When they arrived at the scene in the future on the ink bird.

There was nothing here.

There was a plain on the ground. If the ground was not very loose and had been renovated, they would not have noticed it at all.

Surrounded by a group of ninjas from the Anbu and the Root.

Danzo was among them.

He arrived in advance on a flying summoned beast of the Anbu.

At this time, he stood on the edge of the battlefield, scanning the surroundings with a very gloomy look.

In the future, they controlled the ink bird and landed behind him.

Jiraiya asked: "Elder Danzo, what's going on?"

Is this place the land contracted by someone?

But the ground is really flat.

It's six kilometers in radius, which is most suitable for growing crops.

Hearing this, Danzo replied coldly: "There was a battle in this place just now. Someone exchanged fire with that group of people. It is still unknown how many people both sides used and who won and who lost!"

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

"The only thing we know is that this battlefield has been cleaned up. My people have used earth-attributed ninjutsu to search downwards, but we haven't seen a single person so far, not even weapons or equipment!"

"It's as if there was no battle here at all! But a lot of blood can be found in the soil, proving that a big battle did take place here."

Orochimaru and the other two looked at each other in bewilderment.

"To end the battle in one, no, half an hour, and to take away the bodies and clean up the battlefield, this is definitely not something that one person can do!" Jiraiya said solemnly.

They have all led teams in battles, and World War II is where they became famous, so they naturally know the difficulty.

Even if they wanted to destroy a small ninja village, it would be impossible to end the battle and clean up the battlefield in half an hour.

And to withdraw quietly and smoothly.

At this time, Danzo took out another map, threw it to everyone, and said: "There is one more thing. There was originally a large and desolate mountain more than 1,200 meters high on this plain.

It is not the plain we see now!"

Hearing this, not only the three ninjas were stunned, but also the future ninjas were stunned.

A mountain more than 1,200 meters high, what is this concept...

It is equivalent to a mountain more than 1,200 meters high.

But it has been razed to the ground at this moment! ! !

This, this, this...

Don't talk about them, even if the third generation uses all his strength, he may not be able to do it!

Tsunade's expression is very solemn. As a user of super strength, she knows very well that if she wants to destroy a mountain into such powder, she needs to use super strength continuously and bombard it for about half a day to turn the mountain into a plain and hammer the hard rocks into powder.

That is what they see now.

At this time, someone emerged from below. She half-crouched on the ground, holding a spherical object the size of a human head in her hand.

She said respectfully: "Master Danzo, we only found this underground!"

Then she continued: "Ten meters underground, it is already a hard rock layer. We can't dive any further, and we think it is naturally formed there, so we use the rock layer as a boundary and search towards the soft soil layer.

After three consecutive searches, the only discovery is this ball, which seems to be the core of the puppet beast!"

When reporting their work, most people in the Root Organization first say a summary, and then continue to talk about the details.

This is the rule set by Elder Danzo.

It is mainly to facilitate his selection.

Improve work efficiency.

Danzo did not speak. He nailed his crutches to the ground, took the ball the size of a human head, and looked at it carefully.

The ball is made of iron, weighing about five kilograms, and it seems that it is not all iron.

There are countless sockets on the surface, some of which have wires plugged in.

Orochimaru stepped forward and said, "Please let me see!"

Danzo naturally did not refuse. In terms of technology, Orochimaru is the master.

He took the heavy ball and looked at it carefully inch by inch.

He did not speak for a long time.

And Mirai was pulled aside by his friends.

After making sure that no one around could hear clearly, Nawaki covered his mouth with his hand to prevent someone from lip reading.

This time he asked in a very low voice: "Mirai, this could not be done by your ancestor!"

Mirai: ( ̄ー ̄)

That is from the grandfather generation, not the ancestor generation!

He really wanted to grab Nawaki's ears and ask him if his ears were full of shit and he couldn't listen to him.

If he admitted that Uchiha Madara was the ancestor, wouldn't he be much lower in seniority than Nawaki and the others?

He was unwilling to call Nawaki uncle.

But he noticed thatAll his friends looked at him with the same eyes. Helplessly, he nodded, covered his mouth with the same posture as Rope Tree, and whispered: "Well, he was in the Land of Rain, ended the battle within half an hour, did not let go of any Otsutsuki, quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and disappeared here..."

