Minato used his spiritual pressure to change the number of points directly, and the modified points changed the number of points inside from the original three one points to three three points, and the number of points also changed from the original three points to nine points, and the emotions of the crowd reached the peak.

"Open quickly!!"

"Yes, hurry up!"

"Don't waste time!"

Minato on the side was speechless when he saw this scene, and suddenly thought of how such a scene had a sense of déjà vu, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came.

"Fuck, why is it so familiar, isn't this the routine of the Dragon King novel I read in my previous life?"

"First, a group of blind cannon fodder villains came to cause trouble, and then the Dragon King smiled crookedly and started the familiar routine of pretending to be awesome and slapping in the face."

Then a group of spectators were there to sigh at the protagonist's awesomeness.

I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to experience the treatment of the male protagonist of a cool novel after traveling to the world of Naruto.

Minato said calmly, "Can we open the cup now?"

Everyone hurriedly urged him to do so, wanting to see the result of the last round.

Shizune and Tsunade, who were standing by, also stared at the gambling table in front of them nervously, fearing that someone was playing tricks. Minato was amused when he saw their looks.

But he understood in a moment. If he hadn't reminded Tsunade, she wouldn't have realized that it wasn't that she had bad luck, but that these guys were cheating her.

The cup was opened, and everyone was shocked to see the scene in front of them, because the number of points displayed on the dice was exactly three threes, which was nine points. The guy who was the dealer immediately showed a gloomy look on his face when he saw it was nine points.

Tsunade and Shizune saw this and their beautiful and attractive faces showed a hint of excitement, and they shouted. "We won!"

Then the two girls hugged each other and said excitedly: "Shizune, did you see that? We won! Minato is really awesome (「・ω・)「This is 90 million taels!"

Minato listened to the two people's words and twitched his mouth, "What do you mean I'm awesome? Can you speak in full sentences? People who don't know would think I did something to you two!"

Gnashed his teeth and said: "You cheated me, and your angry expression and irrational look just now were all pretended, just for this last game."

Seeing this, Minato smiled and said: "How can this be said that I was lucky and won a game by chance? After all, I lost a full nine games before!"

"Besides, everyone's eyes are sharp, don't you think so!" Minato shouted to the crowd.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this:


"That blond little brother did lose a lot of games before."

At this time, a woman said indignantly: "It's the blond handsome guy who keeps losing."

"When Minato saw this scene, he sighed in his heart and saw that he was not the protagonist!"

If he was the protagonist, he should be criticized by everyone now!

At this time, Tsunade on the side said excitedly: "Give us the money quickly!"

At this time, another middle-aged man came over and said that the three of you would be here soon. Not long after, a man came over with two boxes of banknotes. Minato smiled slightly and said: "Thank you, then use the ninjutsu scroll to pack it up."

The three of them were satisfied and left the casino. A subordinate looked at the backs of the three people leaving the casino and couldn't help asking: "Boss, we have suffered a big loss this time. We lost 90 million taels, which is our income for three months."

The middle-aged man frowned slightly when he heard his subordinate's words and asked:

"Then what should we do according to you? The man heard this. A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, why don't we kill and rob. "

The middle-aged man on the side was so upset that he couldn't help but said: "Do you know who they are?"

The middle-aged man looked at his subordinates who still didn't know, so he explained:

"The blonde woman is Tsunade Princess and the princess of the Land of Fire. As for the blonde man, he should be the Fourth Hokage Namikaze who has been in the ninja world for a while."

"So do you want to die?" The subordinate heard this and his face was a little scared. If he had acted impulsively at that time, would he have died?

At this time, the subordinate said: "Then did we offend the princess of the Land of Fire and the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village at once today!"

The middle-aged man heard this and his face showed a thoughtful look, but after a while he spoke slowly.

"I don't think so. The reason why the Fourth Hokage was able to defeat us was because he discovered our mechanism. Didn't he say that at the time?"

"The angry expression on his face before was to lure you in, to make you mistakenly think that he had lost his mind because of the defeat.I'll take this opportunity to play a big one with you guys. This way, I can not only win back what I had before, but also make a lot of money. Why not do it! "

"Pass it on, the Princess of the Land of Fire, Princess Tsunade, and the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, must be treated as guests of honor when they come to the casino next time."

On the other side, three people were walking on the street, and Tsunade was excitedly holding a scroll, which contained the 90 million taels that Minato won in the casino.

Then Tsunade said to Minato: "By the way, Minato, you take 60 million taels of the money this time, and the remaining 30 million taels are for me and Shizune. Shizune felt a little embarrassed when she saw this scene. ”

It is obvious that all this money was won by Minato himself, and he and Tsunade-sama took it away for no reason. It is really unreasonable to take the money of the Fourth Hokage-sama.

Tsunade seemed to have noticed Minato's gaze on her, and her face was unconsciously a little hot.

So she said: "Minato, all this money was won by you. It is unreasonable for me to take so much money from you for no reason. Then you can make a condition! As long as it is not excessive, I can agree to it. "

Minato smiled slowly when he heard it, and looked up and down at Tsunade's figure and charming face and said, "Really? Sister Tsunade."

Tsunade's face became redder when she heard it, but she still raised her head and showed her fair and slender jade strength and said proudly: "Of course, I am the princess of the Land of Fire, and I also have the title of Sannin. Can I lie to you?"

"Sister Tsunade, you should also know the current situation of Konoha. There are almost no Kage-level strongmen in the entire Konoha Village. "

"And that is..."

Minato paused for a moment here, waiting for Tsunade to continue.

Sure enough, Tsunade saw that Minato suddenly stopped talking, and was a little anxious, so she asked, "What else?"

When Minato heard Tsunade's words, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he said with a serious face:

"I have a feeling that Konoha Village will experience an unprecedented crisis soon, and Konoha Village will be at risk of disappearing in the ninja world at that time."

Tsunade's charming face showed a solemn look, and her beautiful eyes stared at Minato Namikaze in front of her, as if she was afraid that Minato would hide something.

"Little did you know that all this was deliberately said by Minato to trick Tsunade back to the village. Minato would not know whether Konoha Village would be destroyed, but Konoha Village was still alive until the unburned Boruto! "

As a time traveler, Minato also wanted to see what would happen if he taught Naruto and Sasuke, the protagonists of the Naruto world, from now on.

In addition, if the Six Paths Sage gave them the plug-in, the Six Paths Power, and if the Six Paths had not disappeared, and the two had not fought in the Valley of the End, and no one had lost an arm, could they beat Momoshiki in fusion alone, and Isshiki Otsutsuki later!

Minato was looking forward to this, because in his previous life, whether he was reading novels or reading on that (๑•̌.•̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣ forum, there were readers who said that Naruto in the Valley of the End was not as strong as Naruto in his middle age, and the same was true for Sasuke, but Minato was looking forward to whether it was what they said.

Then he looked at Tsunade, who was staring at him, and said, "My condition is very simple. I want to ask Sister Tsunade to return to the village to serve as the director of the medical department. "

Speaking of this, Minato narrowed his blue eyes, which were as bright as stars, and slowly walked to Tsunade's side.

He whispered softly in her ear: "After all, you don't want the Konoha Village established by the first Hokage to disappear in the Ninja World!"

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