Uchiha clan land.

The three elders, Uchiha Dahai, Dazhuang, and Fugaku, sat together and started a series of discussions on the abduction of Uchiha Mirai by the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The third elder looked at the serious faces of the crowd and couldn't help but said: "Maybe we think too much. It is possible that the third generation is sending us friendly signals, or maybe the third generation just happened to meet Mirai!"

His words were like throwing a huge rock into a calm lake, causing ripples.

The second elder looked at him speechlessly. He really didn't understand why the third elder, who was very smart and capable before, became more and more speechless recently.

What he said was full of strong subjective ideas, and he didn't even think about it!

"Are you stupid? Do you really think that the person who sits in that position is a simple-minded person? If that's the case, then why should we Uchiha live so hard!"

The Great Elder also echoed: "That's right, Third Elder, I know what you think, but the prejudice of the top leaders against us Uchiha has a long history. Do you really think that if we do nothing, the top leaders will take the initiative to lower their posture and release friendly messages!

I tell you, the few people who inherited the will of the Second Generation are absolutely outrageous in their defense against us Uchiha!"

To be honest, they really respect and hate the Second Generation.

"But, what if it happens? This is a great opportunity to repair the relationship with the village. As long as both of us go to each other, we will definitely be able to eliminate the gap between us. After all, we Uchiha are also members of Konoha!"

The Third Elder still insisted on his own opinion, which made the two elders speechless.

This guy...

He is really stubborn, right!


"What nonsense are you talking about!" The second elder, who had a bad temper, couldn't help but stand up and scolded.

He pointed at the position of the Hokage Yan and scolded angrily: "If the top leaders really wanted to accept us Uchiha, the second generation would not appoint Sarutobi Hiruzen as the Hokage, but Jing as the third generation.

If we Uchiha became the Hokage, do you think we would not accept those ninja villagers well!"

"Now you see, besides being in charge of the police department, what rights do we Uchiha have? We do dirty and tiring work every day, but the villagers can't see our hardships. When something happens, they spray us Uchiha in the street.

We Uchiha are a powerful family. When have we ever been subjected to such a fuss!"

"But..." The third elder's lips moved twice, and he didn't know how to defend himself.

"But what the hell!" Seeing him like this, the second elder became even more angry. He cursed, interrupted the other party, and turned to look at Uchiha Dahai and others.

His expression gradually became firm and he shouted: "I propose to remove the third elder of Uchiha Jingxia from his post. Uchiha like him who is devoted to the top will sooner or later lead us Uchiha into destruction!"

Several people ignored his words. It was just a word. If Uchiha Jingxia was really removed from his post, not to mention those dove Uchiha would turn the world upside down, even the Konoha top leaders would probably do everything they could to obstruct them.

What they hope to see is that the Uchiha inside is not a solid block.

Even the Hyuga family seems to be absolutely obedient to the main family, but the main family has only a few people, relying on the [Bird in the Cage] curse seal to absolutely control the life freedom of the branch family, which will definitely make the people of the branch family feel resentful.

It's just that due to the curse seal, it can't happen on the spot.

But sometimes, a person's emotions can determine a person's fate.

If they want to mess with the Hyuga family, just arranging a few frictions will be enough to make some passionate people from the branch family bite off a piece of meat from the main family regardless of their own life and death.

So, although it seems that they are not on guard against the Hyuga clan, there is actually no need.

The system of the Hyuga clan has not only become the pillar of the Hyuga clan's existence, but also the shackles that bind the Hyuga clan.

They can only maintain it and dare not make excessive reforms.

Because no one knows, if the [Bird in the Cage] curse is cancelled, will there be people from the branch family who will take the opportunity to retaliate against their main family.

Uchiha Dahai rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and interrupted: "Okay, let's talk about this later. The main thing this time is about the third generation getting close to Uchiha Mirai. Don't say anything and listen to what Dazhuang thinks!"

The second elder sat down angrily without even looking at the third elder.

