Mirai was playing with the small porcelain bottle in her hand.

He got it when he cut the opponent's belt just now.

Since he knew that the opponent could take drugs, he would not pretend that he saw nothing.

His mind was always on the medicine bottle. Look, the move just now seemed to be trying to attack the opponent's big belly. Of course, it would be best if it succeeded.

In fact, it was secretly for the porcelain bottle she put on her waist.

"This time I want to see how you take drugs!" Mirai looked at her jokingly.

This fat woman was the first person he had ever seen in terms of strength and talent, of course, except for Minato, the pervert. He still didn't know how strong the other party was.

Two days ago, that guy tied with himself with physical strength alone, and that guy kept saying that he had tried his best.

God knows what other tricks he has secretly kept.

Just like he was hiding the [Chakra Body Activation Mode] to trick him.

That guy definitely has a trick up his sleeve, more likely two or three. Don't look at him smiling all day and being sunny to everyone, but the future is absolutely sure that he is a yellow-cut black guy.

Hinata Reika's face was extremely ugly. She stared at the porcelain bottle in the future's hand and said in a deep voice: "In fact, there is no hatred between us. Why do we have to fight to the death? How about this, you and I take a step back, I won't bother you, and you return the medicine bottle to me, how about it?"

This secret medicine was deduced by her hard work for so many years. I don't know how much effort she spent.

Uchiha Future: "..."

He had a black line on his forehead. Listen, is this how to take a step back?

"You are ugly, but you think beautifully!"

The future crushed the porcelain bottle in his hand in front of her.

The blood-red pill the size of a fingernail was exposed, and the taste was a bit spicy. "This thing is so dangerous. As a reserve member of the Uchiha Guard, I have the right to destroy it on the spot!"

As he said that, he threw it on the ground and raised his foot to crush it!

Seeing this scene, Hyuga Reika was immediately anxious. She shouted with bloodshot eyes: "You dare!"

Future did not speak. He stared at the other party with his eyes, and the weapon in his hand was also aimed at Hyuga Reika to prevent her from rushing up.

And his foot had already stepped on the pill and pushed it hard.

Then he spread his hands and looked at her with a raised corner of his mouth.

The posture was like saying, do you think I dare!

Hyuga Reika looked at his feet, and a hint of red gradually appeared in her pure white eye sockets. If it weren't for the fact that the other party was from the Hyuga clan and had the [Baiyan], Future would have worried that the other party would open the [Sharingan]!

Her palms creaked and her whole body trembled with anger, especially since she was so fat that the fat on her body rose and fell like waves.

It felt like the second generation Mizukage's water-oil clone, and her body was shaking.

"Uchiha... Mirai!" She gritted her teeth and shouted, her voice was a little low and hoarse at first, and when she shouted the word "Mirai", she was already roaring.

Fortunately, Konoha is very large and this place is very remote. It has been "occupied" by Uchiha Mirai and Minato for a long time, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, few people come to this place except Minato and Mirai.

Therefore, after fighting for so long, no one came to check.

After all, most of the village's combat power was sent to the battlefield.

The remaining people were called to the Senju residence by the third generation, so Konoha is unprecedentedly empty now.


"Are you angry now?!" Future's expression was very annoying, and he continued to add fuel to the fire: "I'm right here, come and hit me!"

"I want you to die!" Hyuga Reika shouted angrily and rushed towards Future.

Seeing this scene, Future's mouth corners slightly raised, very good, she was successfully angered!

This is the result we want. Crazy beasts are indeed dangerous, but they are also the easiest to deal with.

Not to mention people who have lost their minds.

Looking at Hyuga Reika, who was sprinting faster than before, Future was more focused.

Although people who have lost their minds are easier to deal with, the premise is that they cannot be hit by the opponent.

Because losing your mind also has its advantages, that is, the attack power will be greatly improved.

He turned around and ran!

The best way to deal with people who have lost their minds is to keep her at a distance and fight a war of attrition.

When she comes to her senses, her physical strength, chakra, energy, etc. have been consumed a lot, so it will undoubtedly be easier to face her again.

That's why he is the easiest to deal with.

