Through the [Snake Swallowing Technique], he developed another ninjutsu that was very helpful to him.

It was called [Orochimaru Style·Substitution Technique].

[Orochimaru Style·Substitution Technique] was a higher-level [Substitution Technique] exclusive to him. This ninjutsu used the external body as a substitute and transferred itself from the mouth. It did not require hand seals and was the most perfect [Substitution Technique].

Even Amaterasu could avoid it, but people other than Orochimaru would consume a lot of their own chakra if they used it.

Moreover, this ninjutsu could help Orochimaru avoid a fatal injury.

Even if his limbs were completely broken, or his body was about to turn into ash, as long as he used this ninjutsu in time, he could completely escape from danger.

In order to achieve full recovery except for chakra and mental strength.

Quite wow!

It was just that this move was too big for Orochimaru, and the new body would always carry sticky body fluids.

Even if it did not come out of the mouth, it would still be there.

The future and the two looked at Orochimaru who was lost in his memories, and they looked at each other in bewilderment.

I don't know what Orochimaru thought of again.

After a while.

Orochimaru came back to his senses and said with some emotion: "Hehe..."

"Let's get down to business!"

Then, he began to show off to the future the principle and awesomeness of his [Snake Swallowing Technique].

Everyone knows the principle, so I won't talk about it.

"My ninjutsu can develop a huge sealed storage space in the human body.

You can carry a lot of personal belongings, even ninja tools, weapons, and even lifeless corpses, you can put them into the body and take them away.

It is the best ninjutsu for home travel and killing people!"

As he said, a trace of heat and complacency flashed in his eyes.

"And this ninjutsu is a prerequisite for practicing another high-level [Substitution Technique]!"

"You all know [Substitution Technique], right?"

The two little ones nodded in unison. Through his words, Future roughly guessed which ninjutsu he wanted to talk about.

Rope Tree said: "[Substitution Technique] is a life-saving skill for middle and lower ninjas, but it has great side effects, so it is rarely used after reaching the level of Jonin.

And Jonin basically knows [Instant Body Technique]. This ninjutsu may not be as fast as [Substitution Technique], but it does not have the disadvantages of [Substitution Technique].

It will not be easily caught by the opponent, and it can even be connected to other ninjutsu to start with!"

It is a ninjutsu that is very suitable for Jonin and above.

Orochimaru nodded, "That's right, but this ninjutsu of mine doesn't have the disadvantages of the ordinary [Substitution Technique].

That is to say, once it is activated, there is no stiffness time. Even if the person is sealed or even bound by a curse seal, as long as a part of the body with a hole is not blocked, the person can quickly shed his skin and get out of danger directly from here!"


Rope Tree looked at Orochimaru in shock. He was very eager for the [Substitution Technique] that Orochimaru said.

If what Orochimaru said was true, then his ability to save his life would be maxed out.

And Mirai was also excited.

As a frequent user of [Substitution Technique], he knew too well the dangers that would occur during the stiffness time.

Many times, he was caught by Minato because of the stiffness time of [Substitution Technique], and then he lost.

If he learned this trick, wouldn't it mean that Minato would never catch him again!


As long as he can defeat Minato, he will learn it even if it is disgusting.

"Teacher, teacher!"

"Can you teach us this awesome ninjutsu!"

Nawoki also looked at Orochimaru with anticipation, he was also greedy!

Orochimaru looked at the two little eyes shining, and immediately smiled with satisfaction.

He developed ninjutsu and studied the truth, isn't it just to pass it on to his disciples.

If he hides it, then these secret truths will only be known by himself, what's the point.

What he wants to do is to thoroughly study the secrets and laws of the entire ninja world and become a pioneer of mankind.

"Don't worry, I will teach you this move, but your current chakra is not enough to use this move. When you have enough chakra, it won't be too late for me to teach you!"

When they heard this, they were both numb.

How can this be!

They have already whetted their appetites, and now this is happening, Teacher Orochimaru, you are so bad!


Nongshu asked unwillingly: "Teacher Orochimaru, even my chakra is not enough?"

Mirai on the side also looked at Orochimaru. The amount of chakra of Ropeshu is the second most among his peers.

It is several times more than his own.

IfIf even he couldn't reach the requirements of performing [Orochimaru Style·Substitution Technique], then there was no way for me.

