Hisama Uzumaki walked in and asked Nara for instructions.

"Let's go! Another enjoyable day! "

Of course Nara Ahito is happy that his leeks are finally here.

For half a month, Nara Ajin had been expelling the marks in his chakra, and finally cleared them three days ago.

Now that Nara Ahito's own spirit is flawless, he believes that his resistance to illusion should reach the peak of the ninja realm.

Come to the reception hall of the Uzumaki family.

The representatives sent by the five ninja countries have generally not changed, except that Konoha's wave feng shui gate did not appear, but was replaced by a large snake pill.

In addition, there are representatives of various other small countries.

The country of iron turned out to be Fujiwara Shikina, which made Nara Ajin cry and laugh, Fujiwara Shikina assisted the construction of the country of Whirlpool, it can be said that Fujiwara Shikina is half the master of the country of Whirlpool.

The country of soup, the country of craftsmen, and the country of bears, which are also across the sea from the country of whirlpools, have sent ministers instead of ninjas.

What made Nara Ajin care was a ninja in Taki no Kuni, and the powerful amount of chakra on his body was obviously a tailed orc pillar force.

There is also Hanzo of the Rainy Country, this ninja demigod.

There are also representatives of small countries.

Nara Ahito did not sit in the main seat, but gave way to Uzumaki Hisutama.

Nara Ahito sits in the part of the five ninja countries, which are all famous ninjas in the ninja world. Hanzo is also among them.

Hanzo had to sigh that when he was three ninjas, he had seen Nara Ahito, and he didn't pay attention at that time, at this time, Nara Ahito had grown into a ninja stronger than himself.

"Little ghost, the sealing technique you mentioned, there is no need to avoid people! Let's talk about it, we prepared enough ninjutsu this time! "

The third generation of Thunder Shadow directly stated his purpose, if he just came to participate in the restoration celebration of the Vortex Country, he didn't need to participate by himself, his most important purpose was to exchange for the sealing technique.

After going back to discuss with the think tank of the Land of Thunder, as long as it is Konoha's sealing technique, the Land of Thunder must also master it, and for this matter, he brought all the limbs of the Yao that he treasured.

Representatives of other ninja kingdoms also heard about it, so they wanted to hear about Nara Ahito's exchange method.

Many small countries have also heard some news, and they all want to come and make some fun.

"A part of the tailed beast, Chakra, is what I need now, some ninjutsu can be exchanged for some sealing techniques, everyone trade fairly!" But if you want to change to the ghoul sealing this forbidden technique, only the tailed beast Chakra! Nara

Aren also eagerly said what he needed, and for now he still completes No. 1, then he may be able to reach the sixth level.

The upper limit of the pirate world seems to be not as high as the Hokage world, but there are still some things in the pirate world that they have not discovered, and all their cognition comes from before, but gradually they also perceive some differences.

The representative of Taki Shinobu Village and the third generation of Mei Thunder Kage were a surprise, but fortunately they were prepared.

The one who cried the most was Shinyuemon Akira of Shinobi Village, because of Ichio's Chakra, Nara Ahito was the first to get.

The original country of wind was supposed to have Nanao's, but it was bought by Taki Shinobu Village.

Now it seems that he can only take out his own treasure at the bottom of the box.

"Good! Refreshing, you need the news of the tailed beast, the countries that have the tailed beast already know it, they can't stop you, anyway, they just need a part of the tailed beast Chakra. We in the Land of Thunder are not against it. "

The third generation of Mei Lei Ying has many chips in his hand, and naturally opens his mouth the fastest.

The representatives of other countries did not object, but the ninja of Taki Shinobi Village was a little hesitant, although he was a tailed orc pillar force, but the seal has been unstable, and his status has always been very embarrassing.

Because there will be a situation where the tailed beast runs away, he does not have the right to control it, and the foreign minister of Taki no Kuni, who accompanied him this time, is able to decide.

The foreign minister of Taki no Kuni did not want to agree, but various countries have already expressed their positions, especially the five major ninja countries, if you do not follow, you are looking for death, so it is difficult to agree.

The distribution of the nine tailed beasts was originally very reasonable, and the country of fire was in the center, and there were nine tails, the nine tails with the strongest yin and yang attributes.

Next is the Land of Thunder, which is second only in strength to the Land of Fire, and the tailed beasts assigned to it are the Two Tails and the Eight Tails.

The Land of Water is assigned to the Three Tails and Six Tails.

Tsuchinoku is assigned to the Four Tails and Five Tails.

The Land of Wind was originally assigned to Ichio and Nanao, but due to some of the troublesome operations of the Wind Shadow, Nanao was eventually assigned to Taki no Kuni in exchange for some money and natural resources, the most important being water.

Theoretically, the distribution mainly refers to strength, and again refers to the location where the tailed beast lives.

In this way, the chips of each country are obvious, and if they want to exchange the forbidden art in the sealing technique, they will exchange it for the Chakra of the tailed beast.

It's just that the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire have lost their chips!

But the country of fire does not need ghouls to be sealed, now it seems that the worst is the country of wind, as for the country of Taki, it should be the luckiest, Nara Ahito even has the idea of specifically supporting the village of Taki Shinobi.


The five ninja countries reacted to this, and Nara Ajin had already calculated the five ninja countries.

It's just that Nara Aaren's strength itself is super strong, able to break into your country and snatch the tailed beast, and now the way you deal with it, you can still get benefits, and you will no longer pursue it.

Many representatives of the Ninja Kingdom consciously or unconsciously looked at the representative of the Land of the Wind, Shinyuemon Akira. Originally, the status of the country of wind was very embarrassing, and it was able to maintain the status of the five major ninja countries all the time, and the most important thing was that the five major ninja countries had reached a consensus and did not allow the sixth country to appear.

"Nara Aaren, you can assess this knowledge!"

Shinyouemon Ming took out his hole cards, and here were some of the puppet techniques of his ancestors, a large part of which was simply impossible to do with his current technology.

Nara looked at the scroll.

"What? Drill? Is this the technology of this era? Nara

Aren was shocked, and the news revealed in it was only understandable to him. Some of these exercises are similar to their own thread fruits, and there are even some methods of manufacturing thermal weapons, but the manufacturing methods of these thermal weapons appeared too early. In those times, did thermal weapons really exist?

"No wonder! Shinobu's puppet manipulation technique is so high! Some of the puppeteers of the Sand Shinobi can control three or five bodies, and Chiyo can control more than a hundred? At that time, I thought that the Red Sand Scorpion had rotted the street. The Red Sand Scorpion of the Xiao era made himself a puppet, and in the end his own trick was a hundred machine exercise, which is not to say that the hundred machine exercise can only control a hundred puppets, the red sand scorpion manipulated about 300 puppets of the same form at that time, and what happened to Chiyo manipulating 100 puppets? "

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