As Orochimaru opened the Six Paths Mode.

Kaguya Otsutsuki could feel more, she narrowed her eyes and asked: "You swallowed and fused me from another world!?"

Hearing this, Mirai looked at her in surprise. She didn't expect that Kaguya Otsutsuki was not that stupid!

She noticed something strange so quickly.

He said: "Yes, in another world, we assisted the Plane Son of that world to defeat the other you together, and then Kushina and I used the sealing technique to suppress your consciousness. My teacher, through the [Blood Net] achieved by the [Ghost Bud Technique], completely swallowed up your power and sent the other you's will to reincarnation!"

Hearing Mirai's words, Kaguya Otsutsuki sneered.

"Send it to reincarnation... Ridiculous!"

As she said this, she pointed her hand at the place where Orochimaru was, pointed, and pulled, and an illusory soul was pulled out by her.

This caused everyone's face to change slightly, especially Orochimaru, who had never discovered that Kaguya Otsutsuki's soul was hidden in his body.

Kaguya Otsutsuki glanced at the struggling soul in his hand, and a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes. He was actually defeated by a bug, which was really embarrassing.

"I, Kaguya Otsutsuki, am immortal!"

As she said this, she devoured herself in another world in front of everyone.

The next moment, another memory of herself immediately appeared in her mind.

Especially the battle scenes of their future.

She understood, "So that's how it is, this is your method!"

Kushina's face changed again and again, "Oh no, she didn't have a good brain to begin with, and now she has absorbed another self, which is equivalent to me, the future, and the information about Lord Orochimaru, has been leaked!"

Honghong on the side hurriedly comforted her, "Don't worry, this time it's not just you three fighting, there are also us!"

Kushina shook her head, she smiled bitterly and said, "No, she is already at the level of Six Paths. If you want to hurt her, you can only use Senjutsu, or Taijutsu, or the power of Six Paths.

Conventional Ninjutsu can't hurt her!"

Hearing this, Minato narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I may not be strong in Taijutsu, but Senjutsu..."

His words made everyone shift their attention to her, and the latter clapped her hands and closed her eyes.

She explained, "I'm not very good at [Sage Mode]!"

After saying that, he glared, and the next moment, all the chakra in his body immediately turned into Senjutsu chakra.

Friends: (ŎдŎ;)


"Instantly in!?"

Nawoshu pointed at him, looking stunned, "Is this what you said about you not being good at fairy arts!?"

Minato: ಠᴗಠ

He looked like he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, and he was feeling uncomfortable.

He was pretending to be so excited!

"Anyway, don't pay attention to me, look ahead!"

At this moment, a bold idea flashed through Mirai's mind.

"I have an idea, do you want to try it!?"

Mirai said, and then signaled Linghua, and then passed his idea to everyone through the means of [telepathy].

For a moment, everyone looked at Mirai with a strange look on their faces, especially Ichiraku.

Yes, he is here too.

Although he is retired, but people have come to his doorstep, how can he sit back and watch?

Minato asked tentatively with a sharp look in his eyes: "How about we try it!?"

"Then let's try it!!!"

So the seven of them understood immediately.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded immediately, "Then let's try it!"

Da Zhuang, Mieko, and Hong Hong immediately stood up and said with glaring eyes: "Well, let's form the skeleton!"

As they said that, the kaleidoscope in their eyes spun wildly, and the next moment, colorful skeletons appeared out of thin air and wrapped everyone up!

Rope Tree followed closely behind, he clapped his hands and shouted: "I will form the flesh and blood!"

After the words fell, countless greens full of life wrapped around the skeleton, which really looked like flesh and blood.

"I will form the five elements!" Ichiraku shouted and landed on the giant's heart.

Then he injected his five attributes into it.

"I will form the source of power!" After Kushina finished speaking, she immediately burst out red chakra and quickly formed a red crystal ball on the giant's chest.

Minato thought about it, and his eyes lit up immediately. He was most proud of his nerve reaction speed, and he immediately shouted: "I will form the neural network!"

Seeing that they all did this, Linghua simply followed them and said, "Then I will form the eyes!"

In just a few seconds, a person's shape appeared on the field.

Mirai smiled and shouted: "I will form the skin!"

With his loud shout, the giant gradually took shape.

He was a kind ofHumanoid, with big, white eyes, like a horizontal goose egg.

There is a huge blue and red crystal on the chest, and three shoulder armors are derived from the crystal to protect the chest.

