The couple turned to look at the future. To be honest, they were also curious about whether the future had someone they liked.

The future tilted his head and didn't look at them. He said lightly: "No!"

There was a strange smile on Mieko's face. She asked: "What kind of girls do you like?"

"Pretty, big waves!"

Three people: "???"

Pretty girls, they understand. Who doesn't like pretty girls? But what does big waves mean?

Does it mean the kind with permed hair?

No, sister Li!

Uchiha Dazhuang has been secretly paying attention to the future's expression. At this moment, he was somewhat relieved.

'This kid really cares about his sister! '

When talking about Honghong's boyfriend just now, this kid obviously cares a little. Even if he turned his head away, his ears would stand up high and eavesdrop on them.

This look is like trying to cover up the truth.

There is only entanglement and melancholy on his face, but no emotions such as being angry and disagreeing.

This shows that he has a deep sister-brother relationship with Honghong, and the feelings have not deteriorated.

But he also knows that Honghong, as a girl, will get married in the future anyway.

That's why he is melancholy.

As for marrying someone into the family, it depends on the other party's intention.

Thinking of this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If this stinky boy really has improper thoughts about his sister, he will definitely break his bones.

The future is a bit complicated. When he thinks of his beloved sister, who will marry a stranger in the future, cook delicious meals for him, and wash and fold quilts for him, he feels blocked in his heart.

Obviously, all this belongs to him.

But men should get married when they are old enough, and women should get married when they are old enough. This is the foundation of the development of the human race, and he can't stop it. It's impossible for him to be a bad guy and tie his sister to himself for life.

Then he will be hated to death by his sister. Even if his sister doesn't hate him, he can't forgive himself in his heart.

Thinking of this, he is even more annoyed.

To some extent, what Uchiha Dazhuang wanted to see did happen.

He picked up the new sword his sister had given him, stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'm going out to practice!"

"Oh, go early and come back early, don't be too tired!" Mieko replied, then turned to look at Honghong with a smile.

She was so curious about which brat could be valued by her daughter who was gentle on the outside but proud on the inside.


"Just tell mom, mom promises not to tell anyone else!"


In the grove.

It was still the two trees where Mirai and Minato practiced climbing trees.

Mirai held the sword in both hands, staring at the tree.

He just stared at it motionlessly. If it weren't for the murderous aura in his eyes, he would probably be mistaken for a lifelike statue.

It was already evening, and half of the sun had already buried itself in the top of the mountain.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on them, making the future even more angry.

A breeze blew, rolling up the fallen leaves.

The tree that the future was staring at was also shaking slightly, as if it was afraid and speechless.

If it could speak, the greetings of the telegraph ape would probably echo throughout the forest.

Just as the future was getting more and more angry, he put away his knife.

He turned and looked at a certain place in the dense forest with a cold expression.

A similar scene appeared again in the morning.

A figure that was so fat that even the big tree could not cover it appeared in front of him again.

He said coldly: "Hinata... Reika!"

He appeared near him again and again. He didn't think that Hinata Reika had developed a good impression of him because he saved her the first time, just like Hinata, who was obsessed with Naruto in the dark.

He is indeed very handsome, just a little bit worse than the big men here.

But he knows clearly how evil his character is.

Those people in the class who were ruthlessly rejected by him but still came up to him tirelessly were just greedy for his beauty.

They are all superficial people.

The exposed part of the fat ball shuddered instantly when he heard the words of the future that chilled him to the bone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be practicing here at this time!" Fat Ball replied in a panic.

After signing in here in the morning, she was very curious about what was here that allowed the system to let her punch in here and increase her progress in the [Reincarnation Eye].

Originally, she wanted to come in the middle of the night when there was no one, but that would be more likely to attract attention.

Konoha is patrolled by people from the Anbu and the police department at night, not to mention that there are also people patrolling the territory of their Hyuga clan.

With her current figure and strength, she can'tAvoid these patrol lines.

