The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

A week later.

In the great desert of the Kingdom of Wind.

The four Kages and the leaders of the four villages were standing on the sand dunes, looking towards the direction of Konoha Village.

Behind them.

Hualalalalal...! ! !

A noisy sound came.

That was the sound of the 50,000 ninja coalition forces gathered from the four countries!

Their goal was very clear - to defeat Konoha Village!

At this moment, Ohnoki was suspended in the air, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

"I can't believe that Konoha Village would listen to the command of that kid... Is he a rookie or is he confident?"

The Raikage seemed particularly irritable and said with gritted teeth.

"I will definitely make Konoha Village pay for the dead warriors of our Kumogakure!"

At this time, Killer Bee behind the Raikage suddenly started to sing Rap.

"Stupid big brother, bastard big brother, oh baby~"


The Raikage gave Killer Bee a hard slam without hesitation.

And the Kazekage had only one goal from beginning to end.

"I want the most of Konoha's land!!!"

There is no way, the Sand Village is too poor...

The fourth generation Mizukage: Aba Aba...

And the four-nation coalition forces below are also constantly communicating.

"This time we must completely defeat Konoha!!!"

"Revenge for my companions!!!"

"I've been unhappy with them for a long time! I heard that Uchiha girls are very beautiful!"

"Brother in front, I seriously suspect that the latter is your purpose."

Listening to the conversation of the ninja coalition, Ohnoki also smiled.

Yes, no matter how strong Konoha is, how can it defeat the four-nation coalition forces.

At this moment.

Chi Chi Chi...!!!

On the flat ground in the distance, dozens of figures quietly emerged and were slowly walking towards the crowd.

If you look down from the sky, these dozens of figures are extremely small compared to the huge ninja coalition, and can be described as ants.

Ohnoki stared at the figure that was getting closer and closer with a serious look, and his tone was full of disbelief.

"What do you mean?! Konoha only sent these people?!!"

The Raikage, who was always irritable, also showed a look of shock on his face.

However, in sharp contrast, the ninja coalition was extremely excited.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, Konoha must have sent someone to surrender!!!"

"That's right!!! I'm going to have fun with Konoha!!!"

"Yes, I must avenge my brother! Let me inherit Konoha's woman!!!"

"It seems that they are afraid of our coalition!!! Konoha, nothing special!!!"

As the arrogant words of the ninja coalition continued to spread, even the Kage and the top leaders began to have such thoughts.



A terrifying pressure came from a distance, pressing down on the ninja coalition like a mountain.

This pressure seemed to come from the abyss, making people breathless and fearful.

In a short while, the ninja coalition chose to surrender.

Why surrender?

Because on the surface in the distance, there stood four Crow Tengu Susanoo.

They were in four colors: red, emerald green, dark purple and light purple.

Why is there Emerald Green? This is because Naruto moved the Light Organization directly to Konoha and spent some challenge points to upgrade Shisui's Sharingan.

Beside the Crow Tengu Susanoo, stood the Sage Jiraiya, the Hundred Healings Tsunade, and the not-so-old Third Hokage.

As for the sky, the orange-yellow Kamui Susanoo was suspended.

Next to it, Neji, who was in full chakra mode of the Samsara Eye, also looked particularly dazzling.

Faced with such a powerful lineup, the four Kages made a prompt decision and raised the white flag without hesitation to surrender.

After all, the pressure emanating from the Kamui Susanoo and the Samsara Eye Neji in the sky alone made the Kages feel unprecedented pressure.

They could imagine that if the two sides went to war, their ninja coalition might be destroyed by the other side within ten minutes.

So far, the four major countries have completely returned to the Land of Fire.


One month later.

When the other small countries in the ninja world saw the four major countries surrender to Konoha Village, they knew they had no room for resistance, so they surrendered.

However, the Rain Country was different. Due to the existence of Akatsuki, they did not clearly express their position.

