After leaving the Uchiha Police Department.

Among the ten Hyuga clan members who were rescued, the youngest one had an extremely ugly face.

"Clan leader, are we just leaving like this?" His tone was full of anger, and there was no respect for the clan leader.

The clan leader glanced at him lightly, "Why, do you still want to get back at us?"

"But our Hyuga clan is a big clan after all. We were arrested and locked up for two hours by the other party. Where is the face of our Hyuga clan!" Hyuga Sogi complained indignantly.

As the head of the clan, he thought he was on par with the son of the daimyo.

Those people except Hyuga were all lowly pariahs, even the Uchiha who claimed to be on par with their Hyuga clan.

Now, he was arrested by these people and put in a detention center, which is rounded off to jail.

This would bring a stain on him, and how could he defeat the son of the clan leader, Hinata Hiashi, and become the clan leader above all others!

So he was very angry, very angry!

He was so angry that he wanted to jump up and curse.

Clan leader Hinata looked at him, his eyes gradually becoming colder.

This was a clan member who had been spoiled with bad habits, and as far as he knew, this kid was still coveting his position, secretly... no... it was no longer secretly, in public, this kid often said that he wanted to defeat Hinata and replace him.

Become the only candidate for clan leader.

"Go, send him to the clan ancestral hall for three years of confinement. During these three years, he should reflect on himself in the ancestral hall and serve the ancestors by the way!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

He didn't want to listen to this kid nagging, chattering, and yelling non-stop!

Sure enough, when he finished speaking, there was silence for a moment. When Hyuga Souji came back to his senses, his face suddenly became interesting.

He immediately shouted: "Chief, you can't do this to me!"

If he was imprisoned for three years, the younger brothers he had accumulated with great difficulty would definitely switch to someone else's command, then how could he be the chief?

As he said that, he was about to rush towards the chief, wanting him to withdraw this order.

But he was stopped by the head of the branch family, who advised: "Master Souji, please don't make trouble!"

For a moment, Hyuga Souji seemed to have heard something incredible. He looked at the deputy chief in astonishment, "You said I was making trouble!?"

These words seemed to have turned on some kind of switch. Hyuga Souji was immediately angry. He didn't care about looking for the chief, but pointed at the deputy chief's nose and cursed.

"Who do you think you are? A dog of the branch family, you dare to tell me to shut up, I..."

The deputy chief's face suddenly became gloomy.

‘Which family of the main family is this bratty kid from? ! He is so annoying! ’

The person from the main family who originally wanted to speak for Zongyi was speechless at this time. He was too lazy to look at this kid any more. He shook his head and turned away.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, this kid would even scold him, and after he left, these people from the branch family would be more likely to take action.

‘Forget it, let him vent his anger. This may be the little value of his existence! ’

Seeing that even he had left, Hyuga Zongyi turned around and shouted anxiously at the clan leader: “Clan leader, you can’t do this to me. I have shed blood for Hyuga and worked hard for the main family. You can’t just kill me!”

The Hyuga clan leader seemed not to hear it, and walked towards the Hyuga clan at an unhurried pace.

But the people from the main family who caught up with him could see that there was no warmth on the clan leader’s face.

Yes, who would be in a good mood if a bratty kid pointed at their noses and shouted at them!

‘Alas, I said this kid’s character would be a disadvantage, but unfortunately his parents didn’t listen. Now, it’s good, something’s wrong! ”

Dare to insult the clan leader in the street, even if he is the deputy, this kid’s future is already ruined.

Still want to be the clan leader, don’t you see if the people of the branch family will agree.

Seeing that the clan leader didn’t care about his life or death, Hyuga Souyoshi didn’t know what was wrong with him.

He broke free from the restraints of the two Hyuga branch family members, pointed at the clan leader’s back and cursed: “Clan leader, are you afraid? You are afraid that my talent is better than your son, so you are going to use these dirty means to restrict me!”

“I tell you, no way, I am a member of the main family, and the elders of the main family will make the decision for me!”

“Just wait, sooner or later, I will take the position of clan leader from you! ”

Clan member: “…”

Good fellow, he was disrespectful before, but now he scolded the deputy clan leader and even the clan leader.

This guy is even more shrewish than a shrew, so brave!

At this time, the clan leader who had been silent said coldly: “What are you still standing there for? Do you want me to send it there personally!”

