Jiraiya and the other two sat at one table, and the future six sat at the long table next to them.

Due to the team mission mode of Konoha.

There was often a jonin with three genin, who often came here to eat and celebrate.

But sometimes, two teams would come to eat together.

So the owner of the store changed the style of the store two and a half years ago.

The seats are all large leather sofas, and two sofas are placed opposite each other to form a simple box structure.

One row is a long table, and the other row is a short table, with an aisle in the middle.

There are ten long and short tables, which is the favorite dining environment for their guests.

The short table is close to the window and can accommodate four people, and the long table is larger and can accommodate nine people.

Next to the long table is a long and large fish tank, which is used as a wall to cover it.

This allows people eating on both sides to enjoy different scenery.

Tsunade and Jiraiya both ordered sake.

After taking a sip of wine, Jiraiya finally asked about Teda Ichiraku's situation, "That child is the sixth person, right!"

He had heard Minato mention it many times.

Tsunade was flipping the barbecue, but Orochimaru answered him.

"Well, that child is a peer of Mirai and the others, but he doesn't have much ninja talent!"

Tetsu Ichiraku knew his situation and didn't care at all.

He smiled politely at Jiraiya and flipped the barbecue in front of him.

"Is that so!" Jiraiya nodded, "Then how are you going to divide the classes?"

Hearing this, the six little ones who were eating delicious food next door also looked over curiously.

They have been curious about the class division since three years ago.

But every time they asked, the teachers dismissed them on the grounds that they didn't know.

And they also said that they would tell them after three years, when Mirai recovered and Teda Ichiraku graduated.

Look, Ichiraku just graduated yesterday, so I think Orochimaru and the others should be able to reveal it.

At this time, Orochimaru and Tsunade did not hide it. Tsunade said: "Minato, Mirai, and Reika form the seventh team, with Orochimaru as the instructor.

Kushina, Nawaki, and Ichiraku form the eighth team, and I will guide them!"

Everyone present was stunned when they heard it.

Including Mirai.

If he remembered correctly, Minato seemed to be led by Jiraiya.

However, the plot had long been changed because of his existence, and it was useless for him to think about these.

Thinking about it, he and Minato couldn't help but look at each other, and couldn't help laughing again.

Team 1? !

That's a good relationship!

"Not good at all!" Kushina was immediately excited.

She stood up and said with some dissatisfaction: "I want to be with Minato!"

Everyone present knew about the relationship between Kushina and Minato.

Tsunade immediately explained: "This division is the best!"

"You should know that neither Jiraiya nor I want to be Hokage, so the position of the fourth generation Hokage must be Orochimaru's, so when it comes to the election for the fifth generation Hokage, Minato will have an advantage!"

Kushina was silent for a while after hearing this. She looked at Linghua, and suddenly her eyes lit up and asked: "Can I switch with Linghua-chan, and I will come to Team 7!"

Linghua raised her eyebrows when she was mentioned.

Switch with herself? !

She didn't have any objection, but she subconsciously glanced at the future.

Hearing this, Tsunade and Orochimaru both denied it in unison: "No!"

"Why?" Kushina was confused.

Why not? !

Orochimaru secretly glanced at her, and complained in his heart.

Let her come to his team, wouldn't that be feeding him dog food every day.

How can he lead the team to do the mission.

So it's not possible.

Tsunade said seriously: "Kushina, I know you want to stick to Minato, but you have to know that the separation now is for a better reunion in the future.

And Team 7 is mainly focused on reconnaissance combat, while Team 8 is mainly focused on combat sealing.

Although Linghua is also good at sealing techniques, her attainments are obviously not as high as yours."

Mirai glanced at Kushina and then at Minato.

'You have occupied Minato for three and a half years, this time you should give him back to me! '

For Kushina's 'mistress' behavior, he, the 'main wife', must take action.

So he said with a serious expression: "Kushina, I know you can't bear to leave Minato, but don't you think you are clinging to him too tightly!"

As soon as these words came out, Kushina was stunned, but Minato was anxious.

