"Is that so!" Hong listened to Weilai's words, thought for a while, and then asked: "But she knows about your opening of the eyes, right? Aren't you afraid that she will tell others?"

Weilai: (⊙_⊙)

Oh, I was careless!

I didn't even think of this!

No wonder the other party was persuaded by me, this is probably the biggest reason.

But I was so self-righteous that I thought the other party was young and didn't have complicated thoughts, so I persuaded him to retreat.

This is... So... I am the clown! ?

"Uh... It shouldn't be... right!?" Weilai was a little lack of confidence for a while.

But thinking back to the previous things, it seems that the guy has more secrets than me.

If she is exposed, she will definitely die. No one in the main family is willing to see a very talented branch family member who hates them and survives.

Even if the main family didn't kill her, but she secretly copied the secret medicine of the Akimichi clan, the main family would not let her go for the sake of the Akimichi clan.

And I, at most, would live on thin ice.

What about the three days later?

Should I break the promise?

Thinking of this, he shook his head and waited to see what the other party wanted him to do.

After thinking about it, he said again: "No, I have the absolute handle on her life and death!

If she dares to reveal the fact that I opened my eyes, she will definitely not live beyond tomorrow, and the people of the Hyuga main family will even do their best to kill her!"

Even if she exposed the [Reincarnation Eye] in exchange for a chance to live, the people of the main family would not let her live.

The [Reincarnation Eye] is strong and very attractive, but the [Bird in the Cage Curse Seal] is the foundation of Hyuga's development and inheritance.

And the [Reincarnation Eye] can break the [Bird in the Cage Curse Seal].

If the people of the branch family knew about this, considering the long-term oppression and humiliation of the branch family, the consequences would be...

Once the people of the branch family really knew about this, even if they knew that the chance of opening the [Reincarnation Eye] was very small, they would still take the risk.

If such a thing really happened, the Hyuga clan would really be extinct.

Even if the people of the main family were pigs, no matter how short-sighted they were, they would definitely see this. Compared with the temptation of the [Reincarnation Eye], they must not let this happen.

Uchiha Hong looked at the determined look of the future, hesitated for a moment, and then let him do it, without persuading him.

Even though his younger brother was only seven years old, sometimes he looked like a thirty-year-old uncle, very mature and reliable.

Since he had reminded her to this point, he must have his own plans.

She would not intervene and add fuel to the fire.

Half an hour later, the two learned the place where Might Guy would often go to practice from the guard guarding the gate of Konoha.

The Konoha guards didn't dare to ask any more questions and let them go directly.

Are you kidding? Uchiha is famous for being paranoid and crazy, and he is also one of the top powerful families in Konoha and even the world.

Some rules don't apply to them.

Besides, they are looking for Might Dai, not leaving the village.

The area around Konoha also belongs to Konoha.

Just sign and you can be let go.

This is one of the privileges of the powerful families.

If others don't have a mission or a leave-the-village order, then I'm sorry, please come early tomorrow.

Perhaps, this rule was strengthened until the Uchiha clan was exterminated.

Later, there was a strict rule that if there was no leave-the-village order, once it was discovered, it would be dealt with as a traitor.

At this moment, Mirai felt the superiority of being a powerful family.

The two followed the direction pointed by the guards and walked not far before they heard a slight noise.

They looked at each other, and Uchiha Hong's tone was a little complicated, "Sure enough, they are still practicing at this time. This kind of tenacity that has been the same for many years is not as good as him!"

Mirai nodded and responded: "I remember someone said that there are two kinds of geniuses in this world, one is a natural genius, and the other is a hardworking genius. They are definitely the latter!"

This was originally said by Kai to Naruto, but Mirai felt that this also applied to Kai and his father.

After listening, Uchiha Hong sighed with some regret.

"It's a pity that God is so cruel to such a hard-working person. I hope his son can use ninjutsu!"

