Both wanted to condemn the other from the moral high ground, but neither of them could stand.

If Minato knew that Mirai had known that he was hiding his weakness, he would not feel guilty.

The problem is that he didn't know that he had said in the morning that he was not his opponent.

So the two looked at each other and understood what they meant.

You don't accept it, right?

Let's fight!

Immediately, the two grabbed their weapons and rushed towards each other at full speed.

However, this battle gradually changed its flavor as it went on.

What if you stick my eyeballs in, I pinch your ass...

You spit at me, I release biological weapons on you...

This is not a battle at all, it's just a fight between children.

Until the end, Minato locked Mirai's neck with his feet and pulled the other's ankles with his palms.

Mirai also locked Minato in the same posture.

But fortunately, he was on top.

"Let go!" Mirai shouted with a red face and thick neck, but because his neck was held, his tone was a little unclear.

"You let go first!" Minato's face was also red, especially against the background of yellow hair, it looked even more ruddy.

"No, you let go first!"

"You first..."

"You first, you are a scoundrel!"

"You are the scoundrel!"


A good fight turned into an improper fight.

In the woods, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the two people on the grass with a black face, this, this, this...

Even with his extensive knowledge, he was a little powerless to complain.

After all, they were the best students in the class. It was just a fight, so why would they be so shameless?

However, looking at the two little men on top of each other, he didn't know what he thought of, his face turned slightly red, and he hurriedly said: "Ahem..."

"Stop fighting! We are all good friends, don't fight anymore!"

As the third generation spoke, the two strong men who locked the man were slightly stunned, and the strength on each other loosened a little, allowing them to turn their necks.

"Third generation!?"

"Why are you here?" Minato took the opportunity to break free from the restraints, looked at the third generation, and asked respectfully.

Mirai also stood up, he patted the dust on his body, and looked at him with a puzzled look.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was at his peak, no matter in terms of strength or character, he was completely different from the inaction in the future.

In short, Mirai still didn't have much malice towards the current Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As for the future... heh... with him around, he could pull the other party out of the grave and dance even if Minato died.

As long as Minato becomes Hokage before the Third Generation's ideology slips, the Uchiha clan will have fewer thoughts about launching a rebellion.

The Third Generation walked up to them with a smile, looked at the two little ones, and thought of the days before Konoha was established.

Their Sarutobi family and Danzo's Shimura family are close friends.

He and Danzo grew up wearing the same pants.

It seems that when they were young, they also played and quarreled like Mirai and Minato.

Of course, they can't do such shameless things as picking their noses, plugging their eyes, and farting.

Their tutors don't allow them to do so.

In fact, he is a little envious, because he and Danzo didn't do such things when they were young.

Hey... If you think about it this way, it's really a big regret in childhood!

"Nothing, I just finished processing the documents and finished my meal, and I was going to take a walk to digest the food, and then I came here!" He smiled gently.

Minato believed it. He looked at the Third Hokage with admiration and said, "Third Hokage, you are really a competent Hokage. Under your leadership, our Konoha will be peaceful and prosperous!"

Although he was still just a student, he had also heard about the situation outside.

There were frictions everywhere on the border, and it was said that people died every day.

The Third Hokage smiled and corrected him, "Little Minato, you are wrong. I am only an acting Hokage!"

Although everyone agreed that he should be the Hokage, he is not the official Hokage yet. His teacher died too quickly.

He took office temporarily, and the Daimyo of the Land of Fire thought he was too young and did not approve of him very much.

So he gave him the title of 'Acting Hokage' to see Sarutobi Hiruzen's comprehensive strength first, and then decide whether to let him become a regular Hokage.

Minato smiled and said nothing.

It's just a matter of time before he becomes a regular Hokage.

Mirai also picked up the wooden sword and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen strangely.

I don't understand why he came to find them at this time.

He was not really naive enough to think that the other party came here for a walk as he said.

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally noticed the hidden look from Mirai, he smiled and saidTalk about other things.

"Little guy, do you like practicing swordsmanship?"

