After Hyuga Reika recovered, the five little ones fell into the process of training day after day.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.


"I succeeded!"

"Everyone look at me, my [Rasengan] has finally been successfully trained!"


A burst of ecstatic laughter came from the direction of the rope tree, attracting many friends to look at them sideways.

Mirai and Minato stopped fighting, and Kushina and Reika also put down the books in their hands.

There were books piled up more than half a meter high around them.

All of them were the treasures of the Uzumaki clan, all about sealing techniques.

Sealing techniques are a technique with a very high upper limit and a lower limit that is higher than a person's head.

The starting point is B-level difficulty.

Therefore, in addition to time, if you want to learn sealing techniques, you must also have a smart mind and corresponding talents.

Both of them put down their books and curiously approached the rope tree.

Looking at the dazzling ball in his hand, everyone was a little surprised.

"Great, in a month, you finally mastered this technique!" Mirai praised.

This is the normal level of a native genius in the ninja world to learn this technique.

Minato is completely cheating.

Naruto actually has a very strong talent for learning techniques. In the early stage, it was just that the Nine-Tails interfered with the flow of chakra, which made him always unable to do it.

That's why he looks like a fool.

He was able to learn [Rasengan] within a week. Although there is a suspicion of cheating, it is undeniable that he can learn [Rasengan] in a week. This talent is many times stronger than that of ordinary people.

As a time traveler, Mirai is even stuck at the door of the third step.

This difficulty even makes him want to give up.

And Jiraiya can learn it after three days, that's because he has reached the peak period.

The understanding of the technique has reached a very deep level.

"Hehe... To be honest, Future, you are so fucking awesome. This instantaneous feeling is much stronger than my [Super Strength Punch]!"

If [Super Strength Punch] is not used with seals, its power will be much smaller, but [Rasengan] does not have this feeling.

How powerful it can be depends on how much chakra the operator injects.

And maintain its shape unchanged.

As long as the last point can be guaranteed, then theoretically, he can even rub out a ball the size of Konoha.

Now it is only the size of a fist, but it can already break a boulder. If it is rubbed out to the size of a village...

Tsk tsk tsk...

One ball down, don't even think about existing within a radius of 20 miles.

Of course, this is the worst use of [Rasengan]. The inventor Future said that if the extreme shape change is added with the change of properties, then the power of this technique will increase exponentially.

At that time, if a ball of property + form the size of a village is rubbed out, let alone 20 miles, 50 kilometers will not be enough for it to destroy!

When he thought of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wait, wait until I add the nature change into it, then I will go directly to the battlefield and throw it at the enemy position, and see who dares to say that the Senju clan has declined!"

Minato Namikaze on the side just smiled and didn't say anything.

Nature change is not so easy, he hasn't even touched the surface for so long!

But since Rope Tree is so happy, it's not easy for him to hit him.

Mirai also looked at the balls in his hand curiously.

Although they are similar to Minato's, there are still some differences.

For example, Minato's balls are bluer, while Rope Tree's are slightly greener.

It's because the chakra colors of the two are different...

And Rope Tree's [Rasengan] is slightly larger than Minato's.

This should be because Rope Tree's attributes in all aspects are higher than Minato's, such as chakra volume, age, etc.

"Try it and see how powerful it is!" Mirai suggested.

Hearing this, the other friends dispersed together, leaving enough space for Rope Tree.

Minato was very considerate and used the earth escape technique to create a two-meter square earth wall.

This earth wall is very solid and dark in color, and it looks like stone at first glance.

Although the hardness is not as good as stone, it is not much different.

Rope Tree heard this and was eager to try, "Okay, you all be careful not to get hurt!"

After he said that, he found that all the friends were far away.

The distance was at least 20 meters away.

"I say, do you really need to be so scared!"

A fist-sized [Rasengan] is not a hundred detonating tags, so why are they so scared?

"Okay, stop talking, and get started!"

"Yes, Rope Tree, we are going to school!"

Rope Tree: (ー`´ー)


His good mood was gone at this moment!

Thinking of this, he immediately slapped the soil in front of him and took it as an object of anger!

He quickly protected his face with his other hand to prevent the splashing soil from hurting his handsome cheek.

In just a breath, the earth wall made by Minato with chakra instantly produced cracks.

These marks were like spider webs, densely packed.

It looked like a wall made of irregular building blocks.

As long as a little force was applied, the wall would collapse.

And in the cracks, there was a blue-green light flashing.

It was like the light was wandering around in the cracks of these spider webs.

Before a breath had passed.

The whole wall collapsed.

It was like the core components at the bottom of the building blocks were pulled out.

The walls that lost their supporting force all fell down at once.

Rope Tree, who was protecting his face with his hands, was a little stunned when he saw this scene.

"Is it broken!?"

"Shouldn't it be an explosion?"

Future and the others also had this question, otherwise they would not have dodged and ran 20 meters away.

They were afraid that the wall would explode and hurt them.

The experiment was over at this time, and everyone approached quickly to take a closer look.

Future squatted on the ground, picked up a small piece of broken mud, and put it in front of his eyes to examine it carefully.

He found that the irregular surface of the mud was very rough, not the kind that was cut, but the kind that was broken by a huge force.

Each cross section was very obvious.

"This should be shattered!"

As he said, he stood up, and Hyuga Reika beside him curiously took the mud in his hand.

Looked at it carefully.

"That is to say, when Rope Tree's [Rasengan] hit the wall, it instantly produced an explosive vibration.

However, this vibration is either very strong, shattering the wall in an instant, and the excess force is all dissipated along the cracks.

Or this vibration is just right, only shattering the wall, and the force of the [Rasengan] has already dissipated!"

Her analysis is not unreasonable.

If the force is small, or the force is large but not to the limit, the wall will not collapse like a building block.

Instead, it will produce an explosion, causing the fragments of the wall to fly out instantly.

Minato thought about it, and he shook his head, "No, these two points are too difficult, and Rope Tree is performing it for the first time, it is impossible to achieve these two points!"

"Why don't you try it again, Rope Tree!" Kushina suggested.

Rope Tree thought about it, and thought it would be better to perform it again. He was also very curious about what his [Rasengan] was!

Why did it shatter the wall?

Minato hurriedly used the earth wall again according to the previous amount.

This time they did not evacuate, but stood behind Rope Tree, intending to watch closely.

"Well, everyone open your eyes and watch!"

After Rope Tree finished speaking, a blue-green ball appeared on the palm of his hand.

The next moment, he pressed it directly into the wall according to the previous action.

In the future, they all opened their eyes wide, and they were reluctant to even blink, for fear of missing the beautiful scene.

Even Hyuga Reika opened her [Baiyan] to observe.

She was also a member of the [Rasengan] learning, and it was a little hard to accept that she was stuck at the second level.

Unable to make the chakra rotate.

So now that there is a sample, she is not going to let this scene go.



A dull explosion burst out from the earth wall.

Countless broken stones and mud blocks were all blown to pieces and shot out in all directions at a rapid speed.

Minato reacted quickly. When the explosion occurred, his expression changed and he immediately hugged Mirai and Kushina.

He also kicked Hinata Reika on the buttocks and kicked her out.

In just a blink of an eye, Mirai and the other two appeared intact 20 meters away!

Only Nawaki was left in the field, standing there in a daze!

It was like lighting firecrackers during the New Year, but being stunned by the explosion.

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