How could he dislike Kushina clinging to him too tightly!

He wished that Kushina would cling to him day and night.

Mirai noticed that he was about to speak, and immediately covered his mouth to prevent him from interrupting.

He went on to say: “YesAs the saying goes, distance creates beauty. If you keep clinging to Minato, your relationship will gradually become dull!"

After hearing this, Minato struggled harder.

He frantically signaled Kushina with his eyes, asking her not to listen to Mirai's nonsense.

But Mirai didn't know if he had used all his strength, and he couldn't break free for a while.

"I... cling... too tight! ?" Kushina asked blankly.

As she said this, she subconsciously wanted to ask Minato if what Mirai said was true...

But Mirai noticed it and quickly interrupted her again.

"Do you think Minato would be willing to say something that would hurt you!"

"Uh... not willing! "Kushina answered subconsciously.

After saying that, she seemed to understand what Mirai meant.

You're right. Even if she asked Minato, he wouldn't tell the truth even if he thought so in his heart!

She began to recall the past three or four years.

It seemed that she was with Minato every day.

Whether it was doing tasks, eating, or shopping, there was no moment of separation.

Only sleeping at night, taking a shower and going to the toilet were separate.

It seemed that she was really too clingy with Minato.

Seeing Kushina fall into silence, Mirai could hardly suppress the corners of his mouth.

He coughed twice and said, "You also know that Minato has only you in his heart. If you are together, he will definitely be distracted to take care of you if the three of us do tasks together in the future.

Once a ninja is distracted, it will become very dangerous. Are you willing to see Minato get hurt because of you?"

Kushina, who was still in deep thought, immediately shook her head and rejected it: "Absolutely not, I would rather get hurt myself! "

Even if she broke her arms and legs, she didn't want to see Minato get hurt because of her.

Mirai shrugged and said, "Well, isn't the result obvious? If you are together, you will only affect each other and become a burden to each other!"

After talking about the risks, Mirai began to PUA Kushina.

"But it will be different after you separate. When fighting, Minato will not be distracted, and you will not always think about Minato.

And if we are in danger, as long as Minato thinks that you are still waiting for him, he will inevitably burst out with infinite power and break the predicament.

But once you are together, it will be easy to commit suicide for love. You must want Minato to live well, instead of giving up the hope of survival easily!"

Kushina nodded involuntarily. She felt that what Mirai said made sense.

Seeing Kushina's approval, Mirai finally released a big killer move.

"And your relationship has reached a bottleneck. Have you noticed that there seems to be a little dull and no passion between you! "

Hearing this, Kushina was stunned, and even Minato in his arms stopped struggling.

"What do you mean? !" Kushina asked blankly.

"I don't know if you have discovered anything, but I have noticed that the relationship between you is a bit boring.

Is the first thing you do when you get up every day to miss each other, then go to each other, either do day-to-day tasks, or practice repetitively, then have a meal together, and finally go home, and think about each other again before going to sleep.

After waking up, repeat yesterday's life, and it has been repeated for three years. Don't you think that such a life has lost its passion! "

Future's words are a bit of a substitution, he emphasized the words "three years" and "repeated" and emphasized the tone.

Anything, once it is set for a long time, such as years, will become boring.

Kushina didn't think such a life was boring before.

But after hearing Future's words, she was a little confused.

This... seems to make some sense, it is indeed a bit boring.

"So, if you separate, each team will miss each other more after returning from a mission.

When they find each other, they can't help but confide in each other.

In this way, does it add a bit of passion to this dull life! ”

Minato: (๑°⌓°๑)

Kushina: (๑◎△◎๑)〃

What Mirai said makes sense, we are speechless!

Tsunade gave Orochimaru a look.


‘Your disciple is really good at speaking!’

If she hadn’t just wanted to separate Kushina and Minato out of pure bad taste, she would have believed Mirai’s words.

Orochimaru spread his hands.

┓( ´-` )┏

‘I suddenly think what he said makes sense!’

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