Whether in the crystal ball or in reality, he can see that the other party is holding a wooden sword.

But when he thought that the Uchiha also had a swordsmanship inheritance, he was relieved.

Mirai glanced at the wooden sword and nodded, "Third generation, you are right!"

"Not bad, not bad, young people have their own ideas, which is good! Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

Although he didn't like Uchiha very much, it was only influenced by the teacher and Danzo.

For innocent children, he was still happy to chat a few more words.

The premise is that this person did not threaten the village.

"Hehe..." Mirai hurriedly showed a shy smile.

Third generation glanced at the sky, thought about it, but still didn't say what he thought.

"Okay, you guys continue to practice, I'm leaving first!"

"But don't get carried away like you did just now!"

"Uh... OK!"

"We got it!"

The two kids just watched the third generation go farther and farther away, and couldn't help but look at each other.

So what exactly did the third generation come here for?

It's not because he's tired of peeping, so he wants to go out for a walk!

After a long time, Minato retracted his gaze and asked hesitantly: "Then are we still fighting?"

Mirai rolled his eyes at him. After the "battle" just now, he had no idea about it at all.

He held the knife in both hands and turned around and left, "What are you fighting for? I'm going to sleep!"

"Oh!" Minato turned around and followed the pace of the future.

Only then did he realize that the future was covered with weeds and dust, with long black hair and a few branches stuck in it, not to mention how embarrassed it was.

He quickly grabbed the sleeve of the future and shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The future paused, and he turned his head to look at Minato in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Minato came to him, stretched out his hand, and gently helped him remove the weeds and branches.

"Why are you covered with so many weeds?"

It was clearly him lying on the bottom just now, but why did he feel like he was pressed to the ground when comparing the two of them?

Mirai stretched out his hand and pulled the hair wrapped behind his head in front of him, and found that there were indeed a lot of weeds on it.

Looking at the same waist-length hair as Hayate Neji, Mirai couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas, to be honest, I really want to shave my hair short!"

Minato asked curiously: "Then why don't you shave it?"

Hearing this, Mirai's face became even more bitter!

He stretched out his hand to hold Minato, tilted his head, pressed on his temple, and smiled bitterly.

"Minato, do you know there is a term called 'family position'?"

Minato pondered for a moment, and asked uncertainly: "Does it mean to be the master of the family?"

He understood it as 'family status', and he was even more confused when he said that.

He had met Future's father a few times. He himself had a buzz cut, so he shouldn't let his son grow long hair!

Future used the hand that was around his shoulders to force his head to his side so that he could see his expression.

He said in a faint tone: "In my family, my mother is the eldest, followed by my sister, then my father, and finally... me!"

"Uh..." Minato was stunned and a little surprised.

He has no parents. In his cognition, his father is the master of the family and his mother manages the rear.

Why does it feel like Future's family is rebelling!

Future complained: "I tell you, my parents didn't plan to have me after they had my sister!" As he said that, he looked up at the sky.

"It was just that on a stormy night, they accidentally got me pregnant!"

He was a time traveler, and had heard about this when he was a baby.

At that time, his father thought he was young and his cerebellum had not yet fully developed, so he did not avoid him. Seeing Mieko lying in bed for confinement, he felt so distressed.

So he blamed himself for being drunk and not taking protective measures, which made Mieko suffer for a year.

"It is said that my father proposed abortion many times, but was stopped by my mother!"

Minato's face was a little strange. He looked at Mirai and couldn't help but feel a little sympathy from the bottom of his heart.

"In other words, you are an accident?!"


"What does that have to do with you not cutting your hair?"

Speaking of this, Mirai was even more miserable. "In fact, when I was a child, I was played as a doll for several years!"

Minato: "!!!"

Looking at the astonished look on Minato's face, Mirai let go of him and added a sentence.

"The kind that wears women's clothes!"

Or the clothes that his sister didn't want, all of which were used to dress him up.

He is his sister's, and even his mother's, exclusive doll!

Crying! (╯﹏╰)

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