After a long time, the teacher walked out of the classroom.

As Sakura left in a daze, a teacher with two and a half years of long hair and a middle-parted hairstyle walked into the classroom.


Naruto looked at the teacher, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

Isn't this the Mizuki Sensen who once induced the prince to steal the Book of Seals and eventually let the prince learn the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

Mizuki can be said to be the only pure villain in the early stage of Naruto. He is mean and cunning, and extremely jealous.

In order to prevent the injured teammate from dragging him down, he cruelly suffocated him to death...

Fortunately, the prince successfully defeated him in the end, which was also very gratifying!

In a sense, the original owner should thank Mizuki.

After all, without Mizuki's guidance, he might not be able to master this signature ninjutsu of his own.

At this time, the second generation stood up and said that he would protect the copyright...


At this moment,

Mizuki slowly walked up to the podium.

It must be said that Mizuki still looks very gentle.

At this time, he had a harmless smile on his face and said to the children in the audience:

"Today, we are going to learn the first ninjutsu in the school. Are you looking forward to it?"

"Looking forward to it!"

Many students responded.

After all, although many of Naruto's class are children of Konoha's big families.

They have either been exposed to ninjutsu or their family's ancestral ninjutsu early on.

However, there are also many students with ordinary family backgrounds in the class.

They usually have no chance to get in touch with ninjutsu except in the school.

Therefore, learning ninjutsu for the first time in their lives naturally makes them feel extremely excited!

Then, these children looked at Shuimu with admiration and expectation.

And Shuimu smiled at the people who were actively answering questions under the podium.

He couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart, because he especially enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being expected and admired.

Then he continued:

"Then what we are going to learn next is the Three Body Technique."

"Then let me ask you first, what exactly is the Three Body Technique?"

After saying that, he looked at the people under the stage and then pointed his finger at the pineapple head.

"Shikamaru, let you tell me, what is the Three Body Technique?"

Shikamaru looked at Teacher Shuimu who was pointing at him, and couldn't help but complain in his heart: What a trouble!

But he still stood up silently and said:

"The three body techniques are the three most basic ninjutsu, which are the clone technique, the substitute technique and the transformation technique. These three ninjutsu are the only three ninjutsu we can learn in the ninja school, and the difficulty of learning them is relatively low."

"Very good, Shikamaru-san answered very well!"

After listening to Shikamaru's words, Mizuki immediately applauded to express his approval of him.

Then he smiled gently and continued to say to everyone:

"Okay, then let's start today's class! The first thing to learn is the clone technique!

Let me explain to you first. The so-called clone technique is actually to divide your own chakra into several parts, so as to create clones that are exactly the same as yourself.

These clones can be used to confuse the enemy or launch attacks, but it should be noted that the clones do not have actual bodies, so they have no attack power. They are more of a visual confusion."

"Okay, now everyone follow me to the playground!"

As soon as the voice fell, he turned and walked outside.

Everyone followed him closely.

However, among this group of people, there were three people who seemed a little indifferent to the content of this teaching.

Shikamaru thought it was really troublesome!

Naruto thought that he had practiced the multiple shadow clone technique to perfection, and there was no need to learn this ordinary clone technique.

As for Sasuke, seeing that Naruto was not interested, he also expressed his disinterest.

Everyone filed out and came to the outdoors.

Mizuki first explained the seal of the clone technique to everyone.

Then he slowly raised his hands and began to explain the key points of the clone technique:

"Concentrate your mind, feel the chakra in your body flowing like a trickle, and imagine that you can split

"Most of the students were concentrating, staring at the teacher as if attracted by a magnet, afraid of missing any details. As Shuimu began to demonstrate, he took a deep breath, formed a seal with his hands, and instantly three identical figures appeared in the same place. The movements and postures of each figure were exactly the same as the original body, which was amazing. "This is the magic of the clone technique. " Shuimu's voice came out from different clones at the same time, surrounding everyone's ears like stereo. "But remember, this requires you to practice for a long time and control the chakra accurately. "

Then, Shuimu asked everyone to start trying.

The students' eyes were shining with excitement and desire, and they couldn't wait to start trying.

Some students could only create blurry shadows at first, like a mirage.

And some students never changed, and their movements were as clumsy as penguins.

Looking at these scenes, Shuimu couldn't help but nodded slightly.

He hated those so-called geniuses the most. In comparison, the performance of these people in front of him made him feel quite satisfied.

Bang bang bang!

However, at this moment, three crisp sounds suddenly came.

