"It's Rashomon! Great, the big snake pill has arrived. When he saw Rashomon, he knew that the big snake pill had arrived, and said with a happy face.

"Don't be too optimistic, none of the three of us are necessarily Hanzo's opponents."

Tsunade, however, still looked solemn, thinking about the combat power of the two sides.

The big snake pill showed his figure, and the whole person stood on the head of a huge cyan giant snake, looking at Hanzo.

Nara Ahito, hidden in the shadow of the big snake pill.

"Little ghost! You are the big snake pill who fought Nanase! Hanzo

looked at the big snake pill standing on top of the giant snake and said with an appreciative face, you must know that Kato Nanase's title in the ninja world is a water shark, and it must not be a simple character to be equal to him. Today, I faced the battle of three people alone, and if I accidentally escaped by them, I would cause a joke.

"Get ready to fight!" Orochimaru took the antidote thrown by Tsunade and ate it, and he had a tacit understanding with Tsunade for a long time.

"Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique! Toad oil! "

Zi Lai also sent out the art of a magnificent fireball, and the toad Wen Tai under his feet spit out black toad oil, and the huge fireball became huge with the blessing of toad oil.

"Wind Escape Big Breakthrough!" The big snake pill used the wind ninjutsu to bless the art of the fireball, and the wind helped the fire, and the speed of the entire fireball became very fast.

The huge fireball had become about the same size as the psychic beast, and with the blessing of the wind dun ninjutsu, it quickly hit the psychic beast of Hanzo of the pepperfish.

"Water Escape Water Rock Art!"

Hanzo's hands quickly froze, and a water curtain covering the pepperfish covered the figure of the two.

The huge fireball hit the water curtain, and there was a loud bang first. Then a huge amount of water vapor gushes out.

"Marriott Technique! Mighty! "Tsunade uses the Teleportation Technique to follow the trajectory of the Hao Fireball Technique.

The time when the two giant ninjutsu came into contact was the time when Tsunade broke through.

A punch hit Hanzo's chest, and Hanzo's chest collapsed directly.

Hanzo is worthy of being a long-known ninja master, with the help of the force of Tsunade's attack, his figure flew backwards, and a ninja knife in his right hand was unsheathed, quickly slashing across Tsunade's left face, leaving a scarlet mark.


The big snake pill shot out a handful of kunai, and behind kuwu was a detonation talisman.

After years of tacit understanding, Tsunade returned to the slug's head under the cover of the detonation charm.

The detonator exploded on the head of the pepperfish, and one by one the disgusting black bumps burst, attached to the skin of the pepperfish, protecting the pepperfish, and Hanzo made a stand-in to turn under the belly of the pepperfish.

"Damn it! Careless! Water Rush! Hanzo

wiped the blood that came out of his mouth, his eyes were no longer as relaxed as before, and he looked at the three imps on the opposite side with some solemnity.

The water column formed by the water rush washed the body of the pepperfish, but the pepperfish was still irritable and spitting out some poisonous mist.

"Quick fix! The poison of pepperfish is getting heavier!

Orochimaru felt the changes in his body, felt the effect of the toxin on him more and more, and then looked at Jiraiya and Tsunade, their condition was even worse. Especially Tsunade, who was hit by Hanzo's knife during the hand-to-hand combat just now.

"Water Dragon Pillar!"

Hanzo was attacked just now and fought back. Dozens of water dragons rose up from the muddy ground and slammed into the psychic beasts of the three!

Rumble! Rumble! Jiraiya and Orochimaru's psychic beast were directly beaten back to recuperate, but the slugs turned into small individuals and survived, perhaps also related to Tsunade's huge amount of chakra.

In order to avoid the impact, Orochimaru and Jiraiya also raised their spirits of twelve! Dodge every spout.

Fortunately, Orochimaru had just participated in the battle, and the effect of the toxin was not great, so he easily dodged the attack.

Due to the long-term battle and the influence of toxins, his figure was directly bombarded to the ground.

"Fire Escape Explosion Array!"

In order to cover Orochimaru and Jiraiya, Tsunade took out a stack of explosive charms in his arms and threw them out, while using the Senju family's unique ninjutsu to increase the power of the explosion.

In order to avoid the detonation charm, Hanzo gave up the idea of Yukatsu chasing and jumped into the distance with the pepperfish, widening the distance between him and the three.

The big snake pill checked the situation of Jiraiya, and because of the attack and the influence of the toxin he had just received, the whole person's condition was very bad.

Orochimaru supported Jiraiya and stood on the head of the regrouped slug. Orochimaru shook his head at the two.

"Yaren! Prepare to abandon the child! Orochimaru whispered to his shadow.

"Come out! Number 1! "Nara Ajin summoned the long-lost No. 1.

"All for the glory of the master!"

No. 1 still only shouted these words, and then appeared in the middle of the battlefield, blocking the pace of the pepperfish.

"Go! No. 1 can't stop for long! Nara Aren's voice came from the shadow of Orochimaru.

Tsunade and Jiraiya were also curious about where Nara Ahito was hiding, but this occasion was not suitable for questioning.

The giant slugs twisted their bodies and prepared to leave quickly.

"Water Escape Mist Rain Technique!"

Orochimaru sealed his hands and released ninjutsu, and the surrounding area began to gradually fog, blocking the sight of both sides and creating conditions for several people to escape.

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