Naruto: I sell jars in Konoha Village

Chapter 108 Rock Lee opens the can! The universal capsule comes out! Might Guy: Is this an illusion?

Uchiha Sasuke clenched his fists, wanting to punch Naruto's sincere face!

Kakashi looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a speechless expression.

This kid really can't speak.

Immediately, Kakashi instructed Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke to start controlling chakra and do some experience of climbing trees and treading water.

And at this moment.

The other side.

Inside Konoha Village.

Locke Li also exercised like crazy under the extra training from Metkai, and continued to perform high-intensity physical training.

As time went by, the sun gradually slipped from the sky, and the western sky was dyed with a rich orange-red color.

"Locke, come on! Give me another five hundred pull-ups!"

Metkai shouted, encouragement and excitement in his voice.

"Yes, Teacher Kai!"

Rock Li responded without hesitation, his voice full of determination and confidence!

Even though he had been training all day, he was still in surprisingly good condition.

He grasped the high bar with both hands and quickly began to pull himself up one by one, quickly and powerfully.

Every time he pulled up, Locke could feel the fullness of his muscles, as if infinite power was surging through his body.

Normally, such intense training would have exhausted him long ago.

But today was different. He didn't feel tired at all, and even felt energetic.

The medicine I give you every day is too strong!

Metkai stood aside, staring at Rock Lee intently.

He clearly knew how arduous the amount of training he arranged for Locke was.

According to past experience, even Rock Li should have been exhausted with such intensity.

But today, Locke's performance surprised him.

"What a magical pill!"

Metkai was secretly surprised when he saw that Rock Li's movements were still fast and powerful, completely unlike someone who had been training for most of the day.

If he hadn't known about the magic pill, he would have doubted whether he had underestimated Locke's endurance.

"Lee, are you okay?"

Seeing Locke Li doing crazy pull-ups and sweating like rain, Metkai couldn't help but ask, with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Teacher Kai, I feel great! I'm not tired at all!"

Rock Lee responded with an excited smile on his face.

"It's terrible!"

Not far away, Tiantian swallowed his saliva when he saw this scene.

Although she also likes to train and practice physical skills, she has never taken this kind of pill.

She originally wanted to try this thing by eating one.

But looking at Locke Li's crazy training today, Tiantian suddenly felt that it was okay not to take this pill.

She still felt that she needed to take a good rest.

I don't need to fight so hard with Rock Lee.

After all, you can become stronger out of thin air by opening a can, and you can take some time off from your busy schedule.

Thinking of this, Tiantian felt more and more that the medicine Hinata gave him should not be taken.

While thinking about this every day, time continues to pass.

As night falls, the sky gradually darkens.

The street lights in Konoha Village have been turned on, and the weak light shines on the training ground, reflecting Rock Lee's sweaty figure.

The time was approaching night unknowingly, but Rock Li still showed no signs of stopping.

Metkai crossed his arms and watched this scene with a frown, feeling an indescribable shock.

He knew that Rock Li's willpower and endurance were far beyond ordinary people, but today's performance was obviously beyond the norm.

That pill is really powerful!

If it were him who ate it, the effect would definitely be much better than Locke Li's.

Watching Locke Li complete the last set of movements, he looked like he was still unfinished.

Metkai immediately stepped forward, patted Li Locke on the shoulder, and nodded: "Li, that's it for today's training. Although the pills can help you not feel tired, we still have to pay attention to the body and not over-consume. Your body has been severely exhausted today."

"And it's time for the medicine to take effect, right? Let's stop now."

"After all, we still have to go to that magical jar shop!"

When Locke Li heard Metkay's instructions, although he still had some unfinished thoughts, he stopped quickly when he heard that he was going to that magical jar shop.

Are you finally going?

He is really looking forward to it.

"Then it's up to you, Tiantian."

Seeing this, Metkai looked at Tiantian, showing his white teeth, and said: "You are familiar with that shopkeeper. I will ask you to introduce us to him later and get to know him."

"Of course, it would be nice if we could get a better discount."

day by day:"."

"Teacher Kai, don't think about discounts."

After hearing what Metkai said, Tiantian sighed: "Lin Mo's rules do not allow for discounts."

What is Teacher Kai thinking?

"Haha, it's okay."

Metkai smiled heartily and said: "I just said casually, when we pass in a while, I want you to introduce us to that person."

"Then let's go now."

Tenten nodded and said, "But Neji didn't come all day today, and he didn't ask for leave from Mr. Kai."

As he said that, Tiantian looked a little confused.

You know, when I came here this morning, I didn't see Hinata Neji.

Until the afternoon and evening, I didn't see it.

"Neji told me last night that he might not have time to come over today."

After hearing Tiantian's words, Metkai pinched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Something seems to have happened to the Hyuga clan. I'm not sure about the details. I'll find someone to find out about it later."

Even though he said that, Metkai felt that it might have something to do with the fact that Sandai summoned them at night.