The skin on his body is almost black, with some red, purple, blue and other decorations.

The most conspicuous thing is that there is also a diamond-shaped crystal on his forehead.

When Mirai realized that everyone's thoughts were connected together, the excitement in his eyes became stronger.

The perspective is provided by Linghua's [Baiyan], and the speed is assisted by Minato's reflex nerves.

The strength is provided by Kushina's huge chakra, and the body hardness is provided by Nawaki and Mirai's family.

This combination can be said to have brought together the advantages of everyone, making the strength of the giant increase exponentially.

Mirai felt the explosive power of the giant and shouted excitedly: "Very good, then it's up to me!"

As he said, he pulled out the Tessaiga from the giant's body.

"Shine, my Tessaiga!"

Instantly, the black giant changed from dark to golden.

In an instant, his body also soared from 50 meters to 300 meters.

This change shocked Minato and others.

They felt a gentle and powerful force constantly stimulating their potential, but without any side effects.

"My shining mode can make our strength reach the maximum intensity!" Mirai explained and looked at Orochimaru.

"Teacher, come quickly, we are just missing you!"

Orochimaru rejected it without thinking: "No, I don't want it, it's too embarrassing!"

Fusion or something... He always thought of Jiraiya's pictures and texts, and he couldn't help feeling ashamed.

So he didn't want it even if he was beaten to death.

And for some reason, it was too second-year.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Orochimaru to not want it.

In this case, they didn't force it.

He turned around and looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki.

At this moment, they were connected by Minato's neural network and Linghua's telepathy.

Their thoughts were connected.

They asked in unison: "Kaguya Otsutsuki, do you believe in light?"

As he spoke, the huge giant disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared again, he punched the tiny Kaguya!

"Time and space teleportation!?" Kaguya was shocked and hurriedly used [Yanquan Hirasaka] to dodge.

With the blessing of Kushina's Nine-Tails power and the future shining amplification.

Minato's comprehensive strength was greatly improved, and so were other friends.

Almost everyone was at the threshold of the Six Paths level.

For the space movement that was difficult to see with the naked eye, they immediately saw it with the perception of the future [Reincarnation Eye], Mangekyō, [Baiyan], etc.

Minato immediately controlled the giant's arm and used a ninjutsu he imagined.

"Want to escape? No way!"

He pulled his hands from his chest, and a beam of light suddenly appeared in his palm.

As he squeezed, the beam of light was like broken glass, rapidly shooting towards Kaguya Otsutsuki.

The magical thing is that this light has no physical attack ability, and can't cause any harm to Kaguya, but it has a devastating impact on the different space she opened.

In the perspective they share in the future, the dark space is all shattered.

After doing all this, Minato smiled and handed over the control to Nawaki.

"Brother, it's up to you!"

Nawaki took the lead, and Honghong was beside him. The two held hands, controlled the giant, and used [Super Power Fist] to hit her.

Orochimaru just watched quietly, even a little bored.

Saving the world is indeed not something that a scientist like him should worry about.

Unfortunately, there was no one awake on the ground. He didn't want to go anywhere except here.

So he used [Yin Yang Escape] to build a cage for himself, locked himself in it, and took out fruits and ate them slowly, just like watching an immersive movie.

Kaguya saw the fist coming, and her woman's intuition told her that she would die if she took it.

Without saying a word, she immediately activated the ability of [Gama Samsara Eye] and changed the space in an instant.

In an instant, a huge gravity pressed on Mirai and others.

Directly forced the attacks of Rope Tree and Hong Hong to be interrupted.

Mirai had already had a countermeasure for this.

After all, this is his second round.

He materialized the ability of Tessaiga in the hands of the giant.

Then he controlled the giant's hand and waved it.

Immediately cut out [Six Paths·Underworld Cangyue Po].

This is a move to break through space.

Naturally, it is not affected by gravity.

It is about to hit the bigKaguya Tsutsuki, the latter changed the space again with a thought.

She had seen the moves of the future from the memory of another self, so she was not panicked.

The space transformation was activated instantly.

The future and others immediately appeared in the lava space.

"Hey, it's lava!" Ichiraku was happy on the spot. His best skill was the Five Escapes, and he could use the Five Escapes to mobilize natural energy.

He immediately chuckled, "【Fire Escape·Fire Dragon King Bullet】."

As soon as the words fell, the lava under the ground immediately turned into a thousand-meter-long fire dragon and rushed towards Kaguya.