Hearing this, Mirai opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

In fact, Mirai has always doubted whether Kai and his lineage have any special abilities.

Otherwise, with their training method, they will definitely be disabled regardless of whether they will die or not.

But they seem to only need to sleep for a while, and they will continue to train vigorously the next day.

According to Might Dai Wannian Genin's level, he can't get much money for doing tasks.

Besides, he has to support his son and himself, and the food he needs every day is definitely much more than ordinary people.

He probably doesn't have money to go to the hospital to repair the damage.


Oh, don't think about it, the more I think about it, the more my head hurts.

I feel that if I think about it any further, my brain will shrink.

Maybe it's because of the existence of chakra that they can train to death.

"Let's go, let's visit them!" Hong said, and took the future's hand and led him to the mountainside.

The environment here is very quiet. There is no other human movement around except the sound of training.

Instead, the chirping of animals and insects is endless.

Hearing these chirping sounds, walking in the jungle under the moonlight, people unconsciously feel sublimated a little.

Future noticed that there are basically no weeds on the ground here, and even the bushes are pitifully few. Some big trees still have traces of being hit for a long time.

"It seems that this mountain is full of the sweat of Might Dai's hard training!"

"A hard-working genius..." Uchiha Hong sighed.

Then he stopped where he was and did not move forward.

If he walked a few steps forward, he would be close to the place where Might Dai practiced, which was a bit disrespectful.

She said loudly: "Excuse me, is this Uncle Might Dai's home?"

Her voice was very soft, but it had a strong cohesive force. In the future, it could be felt that the voice had been transmitted to the opposite hilltop and had not dispersed.

It was guaranteed that even if Might Dai was obsessed with his training, he would be able to hear her shouting at the first time.

Fortunately, this was outside the Konoha Village. Because Might Dai needed to practice physical skills, he had always made a lot of noise and was driven out by the villagers in the early years.

So he came to this hilltop to settle down.

Hong's shouting did not cause any disturbance to the people.

As her shouting came out, the movement in the mountain paused, and the next moment, a thick and rough voice came out.

"I'm Might Dai. What do you want to talk to me about?" There was a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Hello, my name is Uchiha Hong. I'm sorry to bother you tonight with my brother Uchiha Mirai!

It's like this. We heard that you are unmatched in physical skills, so we want to ask you for advice!" Uchiha Hong's words were very polite.

She respected people who worked so hard from the bottom of her heart.


"Okay, wait for me, I'll come down to find you!"

After Might Dai shouted, he frowned slightly.

He whispered: "From the sound, it should be a little girl. They are Uchiha asking me for physical skills?!"

No matter how you think about it, it feels a bit wrong.

Don't they have [Sharingan]? Isn't it much better to develop it than to practice physical skills!

After thinking for a moment, he couldn't think of any clues and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Forget it, since you said you're here to learn taijutsu, I can't be stingy!"

He is not like other ninjas who have any sectarian prejudices.

If he can help others within his ability, he doesn't mind.

Soon, he came to the future.

He was wearing a green tight suit, and his exposed skin showed layers of calluses.

Especially the fists, from this point it can be seen that they follow the Gangquan style!

From a long distance, the future siblings smelled a strong smell of sweat.

This smell is very heady.

How to say it, it's like wearing a fully enclosed raincoat, and then working for a week in the scorching sun.

The sweat that was originally like water stains has become hot and paste.

The future siblings just frowned and quickly adapted to the smell.

They are not like other Uchiha. Although they have arrogant personalities, they are hidden in their bodies and will not show it.

Might Guy looked at the two little creatures in front of him in the moonlight, and his expression became strange.

His sight was mainly on Uchiha Hong, and he ignored the future.

Because he was too young.

"You... want to practice... Taijutsu?!"

"As far as I know, your Uchiha's [Sharingan] is much better than Taijutsu. Focusing on developing [Sharingan] is the most suitable path for you!"

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