Konoha Village suddenly suffered such an explosion, and the Third Hokage specially left the head of the Hyuga clan behind.

He must be instructing the Hyuga clan to do something.

After all, the Hyuga clan has Byakugan, which can detect more clues.

After all, Hyuga Neji was a genius who rolled his eyes. There was nothing wrong with being arranged to go back by his family.

So he could understand why Hyuga Neji didn't come today.


After hearing Metkai's words, Tiantian also understood instantly.

Suddenly he lowered his head and stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

She was aware of the movement caused by her bombing of Danzo's roots.

Nowadays, there are many ninjas patrolling Konoha Village, and she is responsible for them.

It is normal for some members of the Hyuga clan to have Byakugan, which they use for investigation.

Immediately, Tiantian took Metkai and Locke Li to Lin Mo's jar shop.

In the jar shop.

The three Lin Mo were sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed.

One is responsible for refining chakra, one is responsible for proficiency in the ability of surgical fruits, and the other is proficient in burning the blood to escape the limit.

After two days of practice, he has been able to stably use the multi-shadow clone technique to separate two clones to practice and become familiar with other abilities.

As one person comes to open the jar one after another, he integrates more and more things, and it is impossible for a person to practice natural division.

Therefore, these abilities can be exercised through multiple shadow clones.

And he learned the art of multiple shadow clones, and now he is able to stabilize himself.

"Unfortunately, there is no immortal mode, and the physical fitness cannot keep up. It is still too weak."

Feeling that he seemed to have become a "Master" now, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes.

My current shortcomings are still big.

Lack of chakra, lack of strong physique.

If he had a strong body, most of his current shortcomings could be solved.


Suddenly, Lin Mo saw Tiantian's figure within a kilometer radius through the True Vision Guard.

Metkai and Rock Lee following behind Tiantian made him raise his eyebrows even more.

Are you bringing this jar every day to open it?

But do these two poor guys have money?

Looking at Metkai and Rock Li, Lin Mo pinched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Locke Li didn't need to think about it, he must have no money.

As for Metkai, as a Jounin of Konoha, he doesn't seem to be particularly rich.

After all, the practice of taijutsu costs more money than the practice of ninjutsu.

But at least a few jars can be sold.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo smiled brightly.

Tiantian is quite sensible.

Thinking like this, Lin Mo felt that the "fatigue" of the shadow clone was relieved immediately.

"Lin Mo Lin Mo."

At this time, Tiantian had already ran in happily and said with a smile, "I brought Teacher Kai to open the jar."

"Eh? Where's Hanabi?"

As Tiantian was talking, he was surprised to find that there were no fireworks in Lin Mo's shop.

Even if Hinata Hinata follows the guidance of Jonin Yuhi Kurenai, Hanabi will still come to Lin Mo.

"She didn't come today."

Lin Mo shook his head slightly, making Tiantian a little disappointed.

At this time, Locke Li, who walked in, looked at Lin Mo and his eyes suddenly widened.

Is this guy the owner of this shop?

A little too young.

She looks and feels a few years older than him.

Just selling such magical jars?

"Well, it looks like he is indeed a talented person."

Matkai, on the other hand, looked at Lin Mo carefully with a curious look on his face.

There is no trace of "ninja" on his body, but he has a very peaceful temperament.

That kind of calm temperament is not due to age, but to specialness, very special, he can feel it.

Other than that, it’s just youth.

"Shopkeeper, I heard Tiantian say that the jars you have here are very magical!"

The next second, Metkai extended his hand to Lin Mo cheerfully and said cheerfully: "This is the first time we meet, hello. I am Metkai from Konoha Village. You can just call me Kai."

"Hello, just call me shopkeeper."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and shook Metkai's hand.

Metkai subconsciously grabbed Lin Mo's hand, but found that the touch in his hand disappeared as soon as he exerted force.

He had just shaken hands with Lin Mo and felt the other person's warmth, so he still wanted to use more strength.

As a result, I instantly felt like a moon in the water.

Mingming and Lin Mo were still holding hands, but they couldn't feel the touch.


For a moment, Metkai was shocked.

He didn't feel any chakra fluctuations.

Although he is a jounin who is famous for his taijutsu, he also has talent in ninjutsu.

At the very least, he could still feel the fluctuations of chakra.

As a result, it doesn't exist now.

It's really mysterious.

Metkai was amazed in his heart.

Lin Mo looked at Metkai with interest and said, "Since I'm here to open the can, I don't need to explain the rules. I should have told you when I came here every day."

Lin Mo still thinks it's pretty good to be able to save some time talking nonsense.


Hearing Lin Mo's words, Metkai immediately scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "Although I already know that the store owner can't make it cheaper here, I still want to ask, can it be cheaper here? A jar is one hundred thousand taels, and ten can be That’s one million or two.”

"This is no easy A-level mission."

Speaking of this, Metkai felt a little heartbroken: "So, can you make it cheaper?"

day by day:"."

Seeing Metkai's appearance, Tiantian was speechless.