Therefore, most people fight to provoke each other.


Just as he stood up and jumped away, a big hole suddenly exploded where he was.

The hole was one meter deep and five meters deep.meters wide, and outside it were dense spider-web-like cracks.

Waves of dust splashed up instantly, surrounding the pit, making it difficult for the future to see the situation inside.

But the future does not need to see, and can guess with his butt that this is the movement caused by Hyuga Reika's rush.

If it were before, although she moved swiftly and at a very fast speed, it would not have much impact on the surrounding environment.

Fortunately, this place is remote enough, and fortunately today is a special day, so no one will notice the abnormality and come to check.

The future stood on the branch, holding the trunk with one hand, staring straight at the smoke and dust below, always alert to Hyuga Reika.

As long as you survive this dangerous period, then victory will eventually belong to you.

Thinking of this, he continued to stimulate: "What's wrong? Is this all your strength?"

As he said, he waved his hand, and three kunai flew out immediately.

[Uchiha·Kunai Throwing Technique] is one of his moves, but facing Hyuga Reika who has activated [Baiyan], this move is half useless.

Because no matter how the kunai changes its trajectory, it cannot escape the insight of [Baiyan].

But it is still a good choice to anger Hyuga Reika and provoke her nerves.

Ding ding ding!

As soon as the kunai sank into the dust, there was a clanging sound of metal collision.

Hearing this sound, Weiwei frowned slightly.

The throw just now was just an ordinary throw, and he didn't think of letting them collide and change direction.

Then there is only one possibility, Hyuga Reika used the kunai to block the three kunai he threw.

This gave him a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, the dust also dissipated, making the figure inside clearer and clearer.

At this time, Hyuga Reika had a calm face. She held a kunai in one hand, which had some scratches on it. Three kunai were stuck in the newly renovated soil around her.

The other hand was holding something tightly.

Seeing her expression, Weilai pursed her lips.

"It's really beyond my expectation that you recovered so quickly!" Weilai's face was not very good. Her idea was actually broken halfway.

It was even worse than Xiaobeibei. At least he saw the dance.

He didn't even see a single flower.

Hyuga Reika looked up and looked at Uchiha Weilai who was looking down at her. She was not in a good mood.

In fact, she had never lost her mind. The action she made just now was just to confuse this guy.

She hoped that he would dodge her attack in a very small range and save his energy like before. In this way, she could take the opportunity to explode and give him a fatal blow.

But this guy was very cunning. He actually wanted to use the method of hanging her from a distance to consume her strength.

If she continued to pretend, even if she pretended to be angry, the physical exhaustion would be real.

That's why she stopped.

"No more pretending, I'm telling you the truth! I've never been angry with you!"

Mirai looked even uglier, he gritted his teeth and replied coldly: "You want to play me?"

"Yes!" Hyuga Reika admitted openly.

"Really? But I don't believe it!"

Hyuga Reika didn't say anything, but spread out her clenched palm and handed it to the future.

It was a red pill the size of a fingernail.

It was exactly the same as the one he crushed before!

"What?!" Seeing this scene, the future suddenly felt bad.

"You actually have two secret pills!?"

Doesn't that mean that what she said was true, and she had never been angry with herself.

Hyuga Reika nodded calmly, but she was a little relieved in her heart that she was cautious enough and took great pains to make a total of three secret pills.

The raw materials of this secret medicine are not easy to find, and have always been strictly controlled by the three families of Zhu Lu Die.

Especially the Nara clan who do medicine business.

Because this secret medicine is related to the secret technique of the Akimichi clan.

It allows the person who takes it to consume a large amount of fat in a very short time in exchange for a huge amount of chakra energy.

It is a secret medicine that she has independently configured after trying to please her classmates of the three families of Zhu Lu Die over the years, and adding her own understanding of chakra.

The efficacy of the medicine is at most about 10% or 20% of the red pepper pills of the Akimichi clan, but it is enough for her to use now.

Originally planned to use it when destroying the main family, but unexpectedly, the first pill was crushed by Uchiha Mirai with his feet without any use value.

Damn the waste!

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