Naruto: I sell jars in Konoha Village

Chapter 106 Might Guy was surprised to hear about the can shop. I will pay for you to open the cans!

You will know when you think of saying that you will eat it every day, and you have to eat it at night.

Rock Lee put it in his mouth without hesitation.

For a moment, Locke Li felt the pill melt in his mouth, turning into a cool feeling that instantly flowed throughout his body.

And the moment he swallowed the pill, Locke suddenly felt an unprecedented energy surge into his heart.

The original feeling of fatigue disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Huh? What does this feel like?"

Rock Lee's eyes widened in surprise.

He felt as if new strength had been injected into his limbs, and the heaviness in his body completely disappeared, replaced by an indescribable sense of relaxation and vitality.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and tried to make a fist. He felt that his arm was full of strength, as if he had just had a perfect rest.

Locke Li felt incredible.

I couldn't help but pat my face gently to confirm if I was dreaming.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

"How could it be so effective?!"

Locke Li was shocked.

He couldn't believe that this little pill given to him every day had such a miraculous effect.

All the fatigue in my body is gone!

And I don’t feel sleepy at all.

"Is this something that can enhance the spirit? But it can also relieve physical fatigue."

Feeling the changes in his body, Rock Li's surprised expression gradually turned into excitement.

There was already a strong sense of excitement in his heart.

"In this case, can't I keep training?!"

Thinking of this, Locke Li's eyes flashed with fighting spirit.

Immediately and without hesitation, he assumed the training posture again, with his legs slightly bent, his fists clenched, and his whole body instantly entered a fighting state.

"Okay! Do it again!"

Locke shouted excitedly, his voice appearing particularly loud in the silent night sky.

He felt that his whole body was full of strength and energy, as if he could continue training without limit.

Then, he suddenly jumped up and quickly kicked the big tree, followed by continuous punches and kicks. Each blow was full of explosive power and speed.

"Bang bang bang!"

The tree trunk creaked under his attack, as if it might break at any time.

"Awesome! I'm not tired at all!"

Locke laughed in surprise, and his movements became more rapid and powerful.

He felt as if he had become a beast that never tired and could train endlessly.

The night wind blew Locke's face, bringing a chill, but he didn't care.

All he could see was the big tree in front of him, and his heart only had the desire to continue to grow stronger.

That night, in a corner of Konoha Village, Rock Lee continued his practice with extraordinary perseverance and determination.

He knows that only by constantly surpassing himself can he become a truly strong person.

It is precisely because of this persistence and determination that he can go further and further on this ninja path.

Now that one pill has such an effect, Rock Li is training like a perpetual motion machine, training like crazy.

Time passed quietly like water, and the dawn on the horizon was gradually replaced by the bright sunshine.

The morning light shines on the land of Konoha Village, and the air is filled with a fresh fragrance of grass and trees.

The sun rose, and the golden light shone on Rock Li's face, making his sweaty face shine brightly.

Rock Lee was still pumping his fists on the training ground, sweat dripping down his forehead and soaking his clothes.

However, after a whole night of high-intensity training, there was no trace of fatigue on Rock Li's face.

Instead, he appeared to be full of energy, with unconcealable excitement and excitement in his eyes.

"It's amazing, this medicine is incredible!"

Locke Li was amazed in his heart.

He never thought that he could train continuously for so long without feeling tired at all.

This pill completely broke his understanding of limits!

While stopping his movements and panting heavily, Rock Li felt that the muscles in his body were still full of strength, without any sign of fatigue.

Locke Li looked up at the sun that was already high in the sky, and realized that it was getting late.

"I want a few boxes."

Locke Li was startled and realized that there was not much time left before he could meet with Teacher Kai.

"I almost forgot to meet Teacher Kai!"

Rock Lee quickly turned around and ran away.

His speed was as fast as lightning, leaving a trail of afterimages under his feet, disappearing at the end of the training ground almost instantly.

Along the way, Locke Li was very excited.

He knew that he was in excellent condition today, so he hurried to the meeting place, wanting to find Tiantian as soon as possible and ask Tiantian if he still had this kind of medicine.

Not long after, he saw Metkai waiting at the training ground from a distance.

"Teacher Kai!"

Locke Lee shouted excitedly, and without stopping at all, he ran all the way to Metkai.

He stood still, clenched his hands into fists, and looked particularly energetic with a smile on his face.

Metkai looked at Rock Li in front of him, his brows raised slightly, showing a hint of surprise.

As Rock Li's teacher, he is very aware of the intensity of Rock Li's daily training.

Looking at Rock Li sweating profusely, you can tell that Rock Li had undergone intense training before coming here.

Logically speaking, Locke should be exhausted.

But the disciple in front of him looked full of energy.

The energy and spirit are completely different.

It seemed like he had slept well.

Did you have a good rest after going back last night, and then continue exercising after getting up early?

It can be seen from the sweat on his body and his red fists.

As Rock Lee's teacher, he was happy to see this scene.

That's right.

