Orochimaru's face showed an evil and crazy smile.

Licking his lips, he continued, "No, that's the expression of looking at a monster, and it was the Rock Ninja who turned you into a monster!"

"But in the end, not only are they not grateful, but they hate you, but you still have to protect this group of people..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... pathetic!"

Lao Zi may have heard what Orochimaru said, or maybe not, but the hatred and fear in the eyes of the people around him looking at the monster really stung him.

"You..." He just opened his mouth.

Some people around him couldn't help the fear in their hearts and cursed directly.

He looked at Lao Zi with extremely hateful eyes, "Monster, you are not Lao Zisama, you are a monster, my brother didn't do anything, he was killed by you!"

"You die... monster!"

As he said, the man threw a kunai at Lao Zi angrily, but this attack was directly blocked by his [Tailed Beast Coat].

"When did I..." Old Zi was stunned.

At this time, Orochimaru kindly reminded him.

"Take a good look behind you!"

When he pushed Old Zi away just now, this guy bumped into many unlucky Rock Ninjas.

And because of the corrosive power of their [Tailed Beast Coat], this group of people were killed.

Hearing this, Old Zi subconsciously looked behind him, and his clear eyes were stunned for a moment!

What did he see...

He saw corpses that were corroded beyond recognition.

One of them had even become a skeleton!

"See, these are all Rock Ninjas who died because of you. They did nothing and were ruthlessly killed by your Tailed Beast Chakra. Your hands are already stained with the blood of your own companions!"

"And..." Orochimaru said, with a strange smile on his face.

"And the seeds of hatred have been planted, and it is impossible to cut them off. Even if you kill them all, they still have other relatives, descendants, friends...

This hatred will be inherited by them!"

"So, Lao Zi, since you were made into Jinchūriki by the Rock Ninja, you are no longer people of the same world. They will regard you as aliens and demons. No matter how much you do, no matter how well you do, they will not regard you as companions!"

"The prejudice in people's hearts is a mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can't move it..."

I don't know if Lao Zi heard Orochimaru's series of words. At this moment, he looked at the kunai that fell to the ground with a dull look.

This kunai is the standard equipment of their Rock Ninja.

In the past, it was used to attack the enemy.

But at this moment, it was used to attack himself.

Could it be that he has become their enemy! ?

At this time, Ohnoki came late.

He hurriedly landed beside Lao Zi and stretched out his hand to press his shoulder, but when he saw the dry bones on the ground, his eyes twitched slightly.

No, no! Can't press it, or you'll be dead.

"Lao Zi, don't fall for Orochimaru's words, he just wants you to run away and cause more damage to our own people!"

As he said, he turned his head and looked at the young Iwagakure who had just attacked, and scolded: "I know you lost your relatives and lost your mind for a while, but you don't think about it, Lao Zi is fighting for the future of our Iwagakure Village.

Look at his skin, which part is intact.

And it was Konoha, Orochimaru, and Tsunade who caused all these casualties.

If they hadn't beaten Lao Zi and Han to our camp, how could they be injured and die!"

Although he and Lao Zi don't get along, both of them are very stubborn guys.

But in the face of such a big issue, he will definitely help his own people.

Hearing this, many people's hatred was diverted by Ohnoki, although a few looked at Lao Zi with hatred.

But there were only two more people to whom this hatred was directed.

That was Orochimaru and Tsunade.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru's heart skipped a beat.

He did not expect that he wanted to use words to arouse the dark side of Lao Zi's heart, but was mostly resolved by Ohnoki.

Before he could think about it carefully.

The accident happened again.


A roar full of beasts resounded throughout the location of the second unit.

A momentum condensed into substance and spread out from the roar.

The ninjas who were close were directly blown away by this momentum.

Some ninjas with weak strength were directly killed in the air.

Waves of chakra, which were even scarleter than before, spread out in all directions.

The rock ninjas were left with nothing but fear.

Although OrochimaruHe was terrified, but a hint of joy appeared on his face.

That place, if I remember correctly, seemed to be where Han was.

Tsunade succeeded! ?