Orochimaru nodded and said, "Yes, it's not enough!"

"This [Substitution Technique] of mine was developed specifically for myself. If outsiders want to use it, they need a lot of chakra!"

After all, he is not like an ordinary person. He had injected white snake cells into his body.

This [Substitution Technique] was developed by him based on the conjecture of snake shedding.

And [Snake Swallowing Technique] is another core of this ninjutsu. After all, it is to learn to shed skin like a snake, so it is necessary to use chakra in the body to quickly separate the skin.

However, this process is too much of a test of people's willpower. Even if the pain caused by nerve transmission is cut off, such a huge amount of work from beginning to end cannot be completed smoothly by people alone in a very short time.

Once a certain point has a problem, there will be changes when separating from the skin, and it may even get stuck in the skin.

After all, it is about separating the skin.

So it is necessary to carve the corresponding curse patterns on important parts of the body.

At that time, as long as the practitioner activates the patterns in this area, the skin can be separated step by step.

The energy burden of people will also be greatly reduced.

"But Mr. Orochimaru, why does this move require so much chakra?" Mirai asked curiously. If he knew the reason, there might be a way to solve it.

Orochimaru saw what he was thinking. He smiled and did not stop him. Instead, he explained, "I can easily perform this move because I have white snake cells in my body. Snakes naturally shed their skin, and I have this ability to some extent.

And most importantly, white snake cells give me super regenerative ability, so if I lose my arms and legs, I don't need much chakra to restore my original limbs from the new body.

But you are different. You don't have white snake cells in your body, so you can only use chakra to replace them. So, the result may be the same, but the effect is far worse than mine!"

Future understood, "Is this why we need an extremely large amount of chakra!"

Using chakra to separate and construct the body under the skin, this is why a lot of chakra is needed.

Now that the reason is known...

Future has no choice.

If there is nothing else, he can still find a substitute, but where can he find a substitute for chakra, which is like a panacea!

By the way, how does this chakra construct new skin and clothes?

Didn't they say that without Yin-Yang escape ninjutsu, it is impossible to keep it for a long time?

Hiss... My head is itchy, I feel like a tumor is growing!

Nawaki was listening in confusion. Although he didn't quite understand what Orochimaru said, he knew one thing, that is, they couldn't learn this trick at present.

"Then please teach me [Snake Swallowing Technique], Orochimaru!" Mirai thought about it and asked Orochimaru.

[Snake Swallowing Technique] is a prerequisite for [Orochimaru Style·Substitution Technique].

Whether he wants to learn the latter or not, the former is also very desirable to him.

How to say it, although he will feel disgusted when watching others take things out of their mouths.

But if it comes out of his own mouth, then it is others who are disgusted.

Anyway, it comes out of his own mouth, although it is a little disgusting, it is not serious.

And most importantly, it is very safe!

As I get older, my secrets will increase.

There is a safe place, the sooner the better.

The most important thing is that this ninjutsu can save him the expensive money to buy the spiritual scroll.

In addition to food, clothing, housing and transportation, the money earned by ninjas also includes living expenses, ninja weapons, training tools, treatment of injuries, etc.

All of these require money.

And the most expensive one is the medicinal materials and secret medicines that help the ninjas grow physically and improve their strength.

Why are the ninjas from big families stronger than ordinary people?

In addition to ninjutsu and blood inheritance, there are also unique secret medicines for cultivation.

They Uchiha also have similar secret medicines, such as the medicinal baths he often took when he was a child and the rare treasures he ate.

Almost a day's amount ranges from one thousand to ten thousand taels, which is very expensive.

Otherwise, how do you think he became the second in the ninja school at such a young age in the future?

Just relying on the aura of the protagonist of the time traveler? No, it is based on the cultivation of his parents, and the medicinal materials that his sister bought with the money she picked up, plus his hard work.

So even though the rewards for ninja missions are high, after deducting these, they don't have much money left.

And the more powerful the ninja, the more money they need.The more training funds they need.

Many ninjas in Konoha Village live on relief money.

This is why the ninja village will surrender to the daimyo's mansion, because they want money!

Their ninja village protects the daimyo's power, and the daimyo gives them a salary to support their families, and everyone gets what they need.

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