Mirai carried the grilled fish and walked towards home with a smile on his face.

He was confused for a moment, but when he saw the slime on the seasoning on his hand, he understood.

It turned out that he disgusted them!

This is really...


( ̄▽ ̄)~*

I wanted to disgust Minato before, but I ended up being screwed. I was disgusted at that time.

Now it's good, he succeeded in disgusting Minato, it's like watching a movie for many days, and finally it's time to practice.

How can he not be excited.

He was so excited that he helped four or five old ladies cross the road, and his mood became better.

He carried the last two fish tied with a net woven with water grass, hummed the ballad he learned from his sister, and walked towards home with a relaxed pace.

"Hey, Dad, what a coincidence!" As soon as he turned the corner, he met the old man who stopped in front to buy something.

So he greeted him with a smile.

Uchiha Dazhuang, who was buying oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, looked back and found that it was his son, so he nodded and responded to the future.

Calculating the time, this kid came back at about this time.

But speaking of it, why are there no oil, salt, sauce and vinegar at home? Didn’t they just replenish it last time?

By the way, when was the last time?

Future hurriedly trotted and caught up with his father.

Looking at the happy expression on his son’s face, Uchiha Dazhuang was very curious.

This kid doesn’t like to pretend outside, he has the kind of expressionless face that doesn’t show his emotions.

Only when he meets an old lady crossing the road, and when he is with them and Minato, will he show a rich expression.

What happened today?

Could it be that he is too happy and sad!

So he asked with concern: "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Future didn't care about Da Zhuang's words, he said with a smile: "I disgusted Minato!"

As he said that, he took the fish on his shoulder and put it in front of Da Zhuang, and then said: "This is the trophy!"

As he said that, he sniffed it lightly.


"Ah... Even if the fish meat is cold... It still smells so good!"



Uchiha Da Zhuang: ( ̄┏Д┓ ̄°*)

So that's how it is.

If Minato is humiliated, he will be so happy that he can't close his legs.

However, how can you see this kid's expression, why is he so naughty!

So Da Zhuang, who couldn't stand his cheerfulness, immediately bent down and opened his mouth.

With a swish, he sucked out the grilled fish that Future had stuck with a wooden stick.

Weilai was still immersed in joy when he felt his hand loosen, which made him a little confused. In order to prevent the fish meat from falling off the stick, he deliberately wove a net with water grass to wrap the grilled fish.

And in order to make the grilled fish unique and not easy to fall, he deliberately used the [Great Fireball Technique] to scorch the surface of the fish.

He was very careful to hold it so that it would not shake too much.

Logically, it would not fall under the triple insurance.

Then he saw that the stick was still there, but the fish on the stick was gone.

When he looked up, he saw that his father was biting the fish head, and the water grass that tied the fish body had been untied, falling from the air to the ground, and he stepped on it.


"Dad, how could you eat my grilled fish!" Weilai was immediately anxious and jumped up directly, trying to grab the fish tail and pull it out of his father's mouth.

He prepared this fish as a reward for himself, and he hadn't eaten it yet.

Then he found that he was blocked by his father.

He just jumped up, but was slapped by his father and fell back to the ground.

Uchiha Dazhuang's cheeks shrank inward, and the fish in his mouth was sucked into his mouth.

Only half of the tail was left outside.

Seeing this scene, Weilai seemed to be struck by lightning and froze in place.

He watched Uchiha Dazhuang's mouth move twice, and then he swallowed it whole with a gulp.

He actually ate fish without spitting out fish bones! ?

This scene made Weilai even more confused.

"The heat is a bit off, the skin is burnt!" Uchiha Dazhuang smacked his lips twice and commented with disdain.

Mirai: (.-_-.)

"I just burned the skin on purpose. That part is not for eating, but for fixing the fish body!"

"Oh, I see!"

"I was wondering how you could make such a terrible meal when your cooking skill is ranked fourth in the family!"

In his mind, Mieko's cooking skill is first, Honghong is second, he is third, and Uchiha Mirai is the last.

Although he has never cooked, he just feels that the food he cooks must be better than Mirai's.

Mirai's face turned black and he walked away angrily..

"Hey, hey, hey~ Don't go!"

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

When his son was unhappy, he was happy, and he immediately trotted forward and caught up with the future.

He smiled and said, "By the way, son, when I was on duty today, I met a very amazing little girl. Are you interested in chasing her?"

After hearing this, the future trembled all over.

He had a bad premonition.

Could it be that his father saw him in women's clothes, so he took this opportunity to tease him!

But he didn't have his back to him the whole time, how did he see his cheek?

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Uchiha Dazhuang's face, trying to see other expressions from his face.

Da Zhuang didn't notice his expression and tone. He walked forward with his head held high, smiling, as if he was satisfied with his own judgment. "I tell you, that girl is really amazing. From your father's perspective, she will definitely be as beautiful as your mother when she grows up."

Future: (.;゚;:益:;゚;.)

He was so panicked that beads of sweat oozed from his face.

"Uh, Dad, I actually want to make my own decision on my marriage!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Da Zhuang rolled his eyes at him and said earnestly: "What can you do? You hang out with Minato all day long. People who know you know that you have a good relationship and deep brotherly love.

People who don't know you think you are gay and perverted!"

"Dad, how can a father say this to his child? Besides, I'm still young and it's not appropriate for me to have a girlfriend at the moment!"

"Young!?" This remark hit Da Zhuang's point. He immediately said with wide eyes: "Little ass, let me tell you, it's not easy to chase girls these days, and there are fewer girls and more boys now. Wait for you... If you chase her when you grow up, all the good girls will be taken by other pigs. "

As he spoke, he sighed, as if he was reminiscing, and as if he was lucky, he continued: "When I entered school, I fell in love with your mother. If it were according to your idea, by the time I wanted to pursue your mother, she would have been married and had children, and her children would be as old as you.

So you have to listen to me, while you are still young and other people of your age are playing in the mud, hurry up and find a girlfriend.

You will know that your personality is not compatible after you get along with each other, and there is still time to break up. When you grow up, there will be no time to break up.

There are not many good girls now!"

As he listened, the future's face gradually became strange.

From what the old man said, he really wanted him to chase a girl!?

Think about it in another way, that is to say, he did not recognize me?!

He thought about it, and then asked tentatively: "Dad, which girl do you like?"

Uchiha Dazhuang shook his head, "No, but don't worry, your dad still has some power in the police department. I will check for you tomorrow. Then you can get along with each other first. If it's suitable, you can be together. If not, find an excuse to break up, and dad will help you find another one!"

As he spoke, a confident smile appeared on his face, "But don't worry, when you see her, you will definitely be reluctant to let her go. Your dad has experience in this regard!"

"Oh!" Future breathed a sigh of relief, the relationship is not his own!

That's good! That's good!

If dad really likes me and lets me marry myself...


Can't think about it!

Although I am a disciple of Master Orochimaru, I want to inherit his skills, not his androgynous body.

Speaking of the estrogen stored in the laboratory, it can't be that he made it specially for him.

To be honest, after thinking this through, the whole person in the future couldn't help but exhale a breath of foul air.

As long as he didn't recognize me, it would be fine, otherwise it would be too socially dead.

Although I was forced to wear women's clothes by my mother and sister when I was at home before, and my father also saw it.

But that was only at home, and it was forced.

This time was different. He put on women's clothes half-heartedly, and on the street.

If he was recognized by his father, he would definitely be socially dead.

I guess he wanted to commit suicide at any time!

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