“Yes!" The people from the branch family responded hastily, and they hurriedly held Hyuga Souji down, not wanting him to say anything else and irritate the clan leader.

To be honest, they are in a very happy mood now.

It has been a long time since I felt so good.

It feels like flying, so good to the bone.


Hey... the clan leader was scolded by the people from the main family... this matter is enough for them to brag about for a year.

No, it's ten years!

"Let me go, don't touch me with your dirty hands! "Hinata Souyoshi struggled hard, shouting louder and louder.

This place is not far from the security department, and there are few villagers, because no one wants to get involved with those crazy people.

But it's not that there are no people. These people are here to bail people out or go through procedures.

It can be said that today is the most shocking day for them.

I can actually see the scene of a naughty child scolding his elders. It turns out that the so-called powerful family is just like that, and they can't even compare to the education of their own children.

Except for eating well and sleeping well, what else can compare to me.

For a while, many people looked at Hinata with contempt. With this level of education, they are not as good as us peasants.

But they are so high and mighty all day long, pretending to be for whom.

The deputy clan leader noticed that people around him were pointing and talking, and he didn't care about Hinata Souyoshi's shouting, and just stretched out his hand.

"【Soft Fist Method·Fixing Point】! "

After two balls of chakra were tapped into the two small acupuncture points of Souji with his exquisite technique.

The latter froze in place, his mouth opened wide, but he could not make a sound. He looked as if time had been stopped.

He could not move at all.

Only his eyeballs were still moving wildly, and the anger in his eyes had directly "burned" his eyeballs red.

Of course, that was caused by congestion!

In an instant, the scene was quiet.

'Huh... This kid is really brave!' Looking at Hyuga Souji who could no longer make noise, the deputy clan leader breathed a sigh of relief.

But to be honest, he actually still wanted this kid to continue continued to quarrel.

Like the branch family, he also harbored hatred for the main family.

If he had not shown that he always put the main family first, and if he had not been strong enough and had some prestige in the branch family, he would not have been chosen as the patriarch of the branch family.

The more embarrassed the main family is now, the happier he is, otherwise he would have started to press the acupoints just now.

Why wait for him to scold for half a day?

After the annoying guy was subdued, the head of the main family couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The ears are finally quiet!

The people of the main family immediately asked: "Patriarch, I suspect that Zong Yi has been drugged, how about I take some of his blood for a test? ”

Today he accompanied Souji to visit the graves, but this happened. He was also responsible and wanted to investigate it.

“No need. Uchiha has already investigated it. Hyuga Souji was given laxatives. The dosage was calculated. He just wanted you to go to the toilet and contact with Uchiha people!” He didn’t want to see this kid for a moment.

He wished he would never come out again.

But the Zong family was not his one-man show. He could have locked this kid up for three years, which was already the limit.

Originally he was thinking about how to deal with the interrogation of the Zong family elders.

Because he was the clan leader, many people were watching him. He couldn’t be selfish and had to maintain fairness and justice.

Now, he didn’t have to think about it. This kid insulted his clan leader in the street. Not to mention three years, he might even be locked up for five years.

Outside the gate of the police department, many people ran to the door to watch.

Uchiha Jōzan said in amazement: "This kid is too brave. He actually dared to scold their clan leader! Tsk tsk tsk… you will have to bear the consequences in the future…”

“For the first time, I feel that this kid is not so hateful! How about we go and beg for mercy for him!”

“Uchiha Lisi, I surrender to you. At this time, you are still thinking of applying eye drops to him. You wish that the naughty kid will never come out again!”

Uchiha Wanger looked at him speechlessly, but soon, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“But I like it! Let’s go, let’s go and beg for mercy!” This kid is too noisy. In just two hours, they were so upset that they had to use a captain to put him to sleep. This made them feel relieved.

“Okay, stop adding fuel to the fire and go back to work!” At this time, a voice interrupted them.

They turned around and saw that it was Uchiha Dazhuang, “Captain Dazhuang, don’t you think this is a good opportunity to suppress Hinata! "

Uchiha Dazhuang rolled his eyes at him and said unhappily: "What are you suppressing?I tell you, Hyuga will be our ally from now on, so be restrained when you see us next time!"

As he said that, he kicked the Uchiha who just instigated him, "Especially you, Uchiha Mazi, you better be quiet recently!"

Everyone was stunned, all of them were stunned!

"Ah! ?"

Hyuga wants to become an ally of himself and others, what a joke!

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