Weilai and the others looked at the people in front of them, quickly and methodically placing something.

Some of them looked like talismans, but the word in the middle was "bind".

Linghua looked at the talisman and guessed, "This may be a triggered binding spell.

Once someone steps on it, the talisman will react quickly and freeze the person in place."

At this time, they had crossed the encirclement and stood behind the people who set the trap.

These people didn't talk about anything. They were very silent and cooperated very well.

And the movements were very fast.

Weilai watched them place the talismans on the ground, on the walls, and even on the eaves above their heads.

The range was very large, almost lined up in a row, nearly three kilometers long, and facing the direction of the bat cave. If they didn't know, they might really jump into the trap all of a sudden.

Rather than saying it was a trap, it was better to say it was a line of defense.

And after the talismans were activated, these talismans quickly disappeared.

There was nothing unusual with the naked eye.

But the future could sense it through the ground in the corridor.

These talismans were still there, but they were wrapped in a special energy.

It made its mimicry exactly the same as the color of the surrounding environment.

After seeing this scene, the five people looked at Sister Honghong in unison.

They were really lucky.

It was so lucky that they eavesdropped on the conversation between the father and son of the moral man and knew their plan. At the moment when the encirclement was about to form, they quickly and silently crossed the encirclement.

After taking a few glances, everyone left directly.

It was very dangerous here, and they had noticed that it was drizzling in the direction of the bat cave.

Although the rain was small, it would not hinder too much vision, and it would not cause too much damage to crops and crops.

Soon, they avoided the sparse Otsutsuki people.

Came to a remote place.

Honghong found a place at random and floated in with everyone.

This is an independent courtyard.

The courtyard is full of weeds, and there is a hole in the roof of the house. It is obviously an uninhabited courtyard.

It is exactly where they will settle in the future.

And behind this courtyard is a big mountain, and there are similar deserted houses on both sides.

If something unusual happens, they can choose the back mountain or the neighbors to escape quickly.

Linghua looked at Honghong who was a little tired, and she took the initiative to take over her work of maintaining the barrier.

They are not Kushina. If they want to maintain the [Kaifang Barrier], they must make a seal.

In addition, a large amount of chakra is required.

Kushina can control it with her mind.

Honghong moved her wrist and suggested: "Let's rest here for a while, recover our energy, and wait for Kushina to wake up!"


As long as she wakes up and regains her strength in her heyday, she can open the third stage of the barrier talisman, ignore the people who are searching, and go back to the earth through the passage.

Ichiraku went to cook alone.

The future and the others sat together and began to discuss this action.

He apologized devoutly: "I'm sorry, I was too reckless and thought too simply of the Otsutsuki clan!"

If he hadn't proposed to come here, his friends wouldn't have been in danger and almost killed.

Although from the results, this time there was no danger, and each of them gained a lot of benefits.

Minato placed the egg next to Kushina.

This is the moon, Myoboku Mountain is in a different space on the earth. Now is the time when chakra is most needed, he can't waste it, so these days, he has been carrying this egg with him.

He smiled and took the future's shoulder and said: "We are ninjas, there are dangers every moment. This time we came to the moon, not only have we gained knowledge, but also gained a lot of benefits."

As he said, he looked at the bird egg, and a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't help but fantasize that when the big bird grows up, he will be like Jiraiya, wandering around the ninja world, eliminating evil and promoting good.

Of course, he will take Kushina with him and become a pair of "big eagle chivalrous couples" that everyone envies! '

The rope tree beside him also comforted him: "That's right, and any risk is accompanied by benefits, but this time, we didn't get away with it!"

As he said that, he slapped the future on the back and said happily: "And our gains far exceed the risks, just like me!"

After saying that, he raised his palm, and the next moment, a small sapling grew out in the barrier.

At this time, the future felt the strong vitality coming from the sapling."I finally learned [Wood Release], and now it's our Konoha Seven's turn to rule the world... hehe... hehe... hahahahaha..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but get excited.

He seemed to see himself driving a thousand-meter-high wooden Buddha, punching a big wild tree with one punch, and kicking a wind shadow with one kick.

Make Konoha the strongest village in the world.

Then become a Hokage, marry the rich and beautiful Honghong, and reach the peak of life.

Most importantly, he seemed to see the guy in the future, tearfully handing his sister over to him reluctantly.

He looked like he wanted to resist, but didn't dare.

This picture immediately tickled his G-spot, making him climax for a while.

He couldn't help but laugh out loud with a "meh hahaha..."

The Future Guys: "..."

They looked at Nawase's laughter, especially his throat was exposed, as if he was laughing as he was.

One by one, they just looked at him speechlessly.

Weilai even came close to her sister, put one hand in front of her mouth, and whispered: "Sister, see, there is something wrong with Shengshu. Don't look for a boyfriend like him in the future!"

As he said this, he pointed to his head.

He looked like he had a serious illness here.

Shengshu was still in a deep climax and didn't care about Weilai's words at all.

Anyway, the brother-in-law would always gossip in Honghong's ear.

But he and Honghong really love each other.

And these days when Weilai was unconscious, they completely let go.

They started holding hands, and this milestone made him excited.

So he didn't care about it, and he could only talk about it.

He was even a little excited in his heart, and his face began to flush.

He wanted to become stronger, stronger than Weilai, so that he could forcibly snatch Honghong away from Weilai.

He looked like he wanted to resist, but he couldn't resist at all!

Ah… Sbarasi…

Seeing that Rope Tree was still laughing and sweating, Mirai felt a little unhappy.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that he didn’t like Rope Tree at all, especially his smile, and wanted to give him two big slaps.

Let him behave himself.

So he hummed and said: "Then congratulations, you finally learned [Wood Release]!"

Before Rope Tree’s mouth grinned to the roots of his ears, Mirai continued: "Teacher Orochimaru and Danzo will love you very much!"

Rope Tree: "Hahahaha… uh… quack quack!"

In an instant, Rope Tree’s hearty laughter turned into a duck.

Looking at Mirai with a look of astonishment.

Instantly dumbfounded!


Teacher Orochimaru and Danzo… love me…

When he thought of this, he remembered the experience of lying on the experimental bed every now and then in the past three and a half years, which made him want to cry without tears.

The good mood was gone in an instant.


According to the law that smiles will not disappear but will only transfer, Mirai felt much better when he saw the sad face of Nawaki, and even a bright smile appeared on his face again.

(* ̄︶ ̄)

After Mirai felt that his body had recovered by more than half, he walked in front of Linghua and took over the control of the barrier talisman.

He provided the chakra consumption himself.

Fortunately, he had let everyone eat before setting off.

So after they all woke up, most of the chakra in their bodies had been restored.

Moreover, after Mirai woke up, he drank another bowl of chicken soup, which contained thousand-year-old water ginseng, which quickly restored his chakra during this period of time.

So he is now the person with the most chakra in the field.

Linghua did not refuse anything.

When handing over, she said a lot of precautions.

I won't say anything else, the only point is that the barrier cannot be broken or closed.

Now Kushina is still in a coma, and they don't have the ability to activate the second mode again.

Once it is turned off, all they can do is use the first mode like the others.

On this moon full of enemies and puppets, the first mode is too dangerous.

It is far less reassuring and comfortable than this mode.

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