Everyone looked closely and saw that three clones exactly like him suddenly appeared beside Naruto.

That's right, Naruto just wants to show off.

If you don't show off, you will be struck by lightning!

"Wow, so awesome!"

"Naruto-kun is so great!"

"Naruto, can you teach me? "

When most people saw this, they immediately swarmed around Naruto and flattered him.

Some even turned to Naruto for advice. After all, Naruto's outstanding performance in the practical class had made some people realize that Naruto was a person who should not be underestimated.

How could they still remember their family's advice to stay away from Naruto.

At this time, they completely ignored Mizuki, as if he had become an insignificant passerby.

Mizuki looked at everything that happened in front of him, his forehead veins bulged, and his heart was full of anger and jealousy.

Because what he hated most in his life were those so-called geniuses and those who were the focus of attention!

Looking back on the past, Iruka had become the focus of everyone's attention because of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox, but he was ignored and neglected.

At that time, the fire of jealousy in his heart burned fiercely. .

However, Naruto should have been an unpopular and unknown person, but the reality is completely the opposite - Naruto has not only become a genius, but also received attention and love from people around him.

This huge contrast made Shuimu's anger more uncontrollable, and his eyes gradually revealed a hint of murderous intent.

If his eyes could be transformed into a highly lethal laser beam, he would be the most powerful superman in the world!

Huh? !

Suddenly, Naruto keenly caught a strange breath...

It's murderous aura!

He immediately realized that a strong murderous aura was coming towards him, and quickly found the source of the murderous aura by intuition, and found that the target was Shuimu.

He glimpsed Shuimu staring at him fiercely with the corner of his eye.

He muttered to himself: "It's this tricky and mean person. ”

Abbreviated as a tricky person!

[Ding! The system issues a task!]

[Challenge task: Dare to kill the prince, must be severely punished. Get rid of Shuimu Shen without anyone noticing!

Reward for successful challenge: Top three-body technique!

Doppelganger technique: Evolved into multiple shadow clone technique!

Transformation technique: Can transform into anything you want, and the enemy cannot detect it through any means!

Substitute technique: Can exchange yourself with objects in your field of vision (not living things)!]

Good guy! It turns out that the system also dislikes people like Shuimu! No need to choose directly!

Oh my god, these rewards are really generous!

Let’s not talk about other things for now, just talking about this substitute technique, it’s simply a low-profile version of Tianshouli!

In that case, let's stop talking nonsense and let Uncle Naruto take you to get your lunch box!

Time flies like water, and the class is over in a blink of an eye.

The classmates also dispersed in twos and threes and went home.

At this moment, Shuimu followed closely and walked towards his home, but he was secretly thinking about how to murder Naruto.

When he thought of this, a treacherous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


He didn't notice it.

At this moment, there was a figure in the land behind him, slowly following him...


Just now, the bell rang.

Naruto couldn't wait to run to the toilet.

He quickly performed a ninjutsu and split a shadow clone

, and ordered him to go home instead of himself, so as to create the illusion that he was not at the scene.

Then, Naruto used the Mayfly Technique to hide himself in the earth and quietly followed Mizuki.

He waited patiently, just to find a perfect opportunity to make a move.

Time passed by minute by minute, and finally, Mizuki seemed to have thought of a perfect plan to frame Naruto.

He looked around and laughed wantonly after confirming that there was no one else.

"The last one, you have to be locked up obediently this time! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Hearing Mizuki's arrogant words, Naruto could no longer bear it.

He moved to Mizuki's feet in an instant, stretched out his hands from the ground, and tightly grasped Mizuki's ankles.

Then, Naruto used all his strength and pulled down violently.


With a scream, Mizuki sank into the ground.

Then, Naruto took Shuimu and swam deep into the earth like a fish in water, and did not stop until he swam 10,000 meters.

This Mayfly Technique is too useful for people of Chunin and below. Maybe Jonin can react when I attack.

Naruto thought to himself.

Then he looked at Shuimu, who could only see but not speak, and could not move his body, like a salted fish waiting to be slaughtered.

Then in Shuimu's desperate eyes, Naruto just said to him with a smile.

"Goodbye, Shuimu Sensen!"

Then he swam upwards like a dragon out of the sea.

[Ding! Mission completed! Congratulations on obtaining the Three Body Technique (Top Level)]

Hearing this, Naruto's mouth corners rose even more.

After all, who wouldn't be happy to kill a disgusting minion and get a reward!

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