

Minato rubs his eyes

, even pinched himself, the pain in his thigh made him take a deep breath and told him that it was all true.

He didn't dream.

"I said Third Kazekage can dance, you still don't believe it."

Qian Yue shrugged and threw a kunai, only to be blocked by the iron sand entrenched beside Third Kazekage.


The Magnet Style auto protector does not seem to be exclusive to Gaara.

I really admire Sasori for killing Third Kazekage without saying a word. It seems that he killed him with poison.

"Let's go, his Magnet Style iron sand will protect the master. It's very difficult to kill him. It won't be long before reinforcements from Sand Shinobi Village will arrive."

Qian Yue picked up the person on the ground, turned his head and left.

Minato and Uchiha Mikoto, who were still sleepwalking, quickly followed.

They even thought they were doomed, but instead of dying, they were saved.

Qian Yue controlled Third Kazekage with a single illusion, which was amazing.


how did you do it?

Minato and Uchiha Mikoto looked at Qian Yue's eyes, full of shock and wonder.

"Why can't I break free from the illusion?",

Third Kazekage, who was trapped in the illusion space, tried to dispel the illusion according to his past experience, but it was useless to wait for his result.

The most terrifying thing is that he can't help but start dancing under the influence of falling Sakura flowers and beautiful music.

In this regard, Qian Yue would like to say that strong Magnet Style does not mean strong spiritual power.

Ordinary illusion removal methods are useless for Sakura Flower Fall.

So, you should dance obediently.

If Xiaobai hadn't grown to the second stage, Qian Yue really wanted Xiaobai to send Tailed Beast Bomb to the Third Kazekage.

Your iron sand will protect the master, see if they can block the Tailed Beast Bomb.

It's just that Xiaobai, who hasn't grown to the second stage, can't be exposed without being exposed.

In addition, the army of ninjas from Sand Shinobi Village would arrive soon, Qian Yue didn't want to cause more trouble, so he ran away decisively.

An enemy like Third Kazekage should be left to the old yin critic of Third Hokage to deal with.

Don't get involved with me, I'm still a child.

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