Naruto also went to Akatsuki headquarters in person. When Naruto arrived, he went directly to Akatsuki's

Core area, meeting with Nagato.

Naruto showed Nagato a book full of great ideas, which expounded the true concept of peace.

After reading the book, Nagato was deeply inspired and completely surrendered to Naruto, and Konan was no exception.

For those crazy members, such as Feidan, Naruto took decisive measures and executed them directly.

The rest of the members were brainwashed by Naruto's mouth, and finally chose to follow him, definitely not because they couldn't beat him.

In this way, the Akatsuki organization officially announced its surrender to Konoha Village.

Before leaving, Naruto also left a set of mathematics, physics and chemistry encyclopedias to Orochimaru.

With the surrender of the Akatsuki organization, all countries in the entire ninja world finally achieved unification.


Next, in order to make people truly united, Naruto spent a full three months traveling throughout the ninja world.

During this period, Naruto made up for all the regrets that had appeared in the anime.

In the end, his challenge value reached an astonishing number.


After three months.

Naruto decided to implement the meaning of the Light Organization.

The country was named Dawn.

Each country was divided into provinces, the daimyo system was abolished, and the previous Kage of each country served as governor.

The governors of each province formed the Dawn Council and made decisions through voting.

Above the Dawn Council, there was a single Minghuang who could negate the content of the council and had absolute decision-making power over the Dawn Kingdom.

Naturally, Naruto was in charge.

The capital was set as Konoha.

So far, the ninja world was truly unified, and peace was completely ushered in.

The first year of the Dawn calendar.

Many deceased ancestors were resurrected under the power of the Minghuang.

However, these dead souls who had just returned from the Pure Land would certainly have some thorns.

However, the Minghuang used his terrifying strength and unparalleled willpower to convince everyone.

So far, people have completely accepted the fact of unification.

The third year of the Dawn calendar.

Since there was no more war, the Dawn Conference made an important decision: to fully develop people's livelihood.

This decision changed the face of the entire ninja world.

Today, the ninja world has become more prosperous than ever before, and people's lives are full of hope.

Everyone's face is filled with happy smiles, and the pain and sorrow of the past are no longer seen.

The fifth year of the Dawn Calendar.

Orochimaru, the dean of the Institute of Science and Technology, has made a major breakthrough. He has completely mastered all the knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry!

This achievement has rapidly improved the scientific and technological level of the ninja world.

At the same time, genetic technology has also made breakthrough progress, which means that the food problem has been completely solved.

The seventh year of the Dawn Calendar.

Emperor Ming once again demonstrated his powerful strength and successfully wiped out the Shell Organization hidden in the ninja world.

From then on, there was no worry about internal troubles in the ninja world.

The tenth year of the Dawn Calendar.

Emperor Ming and Princess White Eyes held a grand wedding.

This wedding lasted for several months and became the most glorious ceremony in the history of the ninja world.

The twelfth year of the Dawn Calendar.

This year is a milestone year for the entire ninja world.

After years of development, the ninja world finally ushered in an unprecedented period of prosperity.

The strength of the ninjas has achieved a qualitative breakthrough.

At the same time, the level of science and technology has also made great progress, even several times more advanced than the blue planet.

The Dawn Kingdom decided to start transforming the moon.

However, when the scientists of the Dawn Kingdom landed on the moon, they unexpectedly came into contact with the sealed legend, the ancestor of chakra-Kaguya Otsutsuki.

This mysterious and powerful existence was once the source of all chakra power in the ninja world.

But Emperor Ming directly lifted the seal of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

He personally had a conversation with the ancestor of chakra, and successfully persuaded the other party with his unparalleled strength and firm will.

In the end, the ancestor of chakra agreed to join the Dawn Kingdom and become one of them.

Fifteen years of the Dawn Calendar.

In addition to the Ninja Star, more than a dozen surrounding planets have been transformed into habitable places and become part of the Dawn Kingdom.

These planets surround the Ninja Star, forming a huge planetary belt.

