When the future people flew out of the cave under the enchantment, they were all stunned.

Even the future people who had seen such scenes were stunned.

"What is this... Gudong... place?"

Shengshu was so shocked that he couldn't speak clearly.

He stared at all this blankly.

There were birds singing and flowers blooming here, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

What came into view was a huge lake.

Rather than a lake, it was more like a sea surface, but this was a distorted sea surface.

Spherical, hollow shape, wrapped around an island.

There were a few white clouds in the sky, and the warm sunshine shone on everyone, giving them the feeling of sunbathing on the beach.

It seemed that the coolness felt in the cave just now had been dispelled by the sun in the sky.

"Are we still on Earth?!" Yile muttered to himself.

He looked at the scene in front of him, it was too real, as real as a dream.

Is there such a place on the moon?

Why didn't their teacher ever say it, nor did they hear anyone else say it.

And from the telescope, the moon was bare and pockmarked.

But why were there trees, water, mountains, and wind?

That was fine, but he noticed that there were several women in strange clothes washing clothes by the lake.

He could hear their laughter from a distance.

This didn't look like being on the moon, it was exactly like people on Earth!

Minato pursed his lips, he suppressed the surprise in his eyes, and finally spoke.

"Think about it, he is the descendant of the younger brother of the Six Paths Sage, and Otsutsuki Hamura also sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya together with the Six Paths Sage. If he was not able to create a suitable living environment on the moon, his descendants would have moved to Earth to live!"

Mirai also echoed: "Yes, after all, survival is one of the natures of living things, and so are we humans!"

As he said, he sighed: "To be honest, I have tried my best to overestimate this world, but I didn't expect that this world is far beyond my imagination!"

And there is no false feeling as he thought.

This world is very real. Whether he uses the six senses to check or the perception technique to perceive, this world is the same as the real one, as if he is in a paradise on Earth.

Kushina has come back to her senses. She looked at Kushina curiously, because the little sister has been staring at the sun in the sky since she appeared, and she even opened her [Baiyan] for this.

Did not join the conversation between Minato and them.

So he asked curiously: "Linghua, have you found anything?"

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking and looked at Linghua curiously.

The latter did not want to hide anything. She still looked at the sky and replied: "We should be inside the moon. The ground we are on is inside the moon's crust!

As she said that, she pointed to a suspended island in the sky in the distance and said: "And there is a magical force there that obscures my sight, so I can't see what's inside!"

After saying that, she looked into the future and asked thoughtfully: "Is the [Reincarnation Eye] in that place? "

This really stumped Future.

After all, it has been so many years, and he can still remember some things, which is already due to his excellent memory.

He is not a god, how can he remember what happened twelve years ago.

Can you remember everything!

No way!

As for the passage, it was because Naruto and Hinata were both trapped in the illusion of memories, so Future was impressed.

And the passage appeared more than once, so after watching the whole movie, he remembered the passage very clearly.

It's just that the island...

He closed his eyes and sensed it, and immediately smiled bitterly.

This is more than four kilometers away, and his perception technique can't sense such a far place at all.

"It should be, after all, I am also a human being, not omniscient and omnipotent! "

Listening to Weilai's words, everyone looked at Weilai with strange expressions.

Isn't he omniscient?!

You must be kidding!

He even knew that there was a group of people living on the moon, and he even knew the biggest conspiracy in thousands of years.

The friends looked at each other, and they all had the same idea.

Do you believe him?

I don't believe it! Do you believe it?

I don't believe it either!

Weilai also saw their thoughts and was speechless.

Why are these people like this? I am like the kind of omniscient person!

Why don't they believe it? Damn it!

"Really, I know a little bit about the people on the moon, but I don't know the specific information inside the moon!"

As he said, he blinked his sincere big eyes and looked at everyone."You have to believe me!"

Everyone: (.-_-.)

Seeing everyone's disbelieving eyes, Mirai suddenly became anxious and blurted out.

"I can swear on Minato's fart swallow that I have told you almost everything I know!"

Minato: o(*////▽////*)q

He couldn't help but roll his eyes at Mirai shyly.

Mirai, why do you have to swear on your fart swallow? Don't you have it?

Among the six people, Linghua and Honghong believed it.

There was no doubt in their eyes.

That was Minato's fart swallow.

For Mirai, it was very important, so they all believed it.

Nawaki and Ichiraku were also a little skeptical.

Even Kushina was the same.

She saw the relationship between Mirai and Minato more clearly than anyone else. Although she, the mistress, had successfully broken up the relationship between Mirai and Minato recently, the gay love between Mirai and Minato was still buried in their hearts.

Maybe one day it would be rekindled.

Thinking of this, she instinctively hugged Minato's arm and subconsciously showed a vigilant look towards Mirai.

Among the six people, only Minato was embarrassed.

He rolled his eyes at Mirai in anger and said speechlessly: "Mirai, I treat you as my dearest friend, brother, and you actually used my fart swallow when you swore. How can you treat your brother like this!"

Mirai: ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

"Uh... This is my most serious oath. They don't believe me, so I have to resort to this!"

As he said this, he pointed at Minato and everyone else, "Look, look at them, do they all believe that I am not omniscient and omnipotent!"

Minato saw that it was true, and his face suddenly turned black.


It would be fine if Rope Tree and the others believed it, but he actually found that Kushina also believed it.

This made him not know what to say!

Honghong is still more reliable.

After opening the [Sharingan] and looking around, she said directly: "Okay, we should get down to business. The people living here are all from the Otsutsuki clan. Each of them has powerful chakra in their bodies. Let's find the [Rinnegan] as soon as possible!"

Find it earlier and finish it earlier, so as to avoid more trouble at night!

Hearing this, the expressions on everyone's faces all restrained and became serious.

Mirai asked: "Kushina, how long can your barrier last?"

They appeared here, and they were still fighting, talking and laughing, all relying on the Uzumaki clan's treasure [Square Enchanted Boundary Talisman] to cover up.

This is a treasure developed by the ancestors of the Uzumaki clan against the [Byakugan] after countless difficulties.

If there is no such treasure, Mirai is 100% sure that they will fight with the big crab as soon as they get out of the water.

Kushina closed her eyes and felt her chakra.

She frowned slightly, "I can't hold on for long, maybe three days!"

Everyone: o(゚Д゚)っ!

I can't hold on for long... Three more days...

Kushina saw their puzzled expressions and thought they thought the time was too short, so she continued: "If I can convince Kyuubi to lend me chakra, I can hold on for a month!"

Everyone: "Gudong..."

The expressions on their faces all changed.

They had used [Kaifang Barrier] out of curiosity not long ago, and knew how much chakra that thing consumed.

For example, in the future, he can only hold on for one or two hours at most.

This is because he is already twelve years old and has the physical fitness comparable to that of a fifteen-year-old.

This is the result of Tsunade's careful care.

Even Nawaki, who has the strongest physical fitness among the six, can only hold on for one day at most.

But listen to Kushina, is this human language!

After Minato came back to his senses, he looked at Kushina with a funny face, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to scratch his nose.

"You, what you said is too Versailles!"

"Look, they are all autistic because of you!"

Kushina was stunned, she subconsciously looked at the others, and asked in surprise: "Don't you think I can't last long, so you have that expression!"

Everyone: "..."


When did we think you couldn't last long! We were surprised because we thought you were too long!

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