It rains almost every day in the Land of Rain.

After Jiraiya finished talking to the three little ones, he carried his huge scroll on his back, braved the rain, and set off on his way home.

Behind him stood Nagato and the other two in the rain.

He had already told the three little ones what he should say, what he should warn, what he should give, and what he should entrust.

The rest depends on their luck.

And Jiraiya had vaguely sensed something through the attitude of the Great Toad Sage towards Nagato.

Nagato might not be the son of prophecy he was looking for!

The problem was that he brought Minato to the Great Toad Sage, and it didn't say much.

For a moment, he didn't know who was the real son of prophecy.

Could it be that these two people were not.

Nagato looked at Jiraiya's departing back, his eyes full of complex meanings.

His family died tragically because of the people of Konoha.

But he also had the capital to survive because of Jiraiya, the teacher of Konoha.

‘Teacher Jiraiya, don’t worry, I will definitely find the person behind the scenes! ’

His pain and misfortune were all caused by the calculations of the person behind the scenes.

In fact, if there were no two people from Konoha, there would be other people, even Rain Ninja, Rock Ninja, and Sand Ninja who broke into his house and killed his parents, just to let him witness the tragic death of his parents.

Thus activating these eyes.

‘Since you want to get my eyes, be prepared to exchange your life for them! ’

There are very few records of the [Reincarnation Eye] in the world. No one knows how these eyes are opened, what bloodline is needed, and no one has ever heard of the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan, and the ability to open the [Reincarnation Eye].

But since these are the eyes he opened after witnessing the tragic death of his parents, then these are his eyes.

"Goodbye, Jiraiya-sensei, we will miss you!"

"Take care, Jiraiya-sensei, don't worry, I will make the names of the three of us resound throughout the Rain Country, and make you feel extremely proud!" Yahiko also shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Jiraiya did not look back, but waved his hand to show that he knew.

The rain in the sky got heavier.

It was as if he was crying sadly for Jiraiya and the others' separation.


Uchiha Madara slowly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Hashi Lama, just look, I am the man who can bring peace to the entire ninja world, your dream is so naive!"

As long as he thought of the "Infinite Tsukuyomi" that he could realize, which even the Six Paths Sage could not realize, he couldn't help but feel a little fanatical.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi", this is the ultimate path to peace found by the Six Paths Sage in his later years, and he must make it come true.

And he was extremely appreciative of the Six Paths Sage's ideas.

In people's hearts, besides truth, goodness and beauty, there is also hatred and resentment.

Although truth, goodness and beauty are beautiful, they are short-lived, like a flash in the pan.

Only hatred will continue from generation to generation.

But what produces hatred is the ambition and desire in people's hearts.

It is a factor of human progress and also the cause of human disputes.

If these two points are not eliminated, people will hate each other because of hatred and slowly fight each other.

But you hit me, I hit you, what can we do if we hit each other!

This can only extend hatred to the next generation, the next generation, the next generation...


The idea of ​​the Six Paths Sage is to use an extremely real illusion to drag everyone into the world of "Infinite Tsukuyomi".

Although this is a world of illusion, it is very real.

Everyone living in it is the protagonist of a beautiful dream, and the things they desire most in their hearts can be realized in dreams.

Those who lost their loved ones can see their loved ones in it, and those who have dreams can realize them as long as they want, no matter how outrageous it is...

People will live in heaven forever.

Just ask, in this case, is there any need for hatred to exist!

The idea of ​​the Six Paths Sage can really make the world truly peaceful!

The two White Zetsu looked at each other after hearing this.

They were all excited.

Three years!

Do you know how they have been in these three years!

Every day they run around in dark corners, and from time to time they have to collect information for Madara.

That's fine, the most important thing is that they also buy all kinds of delicious food for Madara from time to time.

Just for him to feel balanced in his heart.

The two of them are really miserable.

Especially Uzumaki White Zetsu, he feels that he is really miserable. He has lived for so long, but he has never experienced the urge to defecate, which he wants to know the most.

Uzumaki White Zetsu hurriedly asked: "Mr. Madara, is the plan going to start?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara put away his faceThe enthusiasm gradually subsided.

"Don't worry, I said it three years ago, you can't rush to achieve true peace!

When Uchiha Mirai sees the real other side of the world, he will come to me!"

"With his help, our plan will be guaranteed!"

Originally, he planned to find another Uchiha clan member to be his spokesperson.

But he found that none of the current Uchiha seemed to be better than Uchiha Mirai.

Moreover, he was so much like himself, sooner or later, he would take the same path as himself.

So he didn't need to do anything, just wait.

After waiting, he would get a like-minded person.

Hearing this, Uzumaki White Zetsu's face suddenly turned bitter, although he had no face.

"Still waiting, Master Madara, aren't you afraid of something unexpected happening?"

White Zetsu's original body also followed up: "Yes, Master Madara, if Uchiha Mirai doesn't approve of your plan, then wouldn't our layout be in vain!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara smiled indifferently.

"No!" He said with great certainty.

Because he is a lesson learned from the past.

However, looking at the worried eyes of the two White Zetsu, he still assured: "Don't worry, the so-called spokesperson is not necessarily Uchiha Mirai. Anyone who has the same idea as me can be my spokesperson, Uchiha Madara!"

As he said, he slowly closed his eyes,

The tone gradually lowered, "If he really doesn't approve of my plan, or even poses a threat..."

"At that time, I will take action!"

For peace, he can do anything.

Just like that guy, for Konoha, he stabbed himself cruelly.

But he didn't blame him.

Everyone has his own persistence in his heart.

It's just that he chose the village because of his naivety.

And I saw through the reality and chose "Infinite Moon Reading"!

This is the most precious gift that the Six Paths Sage left to the world!

After seeing Uchiha Madara fall into a deep sleep, the two White Zetsu looked at each other in silence.

All of them couldn't help but sigh.


Since Madara told them to wait, what else can they do!

Then just wait!

Besides, Uchiha Madara is not in a hurry, and Black Zetsu is not in a hurry, so why should the two errand boys be in a hurry!


After two days of rushing, Jiraiya finally saw the gate of Konoha.

After registering his name at the entrance of the village, he walked slowly into the village under the excited gaze of the gate guard, many Konoha ninjas, and civilians.

The village has not changed much, but there are still some.

For example, many buildings have been built in the village.

There are more unfamiliar shop names on the roadside shops.

And some shops are still the same as before, but there are more traces of time than when he left three years ago.

"I've been away for so long without realizing it!" He stopped and looked in the direction of the Hokage Rock.

At this time, he discovered that there were actually a few more electric poles on the roadside.

There were two thick wires on them.

He had seen this thing before, it was an electric wire.

In the past, it was mostly found near laboratories and factories, but now, almost every household has an electric wire connection.

Looking at it, Jiraiya's mouth curled up a few degrees.

"It seems that the village has developed rapidly during my absence!"

Every household has access to electricity!

"Eh... you are..."


"You are finally back!"

At this moment, a sweet and sticky voice came from behind him.

Just hearing the voice, Jiraiya was immediately excited.

Because based on his experience of being single for more than 30 years, those who can make such a sound are all beautiful women with fair skin, beautiful faces and long legs.

For a moment, his face flushed with excitement!

His hands unconsciously rubbed their chests, which was quite obscene.

(́ಢ.◞౪◟ಢ‵) Yoyoyo

Let me see, whose daughter is this, she is so beautiful!

For a moment, he turned his head to look.

His breathing suddenly stagnated, and his body stiffened slightly, showing respect.

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