After Mirai and Minato finished their classes, Minato dragged Mirai and wanted to invite Kushina to go to the woods to have sex.

Mirai originally refused, but when he saw his good brother's pitiful expression, he still sighed softly.

Well, he understood what his good brother meant. He just wanted to find an opportunity to spend more time with Kushina.

Besides, he must know that he didn't want to practice today.

So he just followed his idea.

"I'm sorry, Minato, you guys go. I just want to spend more time with my grandma these days!" Kushina refused.

This made the latter stunned for a moment, and then she thought of Kushina's absence yesterday, and she was in a very haggard state today.

In that case, it wasn't because Kushina and Mirai fought for her last night, but because of her grandma's affairs, that she was sad and haggard!

When Minato thought of this, his mood was instantly complicated.

Some felt sorry for Kushina, and some were unspeakable.

"May I ask you a question about your grandmother's health..."

Kushina is a transfer student from the Uzumaki clan.

Konoha is on good terms with the Uzumaki clan, but as far as he knows, the oldest Uzumaki clan member in Konoha is the only one, and that seems to be Mito Uzumaki, the wife of Hashirama Senju.

Originally, Mito Uzumaki was supposed to change her surname to Senju after marrying Hashirama Senju, but because of the relationship between the two clans, Mito still has the surname Uzumaki.

Now if we calculate the time, Mito Uzumaki seems to be at an advanced age.

In the ninja world, ninjas don't live long.

Perhaps when the Uzumaki clan was destroyed, there were other people who coveted the secret of the longevity of the Uzumaki clan.

Hearing Minato's question, Kushina thought about it and felt that there was no need to hide this from them.

Even if Minato didn't know, as the future Uchiha, he would definitely tell him.

Don't ask her why she knew, asking is a woman's intuition.

The love between these two people has surpassed the love between males.

And in her opinion, the union of Uchiha and Senju contributed to the birth of Konohagakure Village. After all, Uchiha is the only two contributors in Konoha.

"Well, my grandmother is very old, and some major events happened yesterday, causing her physical condition to decline rapidly. Maybe..."

At the end, she looked very sad.

The red hair, which symbolizes vitality, looks so dull at this moment.

Minato was even more distressed.

He thought about it, turned his head to look at the future, and suggested: "Come on, why don't we go to see Lord Mito together!"

The future pouted, "You go, I won't go!"

As an Uchiha, going to the Senju clan, what do you think those seniors will think?

They must think that they are Uchiha, sent to the Senju clan to inquire about the news.

Ordinary people may not know much about what happened last night, and they just think that Konoha has a big secret operation.

But the Uchiha knew the importance of this matter, because it was so important that they took collective action, but they didn't play with them.

It was obvious that it was aimed at them.

Although the Uchiha people with brains could guess that there was something wrong with Uzumaki Mito, there was no evidence to prove it.

So Mirai didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

Minato also reacted at this time, and his face darkened.

It was another conflict between the village and the Uchiha.


Perhaps because he had been with Mirai for a long time, he often visited Uchiha Mirai's home.

He had a good impression of several Uchiha he met.

Uchiha Dazhuang and his wife both treated him as their son.

Those ordinary people living in the Uchiha clan were also very enthusiastic about him.

So much so that he was now somewhat biased towards the Uchiha.

And many of the village's practices were indeed unfair to the Uchiha.

In the past, I just felt that I didn't know much, and I didn't make arbitrary decisions about the views of the Uchiha and the village.

But now...

This thought is getting more and more...

Oh, let's not talk about it, it will only add to my troubles.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Okay, Kushina and I will go to visit Lord Mito together!"

Kushina on the side did not refuse.

The Senju clan's land is very large, so large that she has never seen anyone else except a few servants and Tsunade's siblings.

Yesterday afternoon is not counted, because the three generations came because of something.

This time, I took Minato to visit my grandmother, first, to increase the popularity of the Senju clan.

Second, I wanted to tell Grandma Mito that I am living well in Konoha and have made good friends, so that she should not worry about me.

Although this friend's personality is a bit weird.

So Minato took the fruit basket bought by Mirai and went with Kushina.Senju clan land.

Although people can choose not to go, it is a bit unreasonable not to prepare gifts.

