Inside Konoha Village.

Countless people dragged their families and ran towards the Hokage Yan, fearing that if they ran too slowly, they would not have to run anymore.

Although the Hokage Yanyan is just a huge rock cliff, there is actually a barrier inside to support it.

It is enough to deal with a devastating attack.

And there is no need to worry about being buried by the stone. After all, the third generation wants to build a shelter with the Hidden Rock Village as the imaginary enemy.

Waterproof, fireproof, and earthquake-proof, all added at once.

On the empty street, a few figures suddenly flashed.

They were silent, and there was no sound at all between movement and stillness.

After a while, the four gathered together.

The other three did not speak, but quietly waited for the leader of the team to speak.

"We followed the merchants to sneak into Konoha during the day just for this moment. Now the time is almost up, let's start!"


Several people answered.

Then they sat cross-legged on the ground and began to form a unified hand seal on their hands.

This scene happened in every corner of the village.

Unfortunately, the Konoha ninjas were all transferring population and heading to the city wall for defense, so no one noticed this scene for a while.

Future direction.

The cooperation of the four of them was simply the brightest one in the field.

There were no less than twelve puppets that were broken by them. Seeing that there were still nearly thirty puppets, Future had a tired and bitter smile.

While blocking these puppets, he also had to protect Rope Tree from being attacked.

The most important thing was to avoid being attacked by the puppets.

With three things in one mind, his consumption was unprecedentedly high.

Even with the help of other ninjas, it was the same.

And it took so long to break these few, mainly because Rope Tree also needed to recover, and Future also had to find an opportunity to cut off the control of the lone puppet.

But soon, he found that he seemed to be relieved.

Looking carefully, he could find that the number of those puppets seemed to be much less.

"Boy, you did a good job!" Suddenly, a simple and honest voice came from behind him.

He was slightly startled.

Then he turned his head and looked, and suddenly his eyes went dark, he couldn't see anything, and his nose seemed to be touched by something elastic!

"Oh my god!" Weilai was so scared that he hurriedly drew his sword and chopped it down.

But fortunately, the man knew what would happen if he rashly approached the ninja who had been fighting for a long time.

He hurriedly rolled on the ground and immediately avoided Weilai's blade.

At this time, Weilai finally saw the light, and when he saw the ball on the ground, he reacted.

Such a familiar tonnage!

"You... are... from the Akimichi clan?" The other party was really easy to identify.

Only the Akimichi clan ninjas could be so plump.

"Hey... you kid, I was just about to praise you, but you almost chopped me off!"

After hearing what the other party said, Weilai's face froze, and he quickly apologized: "Uh... I'm sorry, my vision went dark just now, and I thought I was trapped by the enemy's conspiracy!"

I didn't expect that it was because the other party was too fat that blocked his vision, so his eyes went dark.

Uncle Qiu Dao shook his head and didn't take it to heart, "Okay, kids, you guys take a rest first, leave this to us!"

Hearing this, Weilai felt the city wall shaking, as if it was hit by something heavy.

The next moment, there were many more fat guys in his sight, and they hit the puppets heavily like hail.

This completely relaxed the tight strings in his heart.

"Well, uncles, you have to be careful, these puppets are too damn hard and dangerous!"

Uncle Qiu Dao smiled and replied: "Okay!"

But he was complaining in his heart.

You have already broken more than half of these, and it is still dangerous!

I am here to pick up what is ready.

Soon, Weilai returned to the back of the city wall, relaxed his mind, and softened immediately.

"Oh my God, I almost died of exhaustion!"

Hearing this, Hyuga Linghua rolled her eyes speechlessly, "If you were working alone, you might have only dismantled three puppets by now!"

Weilai did not refute, because that was the fact.

"I am weak, how can you not be weak!" Shengshu sat down directly against him.

While speaking, he also put his fist in front of Weilai.

"Look, my fist is red!"

Weilai just took a look and was immediately happy.

"Oh my god, your fist..."

Before he finished speaking, Shengshu hurriedly interrupted him and said, "I know what it is, don't talk!"

"... It's as red as a pig's trotter!" Weilai didn't tolerate him, and continued after he finished speaking.