Go to bed early at night to recuperate your energy and continue exercising when you wake up.

In the past, Rock Lee would stay up until two or three in the morning before going to bed, and then get up again at four or five to continue exercising. His condition was different.

Sometimes he looked helpless.

Even if I pay for the plaster myself, there is nothing I can do.

But today, Rock Lee actually has no dark circles under his eyes!

"Locke, you look particularly energetic today!"

For a moment, Metkai exclaimed in admiration, his eyes full of relief: "It seems that although you trained hard last night, you also rested early and exercised again before coming in the morning. Not bad! You are indeed my favorite disciple!"

"Yes, Teacher Kai!"

Hearing Metkai's words, Rock Lee nodded excitedly: "But I didn't rest. I was training last night!"

Metkai: "????"

Hearing this, Metkai looked slightly stunned.

Always training?

Did you guess wrong?

But if he had been training all night last night, how could Rock Li's spirit not look a little tired?

Although he knew that Rock Lee's physical strength and perseverance were far beyond those of ordinary people, it was impossible for him to be able to train continuously for such a long time without getting tired or exhausted.

Just when Metkai was about to continue asking, Rock Li could not wait to turn his head and look around, looking for Tiantian's figure.

Because his curiosity and desire for that magical medicine became stronger and stronger, and he eagerly wanted to know where Tiantian got this magical medicine.

After a while, Tiantian's figure appeared on the training ground in the distance.

As soon as Locke Li saw her, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurried towards her.

When Tiantian approached, Li Locke immediately stepped forward excitedly and asked eagerly: "Tiantian! The medicine you gave me yesterday was so amazing! Where did you get it? Can you give me some more? "

At this moment, Locke Li had already guessed why Tiantian's physical skills had become so powerful.

If you take this kind of medicine every day, then you don’t need to rest at all!

This medicine is really helpful for him.

"Hey, you've experienced it."

Seeing Locke Li's face full of excitement, Tiantian looked slightly proud: "I didn't lie to you."

It seems that Locke Li has experienced the drug that will not allow him to sleep.

"Yeah, yeah."

Hearing Tiantian's words, Li Locke nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice: "Do you still have this secret medicine at home? I want to buy some."

Although I don’t have any money, I can borrow it from Teacher Kai!

When Locke Li was excited, Metkai also came over.

"Actually, this is not my medicine."

Tiantian shook his head slightly and said, "I bought this."

"Sell it there?"

Hearing this, Locke Li's breathing became rapid: "When did Konoha have such a magical medicine?"

This is completely a secret medicine.

Logically speaking, it should be a family's secret medicine.

Are some actually for sale?

This is simply good news for a taijutsu ninja like him.

"It's a jar."

Tiantian squinted his eyes and explained: "To be precise, this thing is not mine, it was given to me by someone else."

"But she also opened it from a jar."

"The name of this medicine is the medicine that prevents sleep. As long as you take one pill, you will not need to sleep for 24 hours, and you will not feel tired. I believe you have experienced it."


Hearing Tiantian's words, Locke Li was shocked: "What is that?"

"And this kind of medicine?"

Next to him, Metkai came over with a curious expression.

Only at this moment did he understand why Locke Li came to Tiantian in such excitement so early in the morning.

And the situation is not right either.

There are obviously signs of high-intensity training on his body, but he is full of energy!

Is this the secret to becoming stronger in physical skills every day?

"Hmph, of course."

Tiantian hummed: "Actually, it's not just this kind of medicine, there are other medicines. These are all the things in the jar."

With that said, Tiantian briefly talked about Lin Mo's jar shop and the magic inside the jars.


After listening to Tiantian's words, Rock Li's eyes suddenly widened: "Konoha, is there such a magical store?"

Not only this kind of medicine, but also ninjutsu, and even the formation of seals so quickly every day, are all due to the opening of the jar?

"Is there really a shortcut?"

Metkai looked strange. When did Konoha Village have such a mysterious jar shop?

Even though I run around Konoha Village every day, I have never heard of it.

“Although it’s amazing, it’s also quite expensive.”

Tiantian spread his hands: "A jar worth one hundred thousand taels may not be able to prescribe the medicine you want. Of course, you can prescribe talents such as ninjutsu. You don't need to be a pure taijutsu ninja."

"The reason why my physical skills are so strong is because I prescribed medicine that can strengthen the body's spine. You have also seen my training these days."

"Actually, I wanted to say what I wanted to say a few days ago, but Teacher Kai, you interrupted me."

Speaking of this, Tiantian gritted his teeth and looked at Might Guy with dissatisfaction.

"Ahahaha, I really can't imagine that such a thing exists."

Hearing Tiantian's words, Might Guy smiled awkwardly.

There is no shortcut to physical skills.

But thinking of Tiantian's changes in the past few days.

And the magical pill that Rock Lee just mentioned, Might Guy straightened his face and said seriously: "But Tiantian, what you said is indeed magical. According to you, the things in this shop can completely change a ninja's life. It sounds incredible."

