Since the animal skin has been used up, the next few people are ready to leave and fly towards the island.

"Reihua, here, this is your box!"

Before taking off, Shengshu wanted to return the wooden box to Linghua. After all, the box contained the handwritten notes of the ancestors of the Hyuga clan, and it should belong to the Hyuga clan, but the latter refused.

She smiled, and was obviously in a good mood.

"No, this box will stay with you!"

Shengshu was stunned. He didn't expect that Linghua didn't want it.

He couldn't help but look at Honghong.

This box was found by her, so it should be hers.

After noticing Shengshu's gaze, Honghong smiled at him.

Shaking her head, she said, "Shengshu Jun, just accept it!"

This wooden box can resist the passage of time. Although it is likely to only resist half of the time, it is already a rare treasure.

If it is used to hold precious medicinal materials, then its role will be great.

Although the sealing technique can stop time, it needs chakra to maintain it.

Without chakra, the sealing technique is like a home appliance without electricity, with only appearance but no function.

Rope Tree looked around, and the other friends shook their heads. Although they were curious about this treasure, since Sister Honghong gave it to Brother Rope Tree, they didn't want to compete with him.

In this regard, Rope Tree took it.

But when he opened his mouth and wanted to swallow it into his stomach, he was stunned to find that this thing could not be swallowed.

He felt a mysterious force that prevented the seal pattern in his mouth from working.

"Strange, why can't I swallow it!"

Everyone knows a little about [Snake Swallowing Technique]. This is a storage function developed by Teacher Orochimaru.

It contains a huge space, and it seems that even a big house can be swallowed and packed away.

The problem is that the chakra required is also huge.

Future asked curiously: "Did I use less chakra?"

This box can resist the passage of time, even if it is only half, it is quite amazing.

Perhaps it contains unspeakable mysterious power, so it is difficult to swallow.

Rope Tree shook his head and frowned: "No, I feel that the amount of chakra I used just now is enough to swallow a table, but this thing is not moving at all, as if my technique is ineffective against it!"

Everyone listened to Rope Tree's words and couldn't help but look at the wooden box again with curiosity.

The lid of the wooden box is engraved with magical patterns.

Although it is a bit abstract, if you look closely, you can vaguely see the outline of a big tree, and below it is a scene of countless people worshiping.

The tree is very tall, and the crown of the tree almost occupies all the surfaces of the lid of the box, as if the crown of the tree covers the sky.

Different scenes are engraved around the wooden box.

However, because it was too abstract, no one could tell what it was. It always felt a bit like a ghost painting.

As he looked at it, Wei's face gradually became strange and surprised.

The picture carved on the lid of the box, especially the tree canopy that almost looked like the sky, made him think of a tree.

A tree that did not originally belong to this planet.

"Could this be the sacred tree where Kaguya Otsutsuki ate the fruit!"

His words stunned everyone collectively.


"You mean, this picture is the picture of the ancients worshiping the sacred tree during the Six Paths Sage period?"

"If you put it that way, it does look like the picture of the ancients worshiping the gods!"

The friends were stunned by his reminder.

They never thought that Sister Honghong would find a wooden box from the Six Paths Sage period by just digging casually, and in addition to the Hyuga clan's [Bird in the Cage Curse Seal] initial notes, the value of the wooden box itself is inestimable.

The expression on Rope Tree's face gradually became excited, "Master Orochimaru will definitely like this wooden box with secrets. I will give it to him when I go back!"

No one had any objection to this.

Lord Orochimaru is indeed a big shot in the field of research, and he is involved in everything.

For example, the home appliances they are using now were developed by Lord Orochimaru.

If biotechnology was not full of uncertainty, and the differences in everyone's physical fitness and bloodline were beyond people's imagination, they would have no doubt that Lord Orochimaru would also share the potion for strengthening the body!

Since the sealing technique is useless for this wooden box, Rope Tree did not think of using the sealing scroll.

The principle of their [Snake Swallowing Technique] is the same as that of the sealing scroll, both of which seal objects in a different space.

The only difference is that the sealing scroll is a scroll-shaped paper carrier made of special and expensive materials.The [Snake Swallowing Technique] uses the human digestive system.

The latter can store so many things, in addition to the advanced sealing technique used by Orochimaru, the digestive system is also extremely long.

The intestines of an adult are about seven to nine meters long, from the pylorus at the lower end of the stomach to the anus, and the large intestine and small intestine are also included in the middle.

Even if they are still small in the future, only about three to six meters, it is quite impressive.

So Rope Tree directly took out the tablecloth, wrapped the wooden box, and tied it to his body.

After doing all this, he used his unique earth escape technique to let the barrier take everyone to fly to the sky island again.

But while flying, Honghong spoke again.

"Rope Tree, I feel like there is something in the water?"

Hearing this, everyone urged directly: "Go down and take a look!"

After the incident just now, even Yile couldn't help but be happy after hearing what Sister Honghong said.

He already had a clear understanding of Sister Honghong's treasure-hunting ability.

"Okay!" Rope Tree didn't ask, and directly controlled the barrier and fell towards the water surface.

Linghua hurriedly opened the [Baiyan] and looked around.

Although the [Baiyan] and the naked eye can't see the [Kaifang Barrier], there will still be something strange when entering and leaving the water.

If someone looks at this side, and happens to see that the water surface is suddenly squeezed by something invisible.

They will definitely be curious and alert.

Rope Tree stopped just as he was about to fly into the water. He seemed to react to something and turned his head to look at Linghua.

Everyone did the same thing, and they all looked at Linghua.

Mirai and her sister looked at each other, and they all opened the [Sharingan], although its perception was far inferior to the [Baiyan].

But helping Linghua look around can also share some of her burden.

Soon, the brother and sister both retracted their pupil skills and shook their heads, saying, "No one around noticed this place."

Linghua followed and said, "No one used the [Baiyan] to look here!

Hearing this, Shengshu nodded and said nothing. As he changed the gravity, Kushina changed the volume, greatly reducing its buoyancy.

Everyone soon sank under the lake.

Following Sister Honghong's intuition, they soon saw a palace.

The lake here is very deep, about 30 meters, and Kushina's expression began to become a little solemn.

The huge water pressure squeezed on the barrier, causing her consumption to be a little too much.

But fortunately, they soon arrived at the desolate and dilapidated palace.

Under the control of Shengshu, they soon entered the palace directly At the door.

This is a palace dedicated to something.

It should not be called a palace, but a temple.

It seems to have been abandoned.

On the main seat of the temple, a half-body stone statue is sitting.

Its upper body has disappeared, and there are countless fragments scattered on the ground in front of it.

I think these fragments should be its upper body.

However, the fragments are too broken, and there are some messy water plants covering the stone fragments, so everyone can't tell what it is.

Everyone just looked around curiously, but they all noticed that Kushina was a little tired, so they didn't waste any more time.

Honghong pointed to some stones scattered in the corner and said, "I just feel that this stone is a bit strange! "

Hearing this, Rope Tree directly controlled the stone pointed by Hong Hong.

This stone is the size of a human head.

Mirai and Minato directly carried it into the barrier.

Because they both stepped on the barrier, when they picked up the stone, they almost pressed the barrier to the ground.

Mirai thought about it, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the stone into his stomach.

He planned to wait until he got to the land and take a good look at what magical place this stone had.

After doing all this, Rope Tree looked at Hong Hong, and the meaning was very clear, asking if there was anything else?

Hong Hong looked around and didn't notice anything wrong, so she shook her head.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood.

Obviously there is no treasure here.

So with the joint efforts of Rope Tree and Kushina, they quickly rushed out of the water.

Fly towards the sky island!

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