Chapter 367 Doubts (seeking flowers)

Hearing what they said, everyone nodded, and this incident really seemed to be a breakthrough.

“Okay, now that we have an idea, let’s hurry up and start following my current idea. Don’t hesitate anymore. This territory already belongs to us, and I believe that no one else can break through.”

When they heard what they said, these people nodded, but Yuzhi Ningbo had a doubt in his heart. What if someone wants to come in if he leaves at this time “Boss, should we leave a person to guard this place, if this time , If others attack, we will be empty here. Isn’t it difficult to score again?”

What Uchi Ningbo said is reasonable, but who is suitable for the four of them to stay, and it is not suitable for them to stay, and they can only leave here all.

“But it’s not appropriate for us to stay as a team of 4 people. I think we should leave together. As for here, I believe no one can come in.”

They can’t do anything, and they know very well in their hearts that they can’t bear this danger.

“You should also know, because we don’t know. If the aggressor is about to come, we don’t know what their abilities are. If one person is left behind, it is very likely to be threatened.”(Read more @

This also makes sense, but if the city is left here alone, then they have no way to guarantee that no one will attack or defend.

“Boss, it’s too unsafe to do this. I think it’s better to take a look and find out if there is a…appropriate way to break through.”

When thinking like this, I nodded myself. At this time, no one is here. What should I do now “I know what your concerns are, will you wait for me to do what I want?”

Hearing him say this, he nodded and was able to do it.

“Okay, I can do what I want, you can rest assured, and these… are very simple to me, we will definitely be able to stick to it.”

But at this moment, a lot of elves suddenly appeared in front of them. It was really very strange. I was very curious about what it was. They hadn’t seen these things. How could they suddenly appear to them. In front of.

“Ryuun, we are here now to help you, and we also know that you have some things to deal with now, of course, today we will let you see what you should do.”

When I heard this, I shook my head. What does this mean, do I need to witness the meaning of their existence? “What are you, why I have never seen you? What are you doing here? Let me witness the meaning of your existence. If this is the case, there is absolutely no need…”

He shook his head when he heard them asking this, saying that he didn’t have this idea.

“We know that you want to break through this city now, but have you ever thought about why you want to break through these things”

He really shook his head, and why did they break through? They just want to protect this city.

“I think you should have misunderstood. I just want to protect this city and let him insist that it belongs to us.”

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