With the help of technology, people can freely travel between planets and enjoy the beautiful scenery of different worlds.

Twenty years of the Dawn calendar.

Research on immortality seems to have made a major breakthrough? ! !

It is said that this technology will first be applied to the people of the Dawn Kingdom, so that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy eternal life.

Twenty-fifth year of the Dawn calendar.

The sudden alien Otsutsuki clan attacked the Ninja World.

However, the descendants of Emperor Ming stepped forward and killed the attacking Otsutsuki clan.

All are wiped out.

It is said that these princes all have the strength of the Super Six Paths.

As for the strength of the Emperor Ming himself, no one dares to speculate.

Thirty years of the Dawn Calendar.

On the top of the Parliament Building.

Naruto looked at everything below and couldn't help but smile.

At this time.


A beautiful woman behind him suddenly hugged him from behind and said softly.

"Husband, what are you thinking about..."

It was Hinata.

Naruto turned around after hearing this and hugged Hinata gently.

"Nothing, I just think that the current ninja world is really getting better and better..."

Hinata hugged Naruto even harder after hearing this, with a proud look on her face.

After all, the prosperity of the ninja world today is the contribution made by her husband...

At such a warm moment.


Chi Chi Chi......!

I saw that a bottomless black hole was torn out above the sky of the ninja world.


A mysterious and terrifying figure slowly floated out of the black hole.


An incomparable pressure instantly enveloped the entire ninja world, no! It enveloped the entire universe.

Naruto was shocked, and his face showed astonishment.

Because this pressure was so strong, even he couldn't help but tremble.

You know, Naruto is now so strong that he can easily defeat 10,000 Otsutsuki like Momoshiki with just one finger.

Swoosh...! ! !

Naruto instantly came in front of the mysterious figure.

But no matter how the eyes in his pupils switched, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

Naruto asked directly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do in my ninja world?"

However, the mysterious figure did not answer Naruto immediately, but slowly raised the index finger of his right hand.

Then, a low voice that seemed to come from the gods and evil gods sounded.

"My name is Otsutsuki Shibaui, I'm tired of everything... All time and space should be completely destroyed..."

Naruto was shocked when he heard this, and immediately said in disbelief.

"What?! Otsutsuki Shibaui? ! ! You are the God of Otsutsuki."

However, Otsutsuki Shibaui did not respond.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...! ! !

A dark light suddenly flashed on the raised index finger.


Whoosh...! ! !

The dark light suddenly shot into the void.

In an instant.

Boom...! ! !

The first time and the second time collapsed completely, and all living beings including Naruto disappeared.

Everything turned into a dark chaos.

Only Otsutsuki Shibaui was suspended in the chaos, and he spoke lightly.

"This way... it's much quieter..."

After the words fell.

Otsutsuki Shibaui slowly closed his eyes.

I don’t know how long it took.

Naruto only heard a gentle voice echoing in his ears.

“Wake up… wake up…”

Naruto tried hard to open his heavy eyelids. His vision was blurry, but he could still feel the darkness and silence around him.


Wow…! ! !

Two dazzling white lights cut through the void.

With the appearance of the light, Naruto finally saw the scene in front of him.

Two figures appeared in front of him, one in human form and the other in animal form.

When the light faded, their faces were clearly visible.

It was Kirin and the Six Paths Sage.

Naruto widened his eyes in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

Before he could speak, the Six Paths Sage spoke first.

“Naruto… the journey to the other world was smooth…”

Naruto trembled violently, his thoughts flying.

The Six Paths Sage actually knew that he was a time traveler? ! !

Naruto asked quickly,

"What do you mean?! What's the matter with that Otsutsuki Shibaui?! What happened to the Ninja World?!"

However, the Six Paths Sage just smiled and didn't speak.

And Kirin also revealed his human voice for the first time at this time.

"Otsutsuki Shibaui, he has surpassed the two time and space... He is about to touch the real realm of God... He is about to break the latitude wall..."