Unfortunately, his sight was blocked by a group of rock ninjas, and he couldn't see that direction at all.

But he saw five red opaque tails waving in the air.

These were obviously the physical tails of the tailed beasts in the second state.

Orochimaru glanced at Lao Zi, and said happily: "Look, Han has gone berserk. Even if you help the rock ninjas, defeat us, and suppress Han, these people will not be grateful to you!"

As he said that, he noticed Tsunade's signal to evacuate quickly, and he immediately left.

Now that Han has gone berserk, they can stay at the scene to harass the rock ninjas and let the five-tailed beast wreak havoc.

But if they are not careful, they will become the targets of Lao Zi, Han, and Ohnoki.

It's not worth it.

To maximize the benefits, they should take this opportunity to return to the headquarters immediately, defeat the Rock Ninjas in one fell swoop while the top leaders are suppressing the tailed beasts, and then lead the crowd to kill them all the way.

Then Konoha will win.

In the Kaifang barrier.

Mirai directly used the double magatama.

This made the friends present numb.

I don’t know since when, Mirai always throws out a trump card that they don’t know.

At first it was ninjutsu, then he mastered the [Sword Qi] at a young age, then the changes of the mad sword, and finally the [Sharingan].

Especially the [Sharingan], who would not be extremely surprised after seeing it for the first time.

I thought I was dreaming.

Only Rope Tree was not surprised, he even thought it should be so.

At this moment, he looked at the back of Uchiha Mirai and twitched the corners of his mouth twice.

"Haha... so shocked... Mirai actually has a [Dual Magatama Sharingan]!"

The words were very shocking.

But the tone was extremely perfunctory.

Minato's face was already full of resentment, "Mirai, you've been hiding it from me for so long!"

No, I can't be appeased without one... oh no... two women's clothes!

 ̄へ ̄


Hyuga Reika glanced at Nawase, she was the least shocked person in the field.

Because it was her own credit that Mirai could open the double magatama!

She stared at Nawase, puzzled and asked: "Come to think of it, you didn't seem to be shocked when you saw Mirai open his eyes for the first time, did you? Did you know something?"

Nawase glanced at her, then at Mirai who was carrying the mad knife A, and glanced at the corner of his mouth.

"How should I put it? Maybe it's blood induction. During the last Konoha defense battle, I inexplicably sensed something from the dense forest.

It's an inexplicable feeling, but I instinctively sensed that Mirai might have opened his eyes!"

"In the following month of battles, I often found that his eyesight was ridiculously good.

He may not have noticed it, but his eyesight is far beyond that of ordinary people.

His insight is even more terrifying. According to the notes of my second grandfather, this is the terrifying vision that only Uchiha with opened eyes can have under normal circumstances.

So I already have a guess in my mind!"

Everyone: "Soga!"

( ´• •`)

So that's it. No wonder Nawaki was not so shocked when he saw the [Sharingan].


A black shadow passed directly in front of them, raising a gust of wind, and the four of them were so shocked that they all took attacking postures.

Only then did they realize that Mirai was beaten away again! !

Hey... why... use 'again'! ?

At this moment, the future hit the rock hard, and his face flushed instantly.


The next second, he coughed up a pool of blood.

After coughing out the blood, the future felt much better.

The slug on his shoulder was immediately frightened and screamed for the first time.


"Don't move, I'll heal you!"

Instantly, a slightly cool breath came from his shoulder, swam all over his body, and healed his injuries.

After a few breaths, the future didn't feel so painful.

He didn't feel like paying attention to the slug's words, but rolled his eyes and glared at Minato and the others.

"I'm speechless. This person looks very difficult to deal with. How can you bear to watch me fight her alone!"

Minato hurried over and carefully helped the future up. He couldn't help but laugh dryly.

"Uh... blame us for this!"

In fact, it's not their fault.

Just before they talked, they had just dealt with the Rock Ninjas, and then they saw Mirai opening the double magatama.

So they were all stunned for a moment.

That’s when Mirai was hit by the opponent.The picture of the blast back.

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