Even now, he still doesn't believe it.

But the pill can be made, and Tiantian's quick seal and quick physical skills can't be faked.

For a while, he became curious about this mysterious shop and its owner.

"One hundred thousand taels."

Next to him, Rock Lee looked desperate; "It's just a jar? It may not be opened? Sure enough, good things are not so easy to get."

How can I have so much money?

"Don't worry, Li, I'll pay for it."

Beside him, Might Guy patted Rock Lee on the shoulder and said with a hearty smile: "When we finish training tonight, let's go to that magical jar shop."

"Listen to Tiantian, I'm very curious about the owner of this shop."

As he said that, Might Guy's eyes flashed with contemplation.

"Thank you, Teacher Kai!"

Hearing what Teacher Kai said, Rock Lee's face was immediately excited, and he was grateful to Might Guy and shed tears of emotion!

"Then you continue to train, let me see if you won't feel tired within 24 hours!"

Might Guy patted Rock Lee's shoulder heavily and said with a hearty smile: "I will increase the intensity for you."

"Come on, Teacher Kai!"

Rock Lee looked at Might Guy with a passionate face.

Tiantian: "."

Looking at the excited two people, Tiantian suddenly fell silent.

Two passionate idiots!

But after telling Teacher Kai about Lin Mo's shop and jars, Lin Mo should be happy to attract business.

I can go see Lin Mo again today.

Thinking of this, Tiantian's eyebrows curved into crescents.

When Tiantian thought so.

On the other side.

The Land of Waves.

At Dazna's house.

Kakashi woke up drowsily.

"Teacher Kakashi, you're awake."

Seeing Kakashi wake up, Haruno Sakura was excited and hurriedly helped Kakashi up.

"Sakura, Sasuke."

Kakashi woke up and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura appear.

It seems that what he was worried about did not happen.

After all, he recovered faster than that Momochi Zabuza.

After all, he was just exhausted, while Momochi Zabuza was injured.

"Where's Naruto?"

The next second, Kakashi noticed that there was no Uzumaki Naruto present, and his face changed.

"Naruto is still sleeping."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Haruno Sakura didn't understand why Kakashi was so excited, but she hurriedly said: "He hasn't gotten up yet, he's just a pig."

At the end, Haruno Sakura complained speechlessly.

Just now she went to see Naruto and found that Naruto was sleeping soundly in the room.

"Sleeping in."

Hearing this, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that nothing happened to Naruto.

Immediately, Kakashi staggered to his feet, and Haruno Sakura's face changed. She hurriedly said: "Teacher Kakashi, you still need to rest now."

"No, we can't let our guard down."

Kakashi shook his head: "Remember the assassination team member we met before who was hunting down the defected ninja? Generally speaking, the body will be dealt with on the spot, such as burning, etc. If you need evidence of death, just cut off the head and take it back."

"And the weapon used by that guy is not a kunai shuriken, but a flying needle."

"Doesn't that mean."

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke's pupils shrank sharply: "Zabuza is still alive?"


Hearing Sasuke's words, Dazna and Haruno Sakura, who had just run in, suddenly changed their expressions.

That scary guy, is he still alive?

"I had no way to confirm Zabuza's breath at that time, so he must have just faked his death."

Kakashi said softly: "The flying needles used by the boy, unless they hit the vital points, are extremely lethal. After all, some medical ninjas often use flying needles for acupuncture."

"For the hunting troops known for handling corpses, they are well aware of the structure of the human body, and it is not difficult to put people into fake death."

"The boy first took away Zabuza's heavy body, and secondly used flying needles, so he came to help Zabuza,"

"No, that's not it."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Dazna swallowed and said: "Are you worrying too much? What if you want to bring back that guy's body?"

Thinking that the guy staring at his head is still alive, Dazna's face turned green.

After all, Kakashi can't protect him all the time.

Especially now that he is back.

Unless Kakashi, the senior ninja, protects him closely.

But is that possible? !

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Kakashi said softly: "But once you find something suspicious, you must be prepared before things become irreparable. This is also one of the iron laws of ninjas."

"But don't worry, even if Zabuza is rescued, he shouldn't come to us again in a short time."

"After all, he has been injured by me. It is not so easy to recover from the injury."

"I am not injured."

Hearing this, Dazna breathed a sigh of relief.

This is really good news.

"So next, I will let Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto practice."

Kakashi continued: "The environment here is just right. It is very suitable for you to use chakra to step on water."

"Even if we practice again, we can't deal with that guy."

Hearing this, Haruno Sakura's face turned green: "And is the training in the past few days really effective?"

Even Kakashi teacher fainted from exhaustion. That guy would crush them like crushing an ant.

"It's not about dealing with that guy, it's about your training."

Kakashi corrected Sakura's words: "I said, the environment here is very good, just suitable for you to train more and let you grow up as soon as possible."

"I see!"

Hearing this, Haruno Sakura suddenly realized.

"But before that, I will go and call Naruto. You go out and find an open space to gather."

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