Orochimaru was stunned.

This is too unscientific, someone is simply cheating.

On the contrary, the future and the others were relieved.

"I told you, there is something wrong with Rope Tree!" Hinata Reika said, looking at Rope Tree to see what was different about him.

Although she had seen it many times.

The future and the others also wanted to say something, but Rope Tree interrupted directly: "No, no, no, this is not scientific at all!"

"No, no, no, this is very scientific!" Orochimaru's voice suddenly appeared in everyone's ears, making everyone stunned for a moment.

Jiraiya pointed at the deep pit of the explosion, with a puzzled look on his face.

"You call this science!?"

Orochimaru glanced at him, and he also noticed the strangeness of the people around him, and understood that these people probably thought wrongly.

"In your opinion, what is science?"

"Truth?!" Future thought about it and replied uncertainly.

Orochimaru shook his head when he heard it, "No, science is not truth!

"Is it knowledge? "Minato also curiously put forward his own ideas.

This made Orochimaru look at him a little more. This kid is indeed more awesome than Mirai.

"Although it is not correct, science is roughly equivalent to knowledge!"

After saying that, he looked at a few people again to see if they had any more explanations.

But Mirai and Minato's words have made Kushina and the others speechless. Their views on science are similar to what Minato said about Mirai.

But Lord Orochimaru rejected it.

So when they faced Orochimaru's sight, they all looked at each other and shook their heads.

"A certain method of confirming the conjecture is logical! ?" The younger one didn't speak, and it was the elder one's turn to speak. Tsunade asked curiously.

Orochimaru smiled and nodded, "Almost, but still a little short! "

When he was about to wait for others to come up with different opinions, he suddenly realized that only Jiraiya and Nawaki were left.

Let these two guys come up with opinions!?

Is my head stuck in the door?

He was speechless.

Then he said: "In my opinion, science is neither a theory nor a conclusion, nor a standard.

Science is just a method, a method of understanding the world and things.

Observe - experiment - record - summarize the rules - draw conclusions, this is such a method. "

He looked into the future and continued: "And science is definitely not the truth!"

"Oh! "

Mirai nodded. He knew that this was what Orochimaru said to him!

But it was true that although he lived in the era of the scientific explosion, he really couldn't explain what science was.

The word "truth" just now was what he subconsciously thought of after seeing teacher Orochimaru.

After all, teacher Orochimaru said that he wanted to find the truth of this world.

And he was very scientific all his life.

Jiraiya interrupted: "Don't talk about those sciences. We just want to know why the scrapped detonating tag blew up Rope Tree!"

"Yes, teacher, why was I blown up?" Rope Tree also stepped forward, and the whole person was a little bitter.

Could it be that there really is a God of Detonating Talisman in this world? He knew that he used the detonating tag to wipe his ass, so he took revenge on him?!

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Orochimaru's expression became a little serious. He looked at Rope Tree and said word by word: "Rope Tree, you are going to die!"

"Huh? ! ”


Naoki was stunned!

Even more stunned than when he saw himself in women's clothing.

Why was he going to die???

Everyone had the same expression, especially Tsunade. After she came to her senses, her face suddenly became ugly.

Orochimaru continued, "And he was killed by a detonating talisman!"

Naoki also reacted at this moment, and he was immediately anxious, "Teacher, are you lying to me? How could I die, and be killed by a detonating talisman!"

As he spoke, he suddenly stopped, and his eyes could not help but meet his sister's.

"Killed by a detonating talisman!?"

This is so familiar!

Familiar He realized that this was what the person he was most familiar with said.

"Sister, it turned out that you cursed me!"

Tsunade: (⊙_⊙)?

"That was just a metaphor, how could I curse!" Tsunade was numb.

Can it be explained like this! ?

The development of this matter is not scientific at all!

"Then explain to me why I was blown up by the scrapped detonating talisman!" Nawaki's whole body was visibly miserable.

Sister, I am your child who you have beaten up since I was a child, do you really want me to die!

Tsunade hurriedly shook her head and denied: "I am not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

It was just her three consecutive denials, making Rope Tree even more miserable.

Seeing her brother like this, Tsunade immediately grabbed Orochimaru.

She looked at him unkindly, "Explain it to me, or I'll remove your fifth leg first!"

Orochimaru shrugged, just remove that thing, anyway, he didn't think of using it!

But when he saw Tsunade's clenched fist, he couldn't help but feel scared for a moment.

Tsunade's fist hurts a lot.

Even if his body has been modified with software and can withstand Jiraiya's full-strength ten punches, it can't stop Tsunade's random punch!

He hurriedly comforted Tsunade with his eyes, and then broke free from her hands.

"I guess Rope Tree should be remembered by the God of Death!"


Everyone was confused.

This is more unbelievable than hearing the explosion of a scrapped detonating tag.

"Death God!"

"Isn't that just a mindless rule? He will appear only when someone dies. If no one dies, he is just a pile of shit!" Rope Tree said stupidly.

Although the others did not agree, judging from their expressions, they had almost the same idea.

"No, according to rumors, it was the Six Paths Sage who divided yin and yang, determined the five elements, and founded the Ninja Sect. Because he took the dead to the Pure Land, there are no ghosts and gods in this world.

But don't you think that the Ninja World has been developing for so long, and countless people have died. Can the Six Paths Sage manage it alone?"

Further along his train of thought, thinking, "Teacher, what you mean is that the so-called Death God is not an irrational rule. He is a product of thought and can act based on his own behavioral consciousness?!"

"Yeah!" Orochimaru nodded, and he looked up at the sky with a sense of loss.

"Perhaps there is also the legendary King Yama in the Pure Land World. He is in charge of the Book of Life and Death, which determines all the destinies of people from birth to death.

And Rope Tree should have been killed by the detonating talisman a long time ago, but he did not die, so this violated the operating rules of the ninja world.

So I guess it was the god of death who did it!"

Rope Tree rolled his eyes, a little bit unable to understand, "Teacher, your statement is so unscientific!"

The god of death actually came to claim his life in person...

Hearing this, Orochimaru retracted his gaze and looked at him, "Do you think science is just a It must be something you know and can explain.

No, our ancestors in the ignorant period regarded thunder and rain as a gift or punishment from the gods.

But now we all know that it is just a natural phenomenon.

Water vapor rises and gathers together to form clouds, and the alternation of cold and heat will cause water droplets to condense quickly. When its buoyancy is less than the gravity of the earth, it will fall to the ground.

This is rain! "

"Do you dare to say that this is still a gift from God!" Orochimaru said, staring straight at Nawaki.

This made the latter speechless for a while, his mouth twitched, and finally he managed to say a word.

"But... the god of death... is too..."

Kushina shook her head and retorted: "Brother Rope Tree, the god of death is real. My clan has studied various gods.

There are evil gods, demon gods, and gods of death. At that time, the strong men of our Whirlpool clan used special masks to communicate with the god of death and signed a contract.

Created the soul forbidden technique, [Shiki Seal].

The people in the clan used this trick to take away many people in that war."

As she said, she couldn't help but think of the Nanmen Hall, where many masks were stored.

These are all instruments for communicating with the god of death.

"And there is more than one god of death. Our clan has signed contracts with many gods of death!"

Rope Tree: "..."

I know the god of death exists, but I don't want to be remembered by the god of death!


I am still so young, I have never even held Hong Hong's hand...

I have never even heard Future call me brother-in-law...

I don't want to die!

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