Chapter 325 Get out of the quicksand (seeking flowers)

After he finished speaking, the speed also became extremely fast.

After a rush by Senju Hashirama, he finally escaped from the quicksand.

However, the moment he escaped from the quicksand, he immediately threw down the ancient triceratops he raised.

At this time, the ancient Triceratops that was thrown down was also aggrieved.

I can’t live through that…land of quicksand, then I can’t blame it! Senju Hashirama, he can naturally feel the aggrieved look of the ancient triceratops, and there is a twitch on his cheek now.

I carried the ancient triceratops all the way, but I didn’t expect the other party to be so wronged.

How can this make him endure “Ancient Triceratops, you were also wronged here, and I should be the one who is wronged.”

Senju Hashirama pointed the ancient triceratops with his finger, and said very uncomfortably.

But after he finished speaking, he immediately felt that he was a little lost.

But there is no way.

After his rest, he sat directly on the back of the ancient triceratops.

“Quickly open the way, don’t grind here, or else you want to taste the fleshy quality of your body.”

Senju Hashirama was lying on the ground, and the ancient triceratops, who was motionless, threatened.

When the ancient triceratops heard his threat, he immediately became more energetic.

Even the previous grievances have disappeared.

Senju Hashirama was also amused when he saw the other party behaving like this.

It seems that it is better to use threatening words.(Read more @

And it is extremely effective.

Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama laughed.

Secretly sighed that I was too good.

Not long after, he sat on the back of the ancient Triceratops.

With a big wave of his hand, a 3 virtual ground appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at the 3 virtual maps in front of him, Senju Hashirama’s eyes also changed.

Immediately, his gaze turned to the route he was walking in front of him.

After a while of his analysis, it is better to choose some super shortcuts.

After all, in that case, you can save time.

However, Senju Hashirama also saw some tricks from the 3 virtual maps.

Although the route I chose is close, I can still tell from the map that some places are still more dangerous.

But for… these…, Senju Hashirama doesn’t care so much.

The immediate thing is to find Ryuun first, and then talk about it, as for the dangerous place here.

He didn’t pay much attention to it…

At this moment, in a cave.

Ryuun looked at the murals in the cave, and he could feel that these murals are not that simple.

Maybe I can leave this island from these murals.

Thinking of this, Ryuun also began to look at the mural on the stone wall in front of him.

Looking at the patterns on the murals, it is not difficult for Ryuun to see that the animals on these murals are familiar.

I seem to have seen the same somewhere.

But it’s just a moment and a half didn’t expect it.

Immediately, Ryuun thought about it for a while, but he didn’t think of anything after all.

“Hey…I still don’t think about it so much now, and these problems will naturally be solved by then.”

Ryuun spread his hands and didn’t care.

Although he didn’t think of it, he didn’t entangle more here either.

After that, Ryuun’s gaze continued to explore the cave directly.

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