At the town gate.

Orochimaru and his four companions, led by Fuuka Hayate, entered the town.

"I've heard of the three ninjas for a long time. Today, I see that they are indeed extraordinary!" Fuuka Hayate complimented.

Don't think that he is also a leader, similar to a daimyo.

But compared with the five major ninja villages, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes. The reason why he can survive now is entirely because of the climate and environment of the Snow Country, which is not suitable for ordinary people to survive.

In short, he just doesn't like this place.

In addition, there are local forces here, so he just abandons it.

"Lord Fuuka, thank you!" Orochimaru smiled.

Then he told the purpose of this trip.

"This time I came to your country because our Konoha will hold a Chunin exam in half a year, so I want to invite Lord Fuuka to our Konoha to watch this grand event!"

Hearing this, Fuuka Hayate was stunned.

He didn't expect that it was because of this matter that Orochimaru came to this polar snow country.


Is it a bit of a waste of talent?

You know, the name of the Three Ninjas is well-known even in their remote country.

Facing such a person, he, the lord, dare not put on airs.

Is this trip just to invite them to participate in the Chunin Exam? !

No, no, no, Orochimaru must have other purposes.

After thinking about this, he thought about it, and still shook his head as usual, and refused with a wry smile: "We appreciate your kindness from Konoha, but first, the distance is too far, and second, the ninja world is already a little turbulent!

Third, the strength of our Snow Ninjas can't be compared with the ninjas on the mainland.

Our people are too dependent on the environment to fight!"

There is only one Snow Ninja Village in the village, but that village... Sigh... Let's not talk about it.

Facing Orochimaru, Fuuka Soyuki didn't hide anything and directly told them the combat weaknesses of their Snow Ninjas.

Don't think that they can also use ice escape, it seems to have something to do with the Mizunotsuki clan, a powerful family in the Land of Water.

In fact, the Snow Ninja used water escape ninjutsu, not [Blood Limit].

They relied on the extremely low temperature environment of the Snow Country to create an alternative ice escape.

This method may be fine for fooling ordinary people, but if it is faced with knowledgeable people, it will be exposed immediately.

Especially people like Orochimaru.

Therefore, instead of hiding it, it is better for Fuuka Hayate to admit it directly.

"That's a pity!" Orochimaru responded without comment.

This B-level mission is to deliver the message, and it will be considered completed.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be necessary to exchange letters between the leaders of the two parties, but with Orochimaru's status and position, it would not be so complicated.

Orochimaru was not surprised at all that Fuuka Hayate could detect the undercurrent in the ninja world.

After all, he is the leader of a force.

To put it bluntly, it is the identity of a daimyo.

Unfortunately, his power is too small and his strength is too weak, so other big countries and small countries do not recognize his identity.

So Fuuka Hayate has the position of Daimyo but not the identity of Daimyo, and can only call himself a lord.

When Fuuka Hayate heard what Orochimaru said, he immediately became alert.

Orochimaru really came with other purposes.

Inviting him to participate in the Chunin Exam is just one of his purposes.

Seeing the alertness in his eyes, Orochimaru raised the corner of his mouth.

It is very convenient to talk to smart people.

It seems that this person has realized that his purpose is not simple.

So he said straight to the point: "Actually, I have another purpose for coming this time!"

"Please tell me!"

"I heard that your country is also researching a train that runs on tracks. I've been thinking about a similar vehicle recently, so can you please let me see your design drawings!"

"As a reward, I can also take out the drawings of the thunder car I designed!"

When he heard that Orochimaru was actually coming for the Snow Country Train, Fenghua Zaoyuki was stunned for a moment.

He didn't quite understand!

"The drawings of the train!?"

Does Orochimaru need to go there in person for this thing?

But thinking of the evaluation of Orochimaru in the intelligence.

He is a curious scientist!

He understood that perhaps a trivial matter in his eyes is a big deal in the eyes of others.

He immediately waved his hand, signaling the servant to fetch the blueprints. He then smiled at Orochimaru and said, "So that's it. Our train is still in the manufacturing experiment and there is no finished product. I can show you the blueprints first!"

Orochimaru was delighted. It would be the same if there were no finished products.

It just so happens that he can learn a lot from them!

Soon, the maid came back with a scroll.

"Here, this is the blueprint you want to see. Our people have already perfected the theoretical part. Now it depends on the industrial part."Can the people outside keep up!" He said, and handed the scroll to Orochimaru.

The tone seemed very relaxed, and it was obvious that the industrial technology required in this drawing had been mastered by the Snow Country.