So she came here when everyone was eating. She thought that Mirai and Minato had practiced after school, and they should not practice again after going home and eating.

So, she guessed wrong.

When she came to the outskirts of the forest, she used her Byakugan to see that there was no one here, so she walked in.

Who would have thought that when she closed her [Baiyan] and walked in here, Mirai also came here by chance.


I should not have closed my [Baiyan] earlier.

Although walking with [Baiyan] staring, it is very suspicious.

[Baiyan] is the blood limit of perspective + farsightedness, but this kind of exploration will be noticed by others.

And Konoha has stipulated that Hyuga clan members cannot open [Baiyan] at will unless there is something else.

After all, no one wants to be spied on.

Mirai narrowed her eyes and suppressed the coldness in her eyes.

He pointed the knife at her and said calmly: "I don't care whether you did it intentionally or not, anyway, I'm very angry now, and I really want someone to help me calm down!"

Hinata Reika: "!!!"

Calm down! ?

Damn it, I'm so ugly, and you can actually do that!

In an instant, she felt embarrassed, irritated, and a little angry.

She was indeed pretending, but that was for the people of the Hyuga clan to see, not really weak.

If he dared to let her do that, she would kill him here even if she risked being exposed.

"Uchiha Mirai, I really didn't mean it!"

Mirai took a step and rushed out with a knife, "Guess whether I believe it or not!"

Before he finished speaking, his knife chopped at Hinata Reika.

Hinata Reika's eyes widened suddenly, and the shame and anger on her face disappeared instantly.

'He really wants to kill me! ? ’

Because she felt a strong killing intent from the blade.

That was the mind of a person who wanted to kill a knife, which was directly expressed through the weapon.

She rolled on the ground without thinking, and rolled out of the attack range of the blade of the future.

Her round figure allowed her to roll better, and she rolled out ten meters away.

At this time, the blade stopped just after it hit her original position.

This made the future serious. He put away the knife and looked at the fat ball who had climbed up ten meters away. He looked at it carefully and said: "You are not an ordinary Hyuga tribe member!"

The moment he attacked just now, he did have killing intent.

He didn't think that the person who appeared near him again and again would be an innocent person.

Later, he regretted that he was impulsive and wanted to kill people just because of a disagreement. This was not good. The world is so beautiful, and he can't be so irritable.

So he withdrew some of his strength halfway.

Unexpectedly, with just this one test, he found out Duan Yi.

He is so fat, but he has the agility and speed comparable to Minato. It's not easy.

The timid expression on Fatty's face disappeared, her face returned to calm, and she looked at the future coldly.

A hint of murderous intent also emerged in her heart.

Although this incident was caused by herself, she decided to kill him first in the risk of exposing her secret.

Only the dead will not betray themselves.

"Why!" She opened her eyes and revealed her pure and flawless pupils.

Only then did the future realize that the person in front of her did not cover her eyes because of the fat on her cheeks, but she squinted them deliberately.

This is interesting.

A person from the Hyuga branch family actually disguised herself as a weak, timid, and cowardly fat woman.

What is she trying to achieve...

"Although this matter is my fault, if you find some abnormalities in me, then I will not let you live!"

Although killing an Uchiha student would be troublesome, it is just troublesome.

Once those old people in the Hyuga main family know that she is pretending, she will definitely die.

No matter how talented she is, it is no exception.

Because she has great hatred for the main family, and she has talent, these two points are enough.

The main family does not mind that the branch family hates them, but they are very concerned about the people in the branch family having super high talent and strength.

Because no one can guarantee that before [Bird in the Cage] is activated, that person will not kill himself in an instant.

This is the main family now, the canary protected in the cage.

Greedy, and extremely afraid of death.

"Ha! Then I beg you, kill me quickly!" Future taunted.

It's really funny, a fat man actually thinks he can kill himself, then he will embarrass the time travelers.

In the ninja world, he does not think that people of the same realm have the ability to kill him.

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