Although what he said just now was just an angry remark, who knows how much of his real thoughts are in it.

The elder nodded and said, "Yes, the future isDa Zhuang's son, Da Zhuang, tell me what you think!"

Uchiha Da Zhuang has not spoken since he came here. He is a big and strong man sitting on the ground, almost occupying two futons.

If the clan leader hadn't spoken, they would have almost forgotten that there was such a large group of people in the conference room.

Uchiha Da Zhuang's face has always been calm, which is extremely inconsistent with his rough appearance.

It stands to reason that after learning that his son might be used as a gun, he, as a father, would be very excited, but he didn't.

Seeing several people looking at him, he thought for a while, and couldn't help touching his prickly chin, speculating: "Do you think it might be because of what happened yesterday!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like letting several people who were looking at flowers in the fog instantly come to the front of the flowers to look.

The look suddenly became exciting.

"What happened yesterday? !"

"You mean, the special operation that was hidden from our Uchiha yesterday? ! ”

“Hey~ Why didn’t I think of that!”

“It’s possible, it’s too possible!”

After Da Zhuang reminded them, everyone finally realized what was happening.

Yesterday’s incident was not the first time it happened. Konoha had many confidential activities in the past, and they had never notified Uchiha.

To be honest, they were already used to it.

In addition, what was discussed today was the third generation’s contact with the future. At first glance, it seemed to have nothing to do with yesterday’s incident.

So much so that they habitually forgot about yesterday’s incident.

If combined with yesterday’s incident, then today the third generation had a great motivation to contact the future.

Fugaku looked at Da Zhuang in surprise, “Uncle Da Zhuang, your brain is a little inconsistent with your image!”

Listening to the younger generation’s teasing, Da Zhuang shook his head, “No, you are all in the leadership level, dealing with the affairs of the entire clan every day, and your views on some things have subtly formed your inherent thinking.

For example, you all must have known about yesterday's action, but because there were too many precedents, you all subconsciously thought that it was another matter that was insignificant to Uchiha, so you instinctively forgot it! "

These people didn't see this, but I could see it. After all, he did nothing all day long. He was either flirting with Mieko or thinking about how to flirt with Mieko.

As soon as he said this, the faces of the people who were originally a little happy suddenly fell silent.

Do you have it?

No, I really do!

It's like you work on an assembly line, and you know exactly where each screw is installed.

Even the body has formed an instinctive reaction. With a flick of the hand, you know the size of the screw, and then quickly and accurately install it in the corresponding hole.

Later, the product changed to a new model, and the screw was still the same. At this time, your hand will still install the screw in the right place without thinking.

The elder sighed and looked at Dazhuang, "I've learned! "

Dahai also looked at him gratefully, "Da Zhuang, your reminder this time is like a thunderbolt for us. If it weren't for your reminder, we wouldn't have realized this!"

Da Zhuang shook his head, not taking their gratitude to heart, but looking at a few people, with a somewhat inexplicable tone, "People outside the clan call us Uchiha prone to extremism, and there is a reason for this!

We rely too much on emotions and intuition to do things. This has been deeply rooted in our bones since the Warring States Period and is difficult to eradicate! "

As soon as these words came out, the people present fell silent again.

In fact, at their level, they can already sense the side effects of the [Sharingan].

[Sharingan] is indeed a very top [Blood Limit], but it will magnify a person's emotions.

And people are born evil. Even if they Uchiha have established correct values ​​since childhood, they will still be influenced by the entire ninja world and go to extremes.

Even step into darkness.

I don't know how long the silence lasted, Dahai finally said: "Okay, this matter cannot be solved in a short time, let's discuss the current situation first!"

After Dazhuang's reminder, they had ideas and immediately had ideas.

"Something major must have happened yesterday, so the third generation was a little worried, so he started to contact the future and wanted to use him as a breakthrough to test our Uchiha's attitude!" Fugaku took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"My son is right!" Dahai agreed with a gleam in his eyes.

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