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that the lord would be so generous and actually handed the drawing directly to him.

And judging by his actions and shadows, this scroll should be a first draft.

There are many novel concepts on it, but many design concepts have been crossed out. Obviously, this scroll records the hard work of countless people.

Especially since there are some industrial technologies of the Snow Country on it, for him, all three goals of this trip have been achieved.

Especially after Second, as long as he thoroughly studies this scroll, he can also figure out the heavy industry of the Snow Country.

This is very valuable to Orochimaru.

Although he is mainly engaged in the field of biology.

He solemnly put away the scroll, and then took out a long-prepared design from his arms.

This is the thunder car he drew based on his imagination, which has many similarities with the Snow Country Train.

But there are also many differences.

For example, how to ensure that the iron wheels of the train will not derail.

In the design drawing of Fenghua Zaoyuki, the iron wheel shape with a large inside and a small outside is adopted.

The top one is Orochimaru's, and the bottom one is The surface is made in the Snow Country.

In this way, no matter how the train runs on the rails, the centripetal force will keep the iron wheels on the center line.

Thereby avoiding derailment.

And the design of Orochimaru teacher uses an additional edge inside.

It is used to block the rails and prevent derailment.

Fuuka Zaoyuki looked at the drawings handed by Orochimaru curiously. There are many wrong information on the drawings, such as the wheels designed by Orochimaru.

It seems feasible, but it is useless. On the contrary, it will easily get stuck when turning, causing derailment.

This is what they have experimented with many times. .

However, considering that Orochimaru was born in the Great Ninja Village and should not have seen a mine cart, it is understandable.

Just when he was about to point out this mistake.

Orochimaru took out another blueprint from his mouth.

There was no mucus on the blueprint, but it was this posture that was a little disgusting.

But fortunately, Fenghua Zaoyuki only had a stiff face for a moment, and then returned to normal.

"Your blueprint is too precious to me. It made me see that my mine car has many shortcomings. This is a gadget I studied not long ago. As long as there is electricity, it can generate heat. I think you definitely need it!"

Hearing this, Fenghua Zaoyuki's face changed drastically.

He immediately looked at Orochimaru excitedly, "Can it generate heat?!"

What is missing from their Snow Country? It's just heat!

So after hearing what Orochimaru said, he couldn't sit still.

"Well! "Orochimaru nodded, then glanced at the silent Future, and then said: "This thing is called the Little Sun Electric Grill. As long as there is electricity, it can generate heat anywhere!"

Yes, this thing is a masterpiece developed by Future in cooperation with Teacher Orochimaru.

Orochimaru is not concerned about this invention, but the name of this invention.

Little Sun Electric Grill!

Little Sun... refers to Minato!

What an enviable friendship.

Why not just let them be together!

After hearing Orochimaru's affirmative words again, Fuuka Zaoyuki was overjoyed.

He grabbed Orochimaru's hand and said excitedly: "If it was any other drawing, I would never accept it, but this drawing is so important to our Snow Country! "

As time goes by, the amount of coal mining in the Snow Country is getting worse day by day.

Now many people are freezing to death.

He is thinking about buying some coal from neighboring countries to help the people of the Snow Country survive this cold winter.

But if they have the small solar electric oven that Orochimaru mentioned, does that mean they don't have to rely too much on coal and wood for heating?!

As for electricity...

They have already built a large number of generators.

This is really a great favor comparable to sending charcoal in the snow!

So Fuuka Zaoyuki entertained Orochimaru and his four companions even more enthusiastically.

He even wanted to invite them to stay and have a meal before leaving.

But Orochimaru was obsessed with his Thunder Chariot, so he declined.

In this way, Mirai and his companions came to the Snow Country, went through the formalities, and stood in the main hall for a while.

Then they returned calmly.

Mirai also knew that the Snow Country had not invented armor yet!

On the back of a bird.

Minato still couldn't come back to his senses.

"B-level mission... is it completed?" To put it bluntly, 100,000 taels of money is just...Got it?!

The reward for a B-level mission ranges from 50,000 taels to 200,000 taels!

Future was also a little dazed. He didn't even see the princess. Logically, she should have been born!

"Should be!"

Linghua didn't say anything, but looked at Orochimaru like the others!

The latter ignored them at all.

Instead, he took the two drawings and compared them.

Whenever he found something unusual, he would lick his lips excitedly.


"So that's what it is!"

"I understand!"

Future three people: ((´-_-)-_-)-_-)

Forget it, as long as the teacher is happy!

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