The two of them were sitting on the ground, and the two were sitting on the ground.

At the entrance of the hot spring bath shop.

Naruto, Sasuke and Neji had just arrived here.

Along the way, Naruto and Sasuke never stopped comforting Neji psychologically.

However, Neji always just smiled indifferently, saying that he had accepted all the facts.

He finally understood the choice his father made for freedom, and no longer harbored resentment towards the main family.

Naruto was also very relieved to see Neji so open-minded.

He then hooked Neji's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Okay, don't think so much, let's go to the hot spring together and relax!"

At this moment, Sasuke suddenly asked.

"Naruto...are we really going to take a hot spring bath?"

Naruto turned his head to look at Sasuke after hearing this.

But he was surprised to find that Sasuke's legs were trembling.

What's going on...

Naruto muttered to himself.

Sasuke is a shy little boy? ? ?

However, Naruto reacted quickly.

He stretched out his arm and hooked Sasuke's shoulder, saying generously.

"What are you afraid of! I'm here! Let's go!"

After saying that, he pulled Sasuke to the hot spring bath.

The three were about to step into the store.

Suddenly, a white-haired figure rushed out of the door like an arrow from a string, knocking the three to the ground.

Then, an unknown shape of clothing was stuffed into Sasuke's hand like a cannonball.

Then the man ran wildly towards the street.

Sasuke picked up the glasses-like object in his hand with a blank look on his face, and spoke in confusion.

"What is this?"

Before the three of them could react, a shout came.

"The peeper is outside, sisters, follow me!"

Then, several figures appeared at the door.

They were a group of middle-aged aunts, staring at Sasuke with eager eyes, and at the same time looking at the items in Sasuke's hand.

The leading aunt immediately cursed:

"I can't believe you can do such a thing at such a young age! Well, let me teach you a lesson on behalf of your elders today!"

At this moment, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Mikoto suddenly sneezed without warning.

Among the crowd of aunts, a slightly younger woman whispered:

"Actually, if you look closely, he is quite handsome!"

Hearing her words, the people around her turned their eyes to her.

The woman blushed and felt a little embarrassed, but then she immediately said:

"No matter how handsome he is, he can't change the fact that he is a peeping thief!"

After that, the group of people rushed towards Naruto like a swarm of bees.

At this time, Naruto finally realized that he was wronged.

Judging from the figure just now.

It's obvious that it must be Jiraiya's doing!

Without saying a word, he quickly grabbed Neji and Sasuke beside him, and then desperately chased in the direction where the white-haired figure just fled.

"Damn it... How dare you frame your uncle Naruto! When I catch you, I will make you pay!"

Then, Naruto ran to an aisle in one breath and performed the Mayfly Technique without hesitation.

The bodies of the three people instantly disappeared into the earth.

Then, they quickly swam in the direction where the white-haired figure fled.


A narrow and dark aisle.

Jiraiya held his waist with his hands, leaned heavily against the wall, and gasped.

It was as if he had just experienced a fierce battle or chase.

He stretched his neck slightly, looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that no one was following him, he sighed with relief.

"Fortunately, I ran fast. If I was caught, my reputation as a Sannin would be completely ruined!"

Jiraiya swore that this was definitely the fastest he had ever run in his life.

However, when his thoughts gradually calmed down, Jiraiya couldn't help but think of the three children he framed.

A trace of pity surged in his heart, but he was quickly suppressed.

After all, children always need more training and growth, so that they can become real strong people!

Thinking of this, Jiraiya's face flashed a barely perceptible smile.

He decided to go to the next source, hoping to find more inspiration and materials there to add color to his novel.

Just as he turned around and prepared to leave

At this time, Naruto had quietly emerged from underground with Neji and Sasuke, and rushed towards Jiraiya at lightning speed.

Then Naruto shouted angrily.

"You peeping Tom! How dare you frame us!"

The veins on Naruto's forehead bulged. Although he respected Jiraiya, he would never allow himself to be labeled as a peeping Tom.

Jiraiya was startled and thought that the women had caught up with him.

Then he realized that it was the three children just now.

He said disdainfully.

"This is just a test for you kids."

Before Naruto could speak.

Jiraiya had already posed in that classic pose and spoke loudly.

"Good question, I am..."

In fact, no one asked him, the three of them just looked at this peeping Tom with contempt.

Jiraiya's voice continued to come.

"I am the Toad Spirit Immortal of Myoboku Mountain! Commonly known as the Toad Immortal! Jiraiya! I am here!"

After saying that, Jiraiya even posed in a very pretentious pose.

"What?! You are one of the three people in the legend! Master Jiraiya!"

Sasuke was so shocked that his eyes were wide open, and even his voice was trembling.

The name of the Three Ninjas is well-known even in the Uchiha family. They are one of the strongest ninjas in the village!

At this time, Neji also opened his Byakugan and stared at the person in front of him.

Jiraiya looked at their reactions and showed a wretched smile on his face, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

But he was lost in thought.

He didn't notice just now that the Uchiha clan and the Byakugan clan were actually mixed together!

I didn't expect that after not returning to the village for so long, so many interesting things happened!

Then, Jiraiya turned his eyes to Naruto.

Judging from the aura and appearance of his body, he might be Minato's child...

Thinking of this, Jiraiya was about to speak to Naruto.

He hadn't finished speaking yet.

"The lecherous sage."

Naruto took the initiative and hit him on the head with the word "lecherous sage" like a cannonball.

Jiraiya was immediately furious and roared.

"What? You stinky boy dare to call me that?!"

Naruto looked disdainful and was about to continue speaking.

At this time, the system's voice sounded.

[Challenge 1: You old lecher, what are you pretending to be? I'll make your nose bleed! Use the top seduction technique to take down Jiraiya!

Challenge success reward: top seduction technique (can be obtained first)]

[Challenge 2: Jiraiya, you are simply my idol! I will worship Jiraiya as my teacher immediately!

Challenge success reward: Rasengan! ]

[Challenge 3: I am the child of destiny. Tell Jiraiya that he is the child of destiny, and expose all the means to keep Jiraiya in Konoha as Hokage.

Challenge success reward: Chidori! 】

ps: Sasuke and Tsunade, you choose!

I will refer to your opinions.

And Sasuke, Tsunade, we just want a five-star review.

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