"He's the only one I can think of!"

Hearing this, all the friends pursed their lips and said nothing more.

They knew about Black Zetsu, Madara, and Otsutsuki Kaguya from Mirai.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Madara's strength was so strong.

If you count carefully, he is almost eighty or ninety years old.

He is still so vigorous, worthy of being the Shura of the Ninja World.

When the God of Death comes, he will hand over a cigarette and beg for mercy.

Thinking about it, they all looked at Linghua and Mirai.

A heavy look appeared in their eyes.

No wonder Mirai is so eager to go to the moon to find the [Reincarnation Eye].

Madara-sama is so old, but he still has such a strong strength. It is really a miserable thing to be targeted by him.

On the moon.

There was a dead silence.

There was still a deep sense of horror in the eyes of all of them.

And a picture was paused in the center.

It was a huge blue armored giant with wings on his back and two samurai swords in his hands.

Half an hour ago, they witnessed with their own eyes how this man used this armored giant to split their disposable holy weapon in half.

Even if the battle lasted until the end and three thousand tribesmen died.

The second elder used a secret technique to gather all the tribesmen's [Baiyan] together and merged them into a low-profile [Rinnegan], but was still smashed to pieces by that man with three punches and two kicks.

The third elder even ignored the risk and forcibly absorbed the remaining [Rinnegan] pupil power of the holy weapon, and briefly entered the incomplete [Rinnegan Chakra Mode], but was still beaten to death by that man.

As for the Seventh Elder...

He was already dead when he led the charge.

Originally, the white-haired old man fought with physical skills, but was attacked by the Seventh Elder with ninjutsu. It seemed that the man was a little angry, so he used a fire dragon to burn the Seventh Elder.

The hall was silent for more than an hour.

Finally, someone trembled and interrupted the silence.

"I...I remember...I'm here..."

"His name is...Ban...Uchiha Madara!"

"One of the two people who pacified the chaotic era of the Warring States, the Shura of the Ninja World-Uchiha Madara!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

His words were like a paused TV, and it was continued.

For a moment, the whole hall was noisy.

Countless people were telling something in horror.

They actually provoked this killing god.

And his strength was so ridiculous, and most importantly, why was he not dead yet?

A person trembled and shouted: "Block the passage!"

"Yes, we must block the passage, block all the passages connecting to the earth!"

Someone raised this question, and it seemed that the fear shrouded the hall had a place to vent.

"That's right, block the passage. Anyone who is a person will die. He must have used the golem to allow himself to briefly exert his peak strength.

As long as we wait for him to die, we don't have to worry about him coming to the moon again!"

"That's right, it must be blocked!"


For a moment, the originally panicked and terrified chaotic voices gradually gathered into a sentence.

The passage must be blocked to prevent that person from coming up.

It's okay if the golem is stolen. After he dies, it won't be too late for them to recover it.

The same is true for the [Reincarnation Eye].

Now there is only one thing, he can't come up.

You know, those 3,000 people are already three-tenths of their tribe's combat power.

And he also used a disposable holy weapon and a low-end version of the [Reincarnation Eye], but it still couldn't cause him any harm.

Even if the remaining tribesmen used the real holy weapon, they wouldn't be able to jump for long.

The clan leader opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But at this time he found that his throat couldn't speak.

He could feel that his throat was still trembling.

The pressure that man gave him was really too great.

After a moment of silence, he still made a seal, and the universal holy weapon sealed all the passages.

Otsutsuki Tokuto on the side was also silent, he didn't say anything.

'Uchiha Madara is definitely not the one who stole the [Reincarnation Eye]! '

If he really wanted the [Reincarnation Eye], why would he be so sneaky and not even dare to show his face.

So when three thousand tribesmen were slaughtered, he knew one thing, they suspected the wrong person.

‘I must find the real [Reincarnation Eye] so that I can have the courage to face him! ’

ThreeThe elder's [Rinnegan Chakra Mode] is incomplete. He obtained this mode in a short time by sacrificing his [Byakugan] and forcibly absorbing the remaining power of the holy weapon, as well as the remaining [Byakugan].

His strength is at most barely reaching the threshold of a half-step super shadow.

If it is a real [Rinnegan], it will definitely make one directly jump to the first person under the Six Paths.

So he has to go to the underworld and find the person who really stole the [Rinnegan].

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