After Orochimaru finished speaking, he left, making Danzo's face twisted with anger.

"Damn, you ungrateful guy, you will regret it sooner or later!"

At the door of the secret base.

Orochimaru couldn't help but turn cold when he heard the roar coming from behind him.

"You look bad, but you think beautifully!"

Don't think he doesn't know what Danzo is up to.

The main purpose of his bringing it up at this moment is to exhaust his future potential.

Or to make his blood disease break out.

As for Rope Tree, he is the one who is most likely to fuse [Wood Release].

By taking these two people under his command, he can get a lot of benefits from them in a short period of time.

Otherwise, Danzo could have said that he would let him join after the blood disease in the future was cured.

Instead of asking them to join now.

So after thinking of this, Orochimaru refused without saying a word!

In fact, after getting along for so long, he still hopes to become the fifth generation Hokage in the future.

Unfortunately, he had tried to test him more than once, but the kid had no such idea at all.

Isn't it infuriating?

But if Minato became Hokage, he could accept it.

Because he was indeed suitable to be Hokage.

He looked up and glanced at the sunlight, which was a bit dazzling.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the sunlight.

He muttered to himself: "Alas, class division..."

Let alone the teacher, he also felt a headache when he thought of this problem.

After all, the current policy is that one jonin leads three genin, and the reform is still in progress.

If they form a team of five in the future, I'm afraid many people will not accept it.

Don't think this is impossible. With more people, there will be all kinds of weird ideas.

So when Nawaki told him that he wanted to continue to form a team of five, he didn't even express it.

It would be better if the person called Hand-beating Ichiraku was stronger.

In this way, he would not be excluded by them invisibly when he joined them in the future.

After all, they are all pretty evil in the future. Even if they don't reject the idea of ​​beating Ichiraku, their invisible actions in daily life will make Ichiraku feel excluded.

Just like the Obiru who played with them in the past.

Now he has no contact with them.

Since they were promoted to Jonin, they have been drifting further and further away from that guy.

Recently, they haven't seen each other for three years.


However, Danzo's words reminded him that they can go to the Anbu for training in the future!

If he becomes Hokage in the future, he may let them join the Anbu to make it easier for him to take charge of the Anbu.

"But it's too early for this. We have to wait until the blood disease in the future is cured!"

Thinking of this, he waved his sleeves and walked towards home.


The five people in the future lay down in the grove together.

None of them had the mind to practice today. Even if Nawaki was most eager to master [Wood Release], he was lying lazily beside the future at this moment.

Kushina was sandwiched between Minato and Reika, and she suddenly spoke softly: "It would be great if we could be so carefree for the rest of our lives!"


This dream seems simple, but it is actually very difficult, because children also have their troubles.

And adults are getting further and further away from this word.

Listening to Kushina's words, Minato did not answer immediately. He was so smart that he naturally knew that Kushina did not want to hear his words of comfort.

The bandages have been removed at this moment.

When he can use [Chakra Perception Technique], it is equivalent to opening his third eye, and there is no need for the bandage seal at all.

And Tsunade has always believed that sealing the eyeballs is not good for the growth of Uchiha people.

After such a long period of treatment, as long as the future does not open his eyes, it will not drag down the body.

So, it is agreed that the future will remove the bandages.

So, the future became a beautiful boy with squinting eyes.

It's not to mention that this kind of maverick behavior has attracted more attention from young ladies.

Even many men will be curious about the future.

Because he seems to have closed his eyes, but it seems that he didn't close them.

If you say he closed his eyes, he can tell the road clearly, know where people are, and know to avoid them without being reminded.

If you say he didn't close his eyes, his eye slits were so tight that you couldn't see his eyeballs at all.

He smiled and said, "Carefree... Then you should work hard to become the woman of the Hokage first!"

I don't know if she didn't understand, Kushina smiled and retorted, "Being the Hokage is Minato's dream, I don't want to compete with him!"

