After helping all the old ladies and grandfathers, the future walked towards home.

Physically and mentally happy.

Back home, eating the tempura dinner made by my mother.

He gradually became absent-minded.

Since he got used to the meals cooked by his sister, he always felt that other meals were not delicious.

And my father and mother were going to show their affection later. If I stayed, I was afraid I would have to wash the dishes myself.

Friends who have done housework know that washing dishes is not just washing dishes, but also cleaning the kitchen, cutting board, pots, pans, knives, kitchen garbage, etc.

There are also food residues in the restaurant.

The floor also needs to be mopped, which is very troublesome.

Thinking of this, he directly poured a bowl of boiled water to soak the rice, swallowed it in a few bites, and ran out of the door with a knife in hand.

Before leaving, he shouted to his parents: "I'm going to practice for a while, just leave the door open for me!"

Before they could reply, he had already disappeared.

Looking at the door slowly closing, the couple were speechless.

Mieko pouted her beautiful chin and looked at Dazhuang with resentment, "Husband, does he dislike the food I cook?"

Uchiha Dazhuang was immediately furious, "He dares!"

But the brat was gone, so he couldn't beat him even if he wanted to.

So he looked at Mieko and comforted her: "Meimei, the food you cook is so delicious, how could he dislike it? I guess he definitely doesn't want to wash the dishes, so he eats so fast!"

As he said that, he picked up a dish of food, opened his mouth wide, and poured it in.

The whole dish went into his stomach without a drop of soup flowing out. "Look, Meimei, I am eating very deliciously!"

Mieko's eyes were slightly red, and she was very moved. "Zhuangzhuang~"


"I want to!"




The Hokage Yan Yan was on the top.

A man wearing a hood and covered in a cloak silently watched the prosperity below.

It was evening now, and the sun was about to set, making Konoha Village look like a fairyland on earth.

A breeze blew, rolling up the leaves all over the sky.

A leaf happened to float past him, and he subconsciously reached out and grabbed it.

"It's... a leaf!"

He said in a complicated tone, and his mind couldn't help but think of the happy time with Hashirama again.

Especially at this time, he also held a leaf, just like before.

The two of them were here, and he named the village Konoha because of Hashirama.

Hashirama named the leader Hokage because he was good at fire escape.

He also wanted to be the first Hokage, but in the last round, he was defeated because of the need for public opinion voting.

So Hashirama became the Hokage.

From that time on, he understood one thing, if the first Hokage was not himself, then the Uchiha who joined Konoha would not be able to have another Hokage.

At first, he wanted his clan members to leave with him and find a suitable place, like the Uzumaki clan, to create a ninja village of their own.

But I don’t know what the clan members think, and no one is willing to go with him.

Don’t they understand that with their own strength, the ninja world is so big that they can go there!

It is enough to conquer a super power that is not inferior to Konoha to protect Uchiha.

Look at the Uchiha now, where is the momentum of the former noble family?

Now, even a clan member with three magatama can become the clan leader, and the clan can't even get a pair of Mangekyō.

Uchiha is not Hyuga. Uchiha is a race born for war. Only fighting can improve the strength of Uchiha.

If they only want to live in peace in a corner, Uchiha will perish sooner or later!

Thinking about it, he suddenly laughed.

"Really, am I old, and even my mentality is old? I am actually pitying the world here. If they don't want to go with me, then they are no longer my people!"

As he said, he grabbed the leaf and squeezed it hard.

Soon, the leaf turned into slag and scattered from his hand.

Blown by the wind, it flew towards the horizon.

As the leaf residue flew farther and farther, the determination in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"This time I came to Konoha to do only three things, the stone tablet, forbidden techniques, and cut off the past!"

Now that the three things have been done, it's time for him to start chasing his dream.

"Master Madara, I found an interesting person!" At this time, a half figure appeared on the ground beside him.

It was the White Zetsu's real body. He was arranged by Madara to go to Konoha Village to collect intelligence.

Madara, who was about to turn around and leave, was stunned when he heard the words. He was interested in what White Zetsu said.

This White Zetsu's real body is different from the Uzumaki White Zetsu that wrapped him.A very calm person.

If even he finds it interesting, then it must be really interesting.

"What's the matter?"

White Zetsu pointed to the edge of Konoha.

Actually, it's not the edge. When Konoha was first established, the Uchiha and Senju clans were the largest, so the people of the two clans took the Hokage Building as the intersection, each occupying a large area on the left and right.

Other ninja villages were arranged in this way.

It's just that the Uchiha clan is a bit overbearing, and many people are not willing to contact the Uchiha clan, so they have moved away from the Uchiha clan and chose to settle down in a farther place.

So in the compact Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan seems a bit remote.

Madara has good eyesight. Looking in the direction pointed by White Zetsu, he soon saw an interesting little guy.

"Is that... Uchiha's... child?!" He saw the sign behind the boy.

"Yes, Madara-sama, there is an alternative among your clan members. This little guy is so warm-hearted!" White Zetsu replied.

Just now, he sneaked out of the Uchiha clan leader's residence and wanted to tell Madara the information he had obtained.

However, just as he was about to leave the Uchiha clan, he suddenly remembered that he had not been to the elder's room yet. As one of the people in power, there must be some unknown secrets in his room, so he turned around and walked towards the Uchiha core area.

Unexpectedly, he ran into this kid, and he was so stubborn that he was supported by him to walk two streets outside the core.

He was really confused at the time.

He thought that his [Disguise Technique] was seen through, but it turned out that the kid's quirk had just broken out.

That's why he was delayed for a while.

"This kid's emotions seem to be richer than ordinary Uchiha!" Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had a thought in his mind.

The more emotionally rich the Uchiha is, the further they can go in the future, and of course, the deeper the darkness they will fall into.

"What's his name?"

"It seems to be called Mirai... Yes... Uchiha Mirai. I heard several people supported by him call him Mirai, Little Mirai!"

"Uchiha... Mirai! His parents are really good at naming. This little guy might really be Uchiha Mirai!" Uchiha Madara's mouth corners slightly raised, with a faint and strange smile.

"Madara-sama, you want to..."

"Don't you think he is very suitable to be a chess piece?"

"Huh?" The two Zetsu were stunned. They had never heard Madara talk about plans, and they didn't know what he was talking about.

Uchiha Madara didn't explain, but asked Zetsu on his body: "Uzumaki White Zetsu, you can change your appearance!"

Hearing this, Uzumaki White Zetsu, who had been afraid to speak, finally dared to answer.

"Yes, Madara-sama, my [Disguise Technique] can deceive 99% of the perception ninjas in this world!" He said proudly.

"Well, let's go get in touch with this kid!"

See if he wants to do this from the bottom of his heart, or if he does it on purpose.

"Okay, Madara-sama!" Uzumaki White Zetsu said, and his body wrapped around Uchiha gradually changed.

The vortex-shaped mask with only one eye on his face gradually shrank.

Gradually, an old man's face with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes gradually became his face.

The clothes on his body also began to change.

Gradually, from a cloak, it turned into the clothes of Uchiha villagers.

After a while, an ordinary old man with a cane appeared.


Uchiha Mirai, who originally wanted to practice, suddenly felt itchy as soon as he arrived at the market.

There are so many old grandfathers and grandmothers!


What if they fall?

The roads are so dangerous now. Didn’t I get crushed to death by a steel coil when I rushed onto the road?

These grandpas and grandmas are so kind. If they get hurt, I will be heartbroken.

If they don’t make it, then no one will be kind enough to praise me…

So he helped the grandmas and grandpas again!

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