I don’t even know what to complain about.

I have said it more than once before coming here, but Teacher Kai actually wants to repeat it again.

Lin Mo glanced at it, smiled faintly, and said nothing. The meaning was self-evident.

Metkai: "."

"Okay, okay."

Seeing Lin Mo's gaze, Metkai sighed.

Then he took out the money bag he had prepared and handed it to Locke Li: "Li, there are three hundred thousand in it, which is enough for you to open three jars."


Hearing Teacher Kai's words, Locke Li reached out and took it with some hesitation: "Teacher Kai, we can open twenty."

Metkai: "."

"I don't have that much money on me right now."

Matkai said with a black line: "So I can only let you open three first!"

This silly boy.

If I had money, I would definitely open one.

When he came out today, he never imagined that there would be such a magical thing as a jar. How could he bring so much money with him!

"Then Teacher Kai, won't you open it?"

After hearing what Metkai said, Rock Lee did not choose to open the can immediately. Instead, he looked at Metkai and said quickly: "Teacher Kai, it is much more important for you to improve your strength than for me."

"No, no, no, your purpose of opening the can is more important than mine. I don't need to open it for the time being."

Metkai smiled heartily and said: "For you, opening the can will be a huge boost to you and can provide a lot of help. As for me, it doesn't matter if it's a little later."

No matter how magical this jar is, if he improves his strength, it will not be as meaningful as the strength of his closed disciples.

Secondly, he also wanted to see what Rock Lee would reveal when he opened the jar.

By the way, let’s talk to this shop owner again.

"Teacher Kai, thank you!"

Hearing Metkai's words, Rock Li was immediately moved to tears.

Teacher Kai actually gave himself a small amount of money and asked himself to open the jar!

Lin Mo: "."

day by day:"."

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo was speechless.

Konoha's passionate combination was indeed what he thought.

"Shopkeeper, I'll open three jars!"

The next second, Locke Li wiped his tears, handed the money that Metkai gave him to Lin Mo, and said quickly: "What should we do next?"

While speaking, Locke Li looked at the jars placed on the counter behind Lin Mo.

"Then it's a matter of which ones you pick."

"I want that!"

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, Rock Li pointed at the exquisite jar.

Among all the jars present, there is only one jar that "stands out" from the crowd. Imagination also knows which one to choose.

"That is a delicate jar, you are not qualified to open it."

Looking at the exquisite jars selected by Locke Li, Lin Mo didn't need to say anything. He spread his hands and explained: "You can only choose those ordinary jars. Only when a certain amount of ordinary jars are opened can you be qualified to open exquisite jars. Currently, there are no Anyone can open a fine jar."

"Is that so!?"

Hearing this, Rock Li immediately scratched his head.

Then he pointed to the three jars at the bottom of the exquisite jars and said, "Then I want the bottom three in that row."

Seeing this, Lin Mo waved, and the three jars flew out steadily and landed silently in front of Locke Li.

Seeing this hand, Metkai's eyes suddenly brightened.

This is another incomprehensible method, so I have to remember it!

"Is it enough to just smash it open?"

Looking at the three jars in front of him, Locke Li hesitated for a moment before decisively punching open the first jar.


The first jar shattered and something the size of a finger fell out.

This thing looks to be only half the size of a finger and oval in shape.

There is also a number stuck on the surface.

"What is this?"

Looking at this thing, Rock Li came over with a suspicious look on his face: "Pills? Is this too big?"

This thing looks like a pill, but it's probably a bit too big.

"How strange."

And Tiantian looked at this thing with a look of astonishment.

It was actually not shuriken and kunai, which was a bit beyond her expectation.

Lin Mo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he looked at what Locke Li drove.

Unexpectedly, Rock Lee actually opened this thing.

[Universal Capsule] A high-tech product developed by a family business from a certain world. It can fit into a house. Just throw it out and it can become a simple house tool, with a variety of furniture. Everything is available.

This thing comes from the same world as fairy beans.

Looking at the gazes of Locke Li and Metkai Tiantian, Lin Mo smiled faintly and said: "This is a universal capsule, a portable small house. Just press the button on it and throw it on the ground, and it can transform into a capsule." It’s a house with all kinds of furniture.”


After hearing Lin Mo's words, Tiantian suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the universal capsule in surprise: "Is this a small portable house?"

This thing can turn into a house?

"Well, turn into a house."

Locke Lee looked at the universal capsule in confusion.

Why did he not understand it a little bit.

Might Guy looked at this thing with suspicion.

"You can understand that this is a seal scroll."

Lin Mo slowly said: "A seal scroll that can hold a house, for example, you carry a seal scroll with you and seal a house in it. When you want to use it, you just need to smash it on the ground and it will turn out."

"This universal capsule has a number on it. Different universal capsules correspond to different things, and this is not a one-time use permission. After using it, when you don't need it, you can still turn the thing into a capsule and carry it with you. It is light and portable."

"For some ninjas who go out or wandering ninjas, this is a must-have item for home travel."

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