"Grandpa, where are we going?" Weilai supported the old man beside him. Seeing that he didn't say the destination, and there were no old ladies and old men in the market, he simply supported the old man and walked around.

He could feel the faint nostalgia from the old man.

I think this old man, when he was young, had done a lot for Konoha.

The old man was also called Senile Ban. After hearing Weilai's question, he sighed and said, "Just walk around!"

It didn't look like anything from a high place, but when he walked into the village, he found that Konoha had changed a lot now.

Especially the crossroads in front of him. If I remember correctly, I was here at the beginning, ready to help a little girl who fell down, but I didn't expect to scare her.

But now, this crossroads is still there, but the surrounding buildings have been demolished, and all high-rise buildings have been built.

"Oh!" Weilai responded, he slightly turned his head to look at the old man, and a hint of curiosity emerged in his heart.

"Grandpa, when you were young, you must have loved Konoha very much!"

Maybe he was really old, or maybe he had been alone for too long, or maybe it was because he was visiting Konoha again, which made him want to say something.

Just after hearing Mirai's question, he simply said a few words.

"The main thing is that he loves Konoha!"

"He!?" Mirai was stunned.

In Japanese, he, she, and it are pronounced differently, so it is easy to tell which he is talking about.

He thought the old man loved the village very much, although he was not Uchiha at all.

Because most Uchiha are only interested in the power of Konoha.

But when he thought of the other party's age, he was probably in his sixties or seventies.

After experiencing the cruelty of the Warring States Period, he should cherish the prosperity and peace of Konoha very much.

But unexpectedly, the old man actually said 'He loves Konoha! '

All of a sudden, he couldn't help but become active.

There seems to be a deep gay love here...ah...it's a bond!

"Is he your son?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but think of that innocent guy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Yes, that's right, I am his father!"

Looking at the joy on his face, Mirai understood.

This is a good father who loves his son. "The relationship between you two is really enviable!"

As they said, the two of them came to the edge of a river unknowingly.

Looking at the river, the old man's eyes were filled with nostalgia.

I still remember that the two of them threw stones here to see who could pee farther.

And bullied the wolves here every day.

At that time, they were really carefree!

The more he thought of the good memories, the more his chest ached.

This made him complain.

"It's a pity that guy loves Konoha more than me!"

Mirai: ⊙(・◇・)?


Intuition told him that he seemed to have misunderstood, and it seemed that they were not father and son!

Why does it feel like the old man's words just now are so gay?

Because he can hear some resentment from his tone.

Not much, but very deep.

Uchiha Madara couldn't help but hold his chest. Although he was separated from Uzumaki White Zetsu by his body, he could still touch that guy's face.

'Hashirama, wait, I will definitely create a truly peaceful world! '

'When that day comes, I will definitely go to the Pure Land, pull you out, and let you see what true peace is. '

"Little guy, do you have someone you care about very much?" He turned his head and looked at the future, smiling and asked.

The future looked at him and felt for the first time that he, who had a serious face, could be so amiable when he smiled.

"Yes, my parents, although they didn't take care of me much!"

'Very good, I have parents, and I have a deep relationship with them. When the time comes, I will kill them in front of him, and I will definitely let him open the Mangekyō! ' Madara remained calm, still smiling, but secretly thinking in his heart.

"And my favorite sister. The most beautiful thing in the world is not as good as one finger of my sister!"

'Yoshi, the Eternal Eye has been found! '

"And our best friend, Minato Namikaze..." Mirai replied happily. After each word, he would count on his fingers.

Every time he counted, the smile on his face would increase a little.

Until he talked about Minato, the smile on his face could not be stopped!

Seeing Mirai smiling so brightly, Uchiha Madara suddenly fell silent.

Because he vaguely saw his own shadow on the child's face.

At that time, did his eyes also have his shadow!

"What kind of person is that child named Minato Namikaze?? "Another child aroused his curiosity.

Hearing this, Mirai looked at him in surprise, "Grandpa, don't you usually go out?"

Minato didn't say that he came to Uchiha every day, but he came once every three days on average.

And every time he helped someone, these old ladies and old men would see him, how could they not recognize him?

Suddenly, Mirai also found something unusual at this time. He had never seen this old man.

You know, he has been helping old ladies and old men for three or four years. He may not be familiar with the people in the village, but there is no old man in Uchiha that he doesn't know.

But this one in front of him is the first time he has seen it.

This made him suspicious, and his previous good impression of him completely disappeared.

Uchiha Madara's heart moved slightly, and this kid seemed to be alert.

But it can also be seen from the side that this kid is indeed kind from the heart.

"Grandpa, who are you? I have never seen you in the clan! "

"The little guy is quite alert!" Madara was not panicked at all.

Uchiha Mirai did not answer. Although the old man looked kind, he always felt that the old man was not as simple as he appeared.

'Damn it, I was too excited when I helped the old ladies before, and I didn't notice this!'

At this moment, he realized that in addition to his inability to resist Hyuga Reika's ketone body, he was also the same to the elderly.

Looking at Uchiha Mirai who began to be wary of him, Madara smiled and didn't plan to continue teasing this child!

He directly showed his [Three Magatama Sharingan] and blinked at Mirai twice.

"What about this!"

Mirai was stunned. He couldn't help but look carefully, "Is this [Sharingan]? "

As we all know, only Uchiha people can close the Sharingan freely, which is an unchanging fact.

After seeing this scene, Mirai breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked at the old man a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa Ha, I made a fuss!"

"It's okay, ninjas should always be vigilant, this is a good thing!" The old man said nonchalantly, and he noticed that Mirai's vigilance against him disappeared, and he felt a little funny in his heart.

Sure enough, he is still a child, it's easy to fool.

This may be because of the old age, or it may be the closeness in blood, so it is easy for him to believe himself.

"You haven't told grandpa yet, what kind of person is that Namikaze Minato!"

Since it is confirmed that this person is from Uchiha, Mirai is not so wary of him.

And there is nothing that cannot be said about Minato.

Everyone knows his relationship with Minato.

"He is a very powerful ninja! "As he said this, he reached out and took out a photo from his mouth.

This photo was taken by him alone for Minato when they went outing.

The background was the Hokage's face, and this guy was smiling unusually brightly.

Because that day was Minato's birthday.

The old man frowned, why did he put the photo in his mouth, but he soon let it go.

Don't talk about him, didn't I also engrave that guy on my heart?

It's normal!

After noticing that the photo was very clean and there was no saliva, he reached out to take the photo, his eyes slightly widened, and he couldn't help but look at it carefully, and in his heart he even compared it with Hashirama.

The smile was the same, very contagious.

Future saw him staring at the photo in a trance, so he said: "Let me tell you, this guy is my best buddy, we went to class together, practiced together, ate together, slept together...

When he saw me disappear, he was so anxious that he cried!

Moreover, this guy is also bad at naming. Once we set a trap to catch wild boars. It was obviously an ordinary pit trap, but he insisted on naming it "Super Invincible Wheel Wu Shouting Trap No. 3". Isn't it funny!"

"There is such a thing! ?" The old man laughed. It's true that this is quite similar to that man.

He remembered that one day, that guy hurriedly ran to him and made a messy seal.

He shouted [Physical Skill Secret: Super Fire Escape Illusion Slash Big Shuriken Second Section Jutsu], and he laughed at this damn name at the time, which was longer than his life.

For a time, that guy was disappointed!

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