Chapter 376 Conversation

So he doesn’t want to leave here at all, and Isshin wants to occupy this place.This mysterious person is still very happy.This person is really funny.

But he was not afraid of anything, and it was useless for him to say these things.

“Do you think you can scare me by saying these things? It’s a joke.”

The conversation between Ryuun and the mysterious person has all been heard in the ears of other people. They really did not expect that Ryuun could really find this mysterious person. This is really exciting, and at the same time There are also some fears.

Senju Hashirama also led his companions at this time.

After all, the boss is here, and if they can’t come, it is really inappropriate.This matter must be accompanied by the boss before they can continue to do it.

“Why do you bring your accomplices over, I will be scared? You are joking here. Anyway, you are a boss, and you don’t even have any common sense of life.”

This mysterious man scolded Ryuun, and felt that he didn’t have any common sense at all, and they still have a lot of things to solve.

“I don’t care what you are going to do next, this territory is us.”(Read more @

It suddenly occurred to Ryuun that he still has a lot of weapons that he hasn’t used, but today…I want to use it with him and see who is the best.

“Your weapons are useless to me at all, because I will hide myself invisibly, no one can find it.”

When he heard him say this, he nodded himself, no matter how strong he is, it doesn’t have much to do with him.

“You don’t need to say anymore. Whether you are strong or not has something to do with me. I now advise you to do it yourself and leave here as soon as possible.”

Hearing him say that, he laughed, and what he said was nothing if he wanted to leave, then there is no need to talk about it anymore.

“You think I won’t believe you when you say these things, you are dreaming here.”

Hearing what he said, I nodded.It seems that there is no way to change all of this.Since this is the case, I will not say anything else.It is completely too late to talk about future things.

“Okay, now I won’t tell you anything about all this, now let us directly use force to decide the outcome.”

Just as they said this, Ryuun’s system once again reminded him not to mess around.

“Host, don’t mess around at this time. Your body has reached a critical point. Don’t break through or hurt yourself. If you don’t listen to persuasion like this, you will regret it.”

Ryuun has no way to go back, and at this time the system reminds himself too late.If he comes early, he will not be able to provoke this mysterious person.Now it can only be used at this time.

Regardless of……

What is the result, I can hold it for a while…

Don’t care when you think like this…

At the system’s reminder, he rushed up.

At this moment, the wind was roaring, and the weather between them suddenly had a very big change.I have to say that they are still very terrible at this time.

Senju Hashirama, who was on the side, did not speak either, because it was horrible.At this time, it is useless for them to say nothing.It is better to say nothing, and it will be best to see the result.

: Seeking flowers… Seeking monthly tickets… Seeking evaluation tickets… Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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