After all, he is still a child of a powerful family.

Every word and action represents the family behind him.

His sister often told him these things when he was a child.

He also remembered them in his bones.

Besides, it should be okay to give a gift!

After watching the tomato scrambled eggs leave, Mirai thought about it, turned around and went to the school rooftop.

There is a special pavilion there, where students can come here to see the scenery.

It helps to add a sense of identity to Konoha.

In the Senju clan land.

Jiraiya and the other two were all standing there panting.

Half an hour has passed since the three of them joined forces.

Everyone's physical exhaustion is extremely serious.

On the other hand, the Uzumaki Mito clone on the opposite side was just breathing heavily.

Jiraiya frowned deeply, and at this moment he felt his cheeks swollen high.

That was caused by being slapped in the face.

Although it wasn't a real slap.

"Mito-sama's [Vajra Lock] is really too abnormal, faster and harder than my hair!" As he spoke, he wiped the sweat from the corners of his eyes.

There was a tuft of white hair at his feet. When they were wrestling just now, his hair was not as hard as the chain and was torn off.

Orochimaru on the side was also in a bad situation.

He half-bent over, staring at the old man in front of him who looked old but was not young at all.

He smiled bitterly, "Without using the summoning beast, this is already our highest combat power output, but it still didn't break through her blockade!"

"Mito-sama, you are really strong in your old age!"

"Summoning beast?" Tsunade supported her knees without any image and gasped.

She has a straight-forward fighting style.

This fighting style is very violent and destructive, but it is not long-lasting and it is easy to be exhausted.


"No, as far as I know, Grandma Mito has other moves that she hasn't used yet. Now she can suppress the three of us with [Vajra Seal] alone! Moreover, [Vajra Seal] has a stronger suppression power on beasts. Even the tailed beasts are like grandchildren in front of this move. Even if we summon the summoned beasts, the effect is not very strong!"

As she said, she smiled bitterly, "We still lost this battle!"

Jiraiya on the side had a solemn and serious face. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and suppressed the messy thoughts in his heart.

Then he opened his eyes suddenly, and a trace of confidence returned to his eyes.

"No, it's too early to admit defeat now. If we lose, we can't go to the battlefield. Now we can't let World War II continue!"

If it continues, I'm afraid even the children will have to go to the battlefield.

Once other ninja villages smell Konoha's weakness, they will definitely do everything they can to join forces to attack Konoha.

"Then what can you do?" Orochimaru, who was standing beside him, glanced at him and asked.

He didn't want to lose, either.

Although Jiraiya was unreliable, he said he had a way, so he still wanted to listen.

"You buy me five minutes. I have a trick that can turn the tide of the battle!"

Tsunade didn't hesitate. Although Jiraiya was unreliable most of the time, lustful, pretentious, and loved to peep at her, every time he was caught, he would mock her for being too peaceful.

I have it too! Damn it!

B can also be held.

Thinking of this, she got angry. One day, she must develop a ninjutsu that can increase the cup size.

Then this guy will be suffocated to death.


Thinking too far.

In short, at critical moments, he is still a little reliable.

"Well, hurry up. With our chakra, this will be the last chance!"

Orochimaru looked at the shadow clone and whispered, "Whether we can win in the end depends on you. Don't let me down!"

As he said that, he immediately took the lead in attacking.

The shadow clone waited for them to finish talking before taking action.

Jiraiya put his hands under the canine teeth, exerted a little force, and bit two holes. Then he smeared the blood on his eye bags, and formed two simple and mysterious lines with the original red tear marks.

The palms of his hands touched each other in opposite postures, and finally he closed his hands, looked at Orochimaru's back, and whispered softly, "I will never let you down. This move was originally practiced secretly by me to deal with you!"

Then he looked at the shadow clone with a look of regret.

It's a pity that it's exposed now. With Orochimaru's temperament, he will definitely think of a way to deal with it.

On the high platform, Uzumaki Mito seemed to have sensed something.With a surprised look, Jiraiya, who was motionless and protected by Orochimaru and Tsunade, looked at the bottom with a look of surprise.

"Is this... natural chakra!?"

"So that's it, little Jiraiya has already learned the [Sage Mode]!"

Then this battle will be really interesting!

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