The training ground in the Konoha Forest is located outside the Konoha Village, surrounded by dense woods. But at this moment, it is extremely deserted, empty, revealing a strange and quiet atmosphere. "Such a big village, but few people come here to train?" Naruto couldn't help but muttered in a low voice. He thought so, after all, most of the ninjas in the village went out to perform missions... And on weekends, the remaining people may prefer to stay at home with their families. This is also thanks to the fact that Shenwei can't hide tears, and wait until the strength becomes stronger in the future. We must reward him well, such as giving him two big slaps as a reward...


"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto quickly formed seals with both hands, and then shouted softly.

Bang bang bang~

Accompanied by a sound, twenty shadow clones exactly like him instantly appeared in the center of the training ground.

Looking at the shadow clones standing side by side, Naruto thought to himself:

"Only twenty..."

Brother Kazi's chakra is really too little...

He stroked his chin thoughtfully. If he could reach a reconciliation with the Nine-Tails, then perhaps he could have thousands or even tens of thousands of shadow clones!

Thinking of this, Naruto couldn't help but get excited. After all, with the Nine-Tails, this powerful "power bank", his total chakra is comparable to that of Hashirama Senju!

What should I do next? Naruto's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something important.

Suddenly, a sly light flashed in his eyes.

"You just open your Sharingan."

Then, he looked around and confirmed that there was no one else around, and without hesitation, he asked all the shadow clones to open their Sharingan immediately.

This was not only a test of the ability of the shadow clones, but also an exploration of his own strength.

Naruto stared at the shadow clones, looking forward to their performance.

In an instant, Naruto's shadow clones opened their bright and dazzling Sharingan like a ignited flame!

In an instant, the entire center of the training ground was shrouded in dazzling red light, as if a gorgeous visual feast was being staged.

If someone was present at this time, they might mistakenly think that a crazy disco was being held here...

After confirmation, the shadow clones can open their Sharingan no matter how many they have!

After all, anime is anime, and I still have to try it out after traveling here!


Naruto ordered half of the shadow clones to close their Sharingan.


He made up his mind to test the illusion power of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan.


Naruto gave an order to the half of the shadow clones that had not closed their Sharingan.

In an instant, the ten shadow clones quickly launched the Sharingan illusion, and the ten clones on the opposite side were instantly hit!

The Sharingan is well-deserved!

Naruto's original body was very satisfied with the pre-illusion effect of the Sharingan.

Then, the clones that were hit by the illusion began to flirt and show off their charm.

Some moved wildly in the air...

Others kept fiddling with their bodies, holding the air with both hands, as if there was something...

Naruto's original body witnessed this scene and couldn't bear to look at it, calling it "eye-spicing"!

He hurriedly made a seal and cancelled the shadow clone.

He just wanted to test the effect of the Sharingan illusion, but he didn't expect that the shadow clone would be in such a state!

It seems that his clone is not serious...

It's insulting to customs!

Naruto said that he is an upright young man!



Naruto suddenly yelled.

The illusion of ten Sharingan eyes was a bit too much...

"Damn it, I forgot that the shadow clones would synchronize memories, what the hell is this!"


As soon as Naruto finished speaking, he fell heavily to the ground and fainted.

A stream of hot water flowed from his nostrils, probably a nosebleed of happiness...


After a long time.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes.

Recalling what he had just experienced, the hot stream of happiness in his nose seemed to be unable to be suppressed and wanted to burst out...

Just then, Naruto's eyes were filled with the blue sky that he had seen when he woke up.

Suddenly, a round watermelon head and a big mouth appeared in his field of vision

-This scene is really too shocking!


Naruto couldn't help but scream.

Seeing this, Might Guy quickly stepped back

left, but then he opened his big mouth full of vigor and vitality and laughed again:

"Hahahahaha... Don't be afraid, young man of Konoha~ I saw you fainted on the training ground before, so I moved you here."

"And I am the famous blue beast of Konoha Village - Might Guy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Might Guy's signature smile appeared on his face.

Rest for a moment.

Naruto widened his eyes and stared at the green-skinned watermelon-headed man in front of him, secretly amazed in his heart.

Recalling the image of Might Guy that he had seen in the animation, he thought that the clothes he wore were quite acceptable at that time.

But now that he is standing in front of him in real life, he found that he is so devilish!

However, although he was a little surprised at the gap between reality and imagination, Naruto was full of joy and loved the character of Might Guy.

As the saying goes,

A peacock in the morning and a tiger in the daytime.

After the evening elephant, the night Kai dance.

First there was Queen Kai, then there was the day, the eight gates opened together to kick the gods.

This is the guy who almost kicked out the finale of Naruto!

Ahem, which man doesn't like it...

"Hello, Brother Kai, my name is Uzumaki Naruto, I'm really happy to meet someone as powerful as you!"

Naruto's face once again showed that innocent, non-threatening smile, as if it could melt anyone.

Might Guy looked at the sunny boy in front of him, and couldn't help but be infected by his enthusiasm, laughing heartily:

"Hahahahahahahahahaha, Naruto, I'm glad to meet you too! But by the way, why did you faint here? Did you get bullied by other bad guys? Tell me quickly, I will definitely let those guys have a good taste of the power of 'youth'!"

While speaking, Might Guy exuded a breath of vitality and vigor. Without saying much, anyone could feel the surging power contained in it.

Seeing this, Naruto waved his hands and explained:

"No, no, no, Brother Kai, you misunderstood! Actually, I didn't sleep well last night, so I accidentally fell asleep here. I wasn't bullied."

After listening, Might Guy thought for a moment, then suddenly grinned and said:

"I see, then you are really too weak, it's not good to be in such a poor health! As a passionate young man in Konoha Village, you must have a strong physique! Come on, follow my pace and enjoy the passionate youth physical training together!"

Before he finished speaking, Might Guy didn't give Naruto any time to react, grabbed his hand, and rushed away like a gust of wind.

I tm...

Naruto was listening to Might Guy's words seriously, until Might Guy suddenly pulled him up and ran, he felt that something was wrong...

No, you are too enthusiastic! I haven't agreed yet!

Also, this speed is too fast!

Naruto didn't have a chance to talk while running.

"What flew over?"

"It seemed to be an unidentified object of green and yellow color."

The villagers around the forest exchanged.

After a long and arduous effort, Might Guy led Naruto to run a full fifty laps of the forest!

Finally stopped...

At this moment, Naruto was exhausted and panting.

He secretly complained in his heart:

"Grandma, I'm just a child..."

Although children in the ninja world are generally precocious, such high-intensity training is still a bit too much for Naruto who has just been hit by the backlash of illusion.

However, Might Guy asked Naruto passionately:

"How is it, Naruto! Do you feel the infinite vitality of youth?"

His eyes flashed with excitement and expectation.

Naruto panted and replied weakly: "This... Is this the so-called youth?" There was a hint of doubt and confusion in his voice.

Might Guy nodded in agreement with pride, and shouted excitedly: "That's right! This is true youth! Youth means moving forward courageously, without fear of any difficulties!"

Naruto seemed to understand these words. Then he turned and left without any nostalgia. Because he really didn't want to be dragged by Guy to accept such cruel training again.

This is too inhuman...

I just got rid of the illusion of happiness, and I haven't recovered yet...

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