The latter's face changed again and again.

"Fuck..." Seeing that her space was dominated by the enemy, Kaguya was so shocked that she almost cursed.

How could every ability of hers be cracked by the opponent! ?

This is unscientific!

Orochimaru spoke up, chewing the melon and saying, "No, no, no, this is very scientific!"

Kaguya suddenly looked at Orochimaru, and a trace of surprise flashed across her iceberg-like face.

"Can you see through my mind!?"

"That's not true!" Orochimaru shrugged and explained, "I just felt it!"

"In the future, their combined strength is above yours, so they can naturally control your space!"

"Everyone, put an end to her!" Future interrupted Kaguya's question and shouted.


In an instant, everyone shouted in the body of the Shining Giant!


At the same time, the giant moved.

He stood in the void with his legs bent, and retracted his fists to his waist.

Then he crossed forward.

Endless natural chakra, guided by Minato and Kushina, all poured into the core of the giant's heart.

As the giant spread his hands, the natural energy on the earth was almost sucked out.

But compared to this.

The momentum of the giant was unprecedentedly high!

He just stood there, and the surrounding void trembled.

Countless cracks appeared, as if the space would be destroyed in the next moment.

Kaguya didn't dare to change the space, because the space was unstable. If she dared to change it, the space would explode on the spot.

At that time, it would have a strong backlash on her as the owner.

The gain is not worth the loss.

She immediately became ruthless and rushed towards the giant, "[Eighty Gods Air Strike]!"

In the future, they have reached the last move, and their hands are in an 'L' shape.

A golden golden light shot directly at Kaguya.

It destroyed her air fist with overwhelming force.

Kaguya Otsutsuki also disappeared.

"Oh no~"


That day, the people on the ground woke up from their dreams again.

They didn't remember what happened in the dream, they just felt empty, lonely and cold.

And what shocked them was that the chakra they were proud of disappeared.

Instead, various animals began to possess chakra.

I don't know who started the idea of ​​taming beasts.

So many people followed suit and signed equal contracts with animals.

Soon, these people were called trainers.

And these small animals with chakra were called magical elves.

Or pocket treasures, monster treasures.

Konoha Village... Oh no... Now it should be called Konoha Alliance.

The other four major ninja villages also immediately changed their strategies and followed Konoha to form the Wind Hidden Alliance, Water Hidden Alliance, Earth Hidden Alliance and Thunder Hidden Alliance.

The remaining small ninja villages also changed.

In the Konoha Alliance.

The seven people in the future gathered in the grove for dinner. Suddenly, the future looked up and looked at the sky.

The rest of the people were just a beat slower.

From their perspective, there were two white figures stepping through the void.

The aura on their bodies was very similar to that of Kaguya Otsutsuki, but everyone was not panicked.


A golden beam of light appeared without warning and pierced through them.

They were completely wiped out.

They retracted their gazes and smiled at each other.

They continued today's dinner.

On the Konoha Hokage Yanyan, Orochimaru hugged a cold and beautiful woman with white hair and white eyebrows, and said with a smile: "I said that my second apprentice is unparalleled in the world!"

The cold and beautiful woman, who was originally worried, relaxed a lot when the alien was shot.

She couldn't help but lean on the man next to her and nodded softly, "Yeah!"

"At the beginning, I didn't hesitate to use people as sacrifices, transform into White Zetsu, and create a White Zetsu army just to resist them!"

Now that they are dead, I feel at ease!

Not far away from them, Tsunade and Jiraiya hid behind the tree and watched them quietly.

"Jiraiya, do you know the details of that woman?"

"NoI know!" Jiraiya frowned. In the last battle, they were trapped in the space of [Infinite Moon Reading] and had no idea what happened.

When they came to their senses, they said that the battle was over in the future. It was also from that day that there was such a woman around Orochimaru.

They asked, but Orochimaru and others didn't say anything.

"Let's go, Kaguya, let's go home and make a baby!"

When they heard what Orochimaru said, not only Kaguya was embarrassed, but even Tsunade and Jiraiya dropped their jaws!

"Not Orochimaru!" Jiraiya jumped out directly and said in surprise: "Are you serious! ? "

Orochimaru laughed and said: "Of course, I have already thought of a name, it's Mitsuki!"

"Otsutsuki Mitsuki!"

[The whole book is over]!

(Brain storage! Come on, come on, take your brain back with your number!)

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