The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Naruto smiled when he heard his words.

As expected, his guess did not come true.

According to what Kinshiki had just said, Kamui is one of the top three eye techniques of the Otsutsuki clan, so Kinshi's power of time and space must be inferior to his own.

That's why he tried to use the power of Kamui to erase his time and space.

Unexpectedly, it really worked! ! !

Whoosh...! ! !

At this moment, Kinshiki's figure suddenly flew towards the distance of the sacred tree space.

Since he couldn't leave the sacred tree space, he decided to delay time by constantly moving his position.

Naruto's mouth slightly raised when he saw this.

Boom...! ! !

Suddenly, the blood steam on Naruto's body suddenly gathered in his lower body.

Unlike Might Guy, Might Guy's Death Gate is too painful and has a short time limit, which makes it impossible for him to expand his moves.

And Naruto's painless Death Gate experience card now gives him more room to play.

As the blood rushed away.

Bang bang bang...! ! !

Naruto's body instantly soared into the air.

In the blink of an eye, he quickly caught up with the fleeing Kinshiki.

Kinshiki felt the powerful breath coming from behind him, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

"How is it possible?! How can his speed become so fast!!!"

Kinshiki's eyes widened.

However, just as he was thinking.

Whoosh...! ! !

Naruto's figure flashed by and instantly arrived in front of Kinshiki.

A faint word came out of his mouth.

"Did I tell you to leave?"

As soon as the words fell, Jinshi had no time to react.


A terrifying bloody aura gushed out of Naruto again.


Then, Naruto's figure also moved.

He quickly circled around Jinshi in his incredible eyes.

Swish swish swish...!!!

Naruto's speed was amazing, and a red whirlwind formed in the blink of an eye.

Jinshi saw that he couldn't break through, and his heart sank.

He immediately adjusted his mentality and devoted himself to guarding against Naruto.


At this moment, Naruto's figure, which kept circling in the whirlwind, suddenly attacked Jinshi behind him like lightning.

Jinshi felt a chill on his back, and a chill surged into his heart.

He didn't have time to think about it, and quickly turned around to resist.

However, the attack did not fall as he imagined.


The figure of Naruto in front of Kinshiki suddenly turned into a bubble and disappeared without a trace.

"Oops!!! Behind me!!!"

Kinshiki felt something was wrong.

He hurriedly tried to mobilize the Samsara Eye Space Technique to jump.

However, it was too late.


A fierce attack instantly hit the Samsara Eye behind Kinshiki.


The Samsara Eye shattered before it could cast a spell.


Kinshiki screamed in pain.

However, Naruto would not give him this chance.

The figure burst out again.


Thirty-six bloody figures appeared at an extremely fast speed.


Naruto's improved Tiangang Thirty-Six Combos based on Tianqu as a template!!!


Thirty-six figures instantly attacked Kinshiki with various physical techniques.

Bang bang bang...!!!

Kinshiki, who was screaming, had no way to avoid the shattering of the Samsara Eye and was instantly hit.

The hit position was instantly swallowed by the power of Shinwei.

But it was quickly made up by Kinshiki's healing ability.

"Ah ... "

Naruto shouted at this moment.


The thirty-six blood-colored figures suddenly merged into one.


The blood-red figure had already reached the top of Jinshi's head.


Naruto's hands now firmly grasped Jinshi's body.

Immediately afterwards.


The blood energy in his body burst out again.

"Inner Lotus!!!"

Accompanied by a roar.

Naruto immediately took Jinshi's body and spun rapidly.

Jinshi was hit into a human machine by the attack just now and could not resist.


At the same time, Naruto had already turned into a blood-colored meteor with Jinshi, rushing towards the ground swiftly.

When it came into contact with the ground, Naruto quickly flew into the air.

And Jinshi slammed his head into the ground.



In an instant, a deafening explosion sounded.

The earth shook violently, raising dust all over the sky.

"Hoo, hoo~"

Naruto also landed steadily on the ground at this moment, gasping for breath, with a look of fatigue on his face.

In the bottomless pit, Kinshiki was bleeding all over, and the blood was flowing non-stop.


The self-healing black air seemed to be running out of fuel.

"Kinshiki... Let me do it!!!"

"Sorry, sir..."

God·Inu Kensei-Ming!!!


Several terrifying dog heads suddenly attacked from the smoke and dust.

"Huh?! Can you still move?"

Naruto was a little surprised, although Kinshiki had surpassed Momoshiki in the original work by a lot.


At this time, the dog heads became hotter and hotter, and then suddenly opened their mouths and spit magma towards Naruto!


The terrifying magma immediately attacked Naruto.


Everything it passed was swallowed by the magma.

Momoshiki just wanted Naruto to walk in the sky to consume his physical strength.

Naruto was also a little tired at this moment, and said helplessly.

"Forget it, try this trick!!!"


A huge amount of blood suddenly flowed out of his eyes, evaporating urgently!

The chakra in his body suddenly surged.


A terrifying blood-yellow giant rose from the ground!!!

Exuding an extremely terrifying pressure.

It was the complete form of Susanoo!!!

At this moment, Naruto was on the head of Susanoo, muttering to himself.

"Sure enough, after the Kamui Mangekyō burns, the perfect form of Susanoo can also be activated! And it is stronger than the ordinary perfect form!!!"

After the words fell.

Swish...! ! !

The divine weapon World-Destroying Sword instantly appeared in the hand of the perfect form of Susanoo!

Then it suddenly swung down towards the dog's head.

Swish...! ! !

In an instant, the Kamui sword light came.

Swish...! ! !

All the dog's body was instantly wiped out by the World-Destroying Sword.

"I didn't expect you to have this trick."

At this moment, Momoshiki, who was controlling Kinshiki's body, slowly floated up.

"Oh?! Momoshiki, you are not dead yet?"

Hearing Momoshiki's voice coming from Kinshiki, Naruto was surprised.

Momoshiki did not answer.

Boom...! ! !

At this moment, Momoshiki's chakra suddenly exploded.

Swish...! ! !

Then it suddenly rushed towards the chest.

Then Momoshiki spread his hands.

Boom boom boom...!!!

An incomparable pressure came from his hands.

"Human, you are very lucky. This is the ultimate move that I inherited from the upper gods. It is also my last blow. Don't worry, Jinshiki and I will eventually inherit your body!"

Momoshiki said at this moment.

Naruto was shocked.

Feeling the momentum from Momoshiki's palms, he knew that what he said was true. It seems that he is going to make a last gamble.


Thinking of this, Naruto's eyes turned cold.


With a piercing sound, Naruto released Susanoo.

His figure fell from the air and landed steadily on the ground.


After landing, Naruto suddenly grabbed the ground with both hands.

Half-crouched, his right leg quickly moved in front of him.


Naruto shouted violently.


Blood suddenly gushed out of his eyes, and his bright eyes turned extremely pale.


Then, all the blood in his body burned violently, and it was almost exhausted.


A powerful energy burst out, and a terrifying blood-colored dragon emitting divine power suddenly appeared on Naruto's body.

At the same time, Momoshiki also showed his strength.


A terrifying elephant god appeared on Momoshiki's body, emitting overwhelming pressure.


At this moment, Naruto suddenly rioted and pounced on Momoshiki at an astonishing speed.

Momoshiki also rushed towards Naruto with the terrifying elephant god.


The two suddenly collided with each other.



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