"At that time, I was in seclusion preparing to break through the realm of God, but I didn't expect him to destroy the two time and space. I had no choice but to interrupt my seclusion forcibly, but this caused a great loss of my vitality. I could only seal him up with my own body.

After that, I divided my soul into three strands.

Representing the past, present and future respectively. Only when they overlap again can they become real gods and completely wipe out Otsutsuki Shibaui.

And I am the past."

Naruto showed an incredible expression when he heard this,

What Kirin said completely shattered his worldview.

At this moment, the Six Paths Sage took over Kirin's words and said.

"I am the present... As for the future, I and the past will send it to a higher dimension to experience. When the time is right, he will return to this time and space."

At this point, Naruto couldn't understand.

He trembled and pointed his finger at himself, his face full of disbelief.

"So, I am... the future... I am originally from this world?!!"

Kirin and the Six Paths Sage looked at each other, smiled slightly, and nodded gently.

As they nodded, Naruto's body trembled violently, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In an instant.

Swish swish swish...!!!

Countless pictures came to his mind, and scenes quickly passed through his mind.

All memories returned, and when Naruto opened his eyes again, there was a hint of vicissitudes and relief in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth slightly lifted, revealing a faint smile.

"My soul has traveled the world for 30,000 years, and today I know that I am myself... Come on, in the past... now..."

After the words fell, Naruto opened his arms.

Wow...! ! !

Endless light rushed from his body to the void.

Kirin and the Six Paths Sage watched this scene, smiled and nodded.

"That's great."

Wow...! ! !

With a flash of dazzling light, the figures of the three disappeared, leaving only a dazzling sage quietly floating in the chaos.

The real god was born at this moment...

The sleeping Otsutsuki Shibaui also opened his eyes at this time, with anger and hatred flashing in his eyes, and roared at the chaos.

"Kirin, do you want to seal me again?"

The sage remained silent, just slightly stretched out his right hand and gently pointed at Otsutsuki Shibaui.

Puff...! ! !

Otsutsuki Shiba, the first person under the god, was instantly crushed into dust and dissipated in the chaos.

The immortal did not show any emotional fluctuations about what happened in front of him.

After a long time.

The immortal stared at the empty chaos and muttered to himself.

"Is all this really what I want..."

After the voice fell, the chaos was still dead silent.


Hualalalal's body burst into a dazzling light.

Then, the light gradually condensed into the figure of a young woman.

Seeing this scene, the immortal smiled and said softly.

"Third time and space, you have worked hard. You have been accompanying my future body before it is fully conceived..."

The young woman heard the words, and a hint of shyness appeared on her face, but soon turned into a proud look.

She said coquettishly.

"Ding! Host... No, no, I'm used to being a system... If it weren't for you helping me to be born, I wouldn't help you..."

The immortal smiled helplessly, then sighed.

"Unfortunately, the first and second time and space have been erased..."

The young woman was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then suddenly opened her arms.

Chi Chi Chi...!!!

A violent wave burst out from her body, and a brand new time and space appeared in the chaos at this moment.

With the appearance of this time and space, the figure of the young woman began to gradually disappear, and her last voice echoed in the chaos.

"Qilin, everything will reappear in the third time and space..."

After hearing this, the immortal's body trembled violently.

Then staring at the third time and space transformed by the young girl in front of him, he suddenly realized at this moment.

"Yes... Everything will reappear in the third time and space... Everything..."

As soon as the voice fell, the immortal spread his arms.

Wow...!!! !

Instantly, endless light poured out from his body and continuously poured into the third time and space, and the figure of the immortal gradually disappeared at this moment.

A moment later.

Boom...! ! !

An extremely bright light lit up in the third time and space, and everything in the past gradually emerged.

Naruto's story is still continuing...

The legend of the ninjas is still continuing...


[The whole book is finished]

[Thank you all for your support! ! ! ]

[New book written Hashirama! ! ! ]

[I wish you all a better life! ! ! ]

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