Chapter 305 One punch is enough! (For subscription)

After Ryuun heard what Ryuun said, he almost suffocated to death in shock.

What is this special, what is this little thing to be a little serious, and now he is a little flustered in his heart.

However, these words are naturally impossible for Reg to say.

But Ryuun can naturally see the movements shown on his face before.

“Well, since you are in trouble this time, then I should do some exercises and practice hands!”

Ryuun said lazily.

“Well, since Ryuun-sama agreed, then I won’t bother.”

Reger left the room directly.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

The corner of Ryuun’s mouth grinned slightly…

A few days later.

A place of battle.

Ryuun, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Raige, Arno, and a group of five people 5 ride on the back of the pterosaur.

However, behind them are more than a thousand pterosaurs.

This is just above the sky.

As for the thousands of crawling creatures on the land, they are slowly moving at this moment.

over time.

Their party has also arrived at the destination of the battlefield.

“Master Ryuun, he is Sabo card.”(Read more @

Regardlessly raised his finger and pointed at the extremely tall man not far from them.

Ryuun’s gaze is also looking in the direction the other person is pointing.

“He is… Sabo card? I didn’t expect that he is not small.”

Ryuun glanced over indifferently.

At this moment, Saboka saw that the other party had arrived.

Immediately, his gaze turned directly to Ryuun’s side.

“Ryuun, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, it seems they are already here, but I want to see how good these three people are.”

Saboka said dismissively.

After he finished speaking, Nick next to him said, “Master Saboka, I will go to the battle first.”

“Well, that’s fine.”

Sabo card…nodded indifferently.

“By the way, Nick, if you can, grab the three of them and show them to me.”

“Master Sabo card, don’t worry about my affairs.”

Nick pushed the gold glasses and said very confidently.

After he finished speaking, he directly took the pterosaur under his feet and headed towards the battlefield.

At the same time, behind Nick, a large number of people went forward.

At this moment, Nick only felt that he was invincible.

For him to have such a strong self-confidence, it must be attributed to the soldiers behind him.

Regarding watching Nick walk toward him mightily, he was also a little nervous in his heart.

After all, this time is life and death.

But these…In Ryuun’s eyes, they are a bit unusable.

When Nick walked to a distance of Rigg, he stopped directly.

“Rig, now I’m giving you a chance, either choose to surrender to the Sabo card, or die!”

Nick raised the long sword in his hand and shouted in a low voice.

Hearing what the other party said, Wrigg smiled coldly, “Nick, you still don’t want to say this. I want people on our side to return to you. This is no different from daydreaming.”

For his words, Nick did not have any surprises at all.

Because in his opinion, all of this is in his grasp.

However, during the two of them talked about each other.

Ryuun ignored that much.

In his opinion, this

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