When she introduced herself in class, she said that she wanted to be the Hokage, just to please her classmates.

Being the Hokage is notIt is her real dream.

But Minato's face flushed.

'Hokage...'s...woman! '


This is a good relationship.

I must become Hokage! To realize the dreams of both myself and Kushina.



The third generation was not in the Hokage's office at the moment.

He came to the Aburame clan alone.

Three days later, he would set off for the capital of the Land of Fire.

Then, he would make a "three-resignation and three-resignation" and become the official Hokage certified by the daimyo.

Although this certification was the same to him, it didn't matter whether he had it or not.

The difference was not big.

But this was related to Konoha's financial problems.

After all, the daimyo could make things difficult for Konoha in terms of finances just like the daimyo of the Land of Wind.

So the third generation decided to go to the capital and make a "three-resignation and three-resignation" first.

So he planned to select the sixth person among the five of them in the future today.

He still thought it would be better to let them form a group of three in the future.

And he also heard that Shiguro of the Aburame clan could use nano-level poisonous insects.

Because of this incident, he could not go to school.

So he has been concentrating on recuperation at home.

And the Aburame clan saved Konoha once, when the Upper Water Flow Clan of the Hidden Rock Village wanted to release bees in Konoha, but was discovered by the Aburame clan and stopped outside the village.

Otherwise, with the density of poisonous bees, ordinary people in Konoha would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Although the second generation gave them corresponding rewards, the third generation felt that he could also use this name to pull them to his side.

Hearing that the third generation Hokage was visiting, Aburame hurried out to greet him.

"Master Sandai, please come in!"

The third generation was stunned and asked in surprise: "Hey, it's you, where is your clan leader?"

As he said that, he entered their clan land under the leadership of Younu Buyou.

Hearing this, Younu Buyou hurriedly said: "The clan leader is accompanying Zhiwei to the Insect Valley!"

The third generation was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing, "It seems that I came at the wrong time!"

Younu Buyou subconsciously asked: "Excuse me, Master Sandai, is there anything I can do for you?"

After saying that, he realized that his words were a bit inappropriate, and he hurriedly corrected: "I mean, if it's convenient, I can convey it to the clan leader!"

"Because the clan leader and his men just set out in the morning, it is estimated that they will not be back until tomorrow evening!"

After all, the area of ​​the village is so large. Although there is a forest of death, poisonous insects can be cultivated, but it is obvious that the villagers will not allow it, so their Younu clan found a suitable insect habitat in a dense forest outside the village.

Used to cultivate poisonous insects.

Just like the Nara clan, they also found a deer habitat outside the village to cultivate antlers, and some precious herbs!

The third generation thought about it and felt that it was not a big deal, so he smiled and said: "It's not a secret that can't be told!"

As they said that, they had already arrived at the reception room.

After the third generation sat down, he continued: "You also know the village's policy. Almost one senior ninja leads three junior ninjas to perform tasks, that is to say, general tasks are in groups of four.

It can effectively improve work efficiency and also allow junior ninjas to get sufficient training.

Orochimaru and his three ninjas accepted five disciples. Recently, I have been having a headache about their grouping!"

Hearing this, Aburame's breathing stagnated slightly.

He had already heard the third generation's intention.

This is to find someone from their clan to join the five people, so as to divide them into two groups evenly.

Thinking about it, his breathing became slightly rapid.

This is almost an opportunity for the emperor to accompany his son to study!

Everyone knows that after the Third Hokage abdicates, the person who will take over the position of Hokage must be selected from the Three Ninjas.

The most likely candidate is Lord Orochimaru.

Once someone from his clan becomes a member of Orochimaru's team, the status of their clan in Konoha will rise.

I think Danzo will also be cautious at that time!

"I wonder which one of my clan members the Third Hokage has taken a fancy to?"

"Aburame Shiguro!" The Third Hokage said directly.

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