Sheng Shu: ⊙﹏⊙

Damn it, I was already hungry, so I didn’t want to listen, but you still said it.!

Soon Minato and Kushina also returned to his side.

The two were not much better than the future, and he had dismantled two fewer puppets than the future.

The main reason was that Kushina's strange power had not yet been cultivated.

And Rope Tree was educated by his sister, so it was not surprising that he had the strange power he had now.

"If Sister Tsunade was here, it would probably be solved soon!" Kushina said, and with the help of Hyuga Reika, she sat down quickly.

Hearing this, Rope Tree had something to say, "That's right, my sister is the nemesis of the puppeteer!"

Poison is a piece of cake for Tsunade, and the hardness of the puppet is not as good as her fist.

Hyuga Reika heard the words, glanced at the future, and was a little speechless.

You said that you are a Uchiha, how could you be favored by Lord Orochimaru?

Why? Is it because you are a dead pervert? !

After resting for a while, Mirai noticed that several slugs were crawling towards them.

Because the ninja they assisted was already dead.

The moment he saw them, Mirai was stunned for a moment, and he quickly turned his head to look at Kushina.

"When you summoned the slugs just now, did you give one to my mother?"

Kushina was stunned, and after she recalled for a moment, her face froze, and she hurriedly shook her head and said, "No!"

After that, she picked up the four slugs and combined them into two slightly larger slugs.

"I'll send them right away!" As she said that, she was about to stand up. If the slugs had to crawl by themselves, it would probably be the sun tomorrow.

But Mirai quickly held her down, "You stay here first, I'll go!"

Hearing this, the friends were all anxious.

Minato grabbed him and said, "Let me go. I'm fast and won't be hit that easily!"

Mirai looked at him. Minato was in a mess at this time. A tuft of his yellow hair was cut off and the hair at his temples was stuck together.

He had consumed too much energy in the previous battle. Although he had the slug to help him recover, he was under great pressure when cooperating with Kushina because of Kushina's strength.

His energy consumption was also much greater than Mirai's.

After all, the comprehensive strength of the combination of Wei and Rope was much higher than that of the combination of Tomato and Scrambled Eggs.

He immediately slapped him down and shook his head and said, "Minato, you've consumed more energy than me!"

He then looked at his friends who had stood up, and then said, "And you all should take a break. This battle has consumed a lot of energy for you as well!"

"I don't know what other battles will happen next, but if we all go, no one will be able to fight later!"


"Don't talk about this and that. Teacher Kamimura taught us a word, which is that the battlefield changes rapidly. None of us can guarantee whether an accident will happen or not, so don't act on impulse!" Mirai's words made everyone pause.

This... seems to make sense!

Teacher Kamimura:...

Thank God, it seems that this kid still listened to my lesson!

After Mirai finished speaking, he took two slugs, carried the mad knife, rushed through the blockade of the few puppets, and rushed towards the dense forest outside the village.

A slug climbed onto Mirai's shoulder to help him recover his chakra.

It suddenly asked: "In fact, you can point out that there is a puppeteer in the dense forest, and the Konoha ninja will rush over immediately!"

The future, who was running fast, stopped when he heard this.

Two long traces were left directly.

He looked at the slug and fell into deep silence... The atmosphere suddenly became quiet...


"Fuck, why didn't you say it earlier!"

The slug was startled, and it replied weakly: "I thought you had some ideas!"

"I..." Future was speechless for a while.

"In fact, if you ask me, you are like other Uchiha, you don't trust other people in the village!" The slug said bluntly.

"Uh... Is there..."

"If not, wouldn't you think of this at the first time!"

For a moment, Future was stunned.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. You are going to your mother's place, right? Let's go!"

"That's right. Let's think about it after the war. Let's go to my mother's place first!" Mirai nodded. This is the most important thing.

His mother held back half of the puppet army, which allowed the four of them, plus the help of the Konoha ninjas who continued to join, to barely block the attack of these puppets.

Otherwise, if they faced this team alone, let alone Mirai, perhaps only Minato could escape with his speed.

So, her mother Mieko was equivalent to holding back half of the puppet army by herself.

This is what makes Mirai worried.

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