Naruto: I sell jars in Konoha Village

Chapter 138: Binding and breaking, Tenten Sora! Large-scale speaker? Shocking Might Guy's flash

[Seventy-seven of the Binding Path: Tian Ting Kong Luo Experience] The ability to bind the path from a certain world, after fusion, can be used to search for the locations of multiple opponents through chakra, capture and send messages, and cannot give up chanting and chanting texts. For: Black and White, twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns, footprints, distant thunder peaks, returning to the ground, night clouds, sea of ​​blue, the blue formation will fill the Taiyuan Garden and reach the sky.

[Breaking Path No. 4: White Thunder Experience] A Kidō ability from a certain world. A thunder is released from the fingertips, paralyzing the enemy's body. The specific power is determined by the amount of chakra. It can be mastered instantly after fusion.

Lin Mo looked shocked when he looked at the two white light groups that came out every day.

He also thought it was an ordinary experience.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be two abilities.

Shouldn't these two energies be white empirical light groups?

The Shunpo that was released every day before was a blue light ball.

Lin Mo didn't understand, but after looking at it twice, he shook his head and said, "This is not an ordinary experience."

With that said, Lin Mo briefly talked about the two white light groups, and Tiantian also looked surprised when he heard it; "Experience of the two abilities?"


Lin Mo nodded: "In the same category as Shunpo."

While speaking, Lin Mo glanced at the Seventy-seventh Book of Binding Dao: Tian Ting Kong Luo.

If I remember correctly, this thing is a big speaker, right?

It cannot be said that the loudspeaker is a communication barrier type ability with a wide range.

Expand your spiritual pressure to conduct a network search and convey information about the location of surrounding objects.

People outside the target can also feel the vibration of this spiritual pressure, but they cannot eavesdrop.

Now that it has been released and appears in the world of Naruto, the energy it replaces is chakra.

If I remember correctly, the caster can successfully communicate even if he and the recipient are in different spiritual worlds, and the range is terrifying.

If Tenten's strength reaches Kage level, then he should be able to use this to send messages to the entire ninja world?

After all, the entire ninja world is not too big compared to the Shinigami world.

When Lin Mo was thinking this, Tiantian had already reached out and touched the two white light groups.

In an instant, the experience of these two broken ways and bound ways poured into Tiantian's mind, allowing Tiantian to instantly understand and know how to do it.

"Okay, so amazing."

Feeling that kind of knowledge, Tiantian looked shocked: "One requires some chanting, but the other seems to be Muji Ninjutsu? It can be done instantly."

When talking, Tiantian stretched out his finger, and a white thunder and lightning flashed out instantly.

When the white thunder and lightning flashed, Tiantian could feel that his chakra consumption was not large.

But if the infusion is very large, you can point your finger at the opponent and launch this kind of white thunder instantly.

This is still a Muyin Ninjutsu with thunder attributes!

"Okay, that's great."

Seeing this scene, Hinata Hanabi looked surprised and said quickly: "Sister Tenten, you have the ability of this Muji Thunder system, you can completely catch people off guard."

"I only heard that only ninjas who are proficient in the changes in chakra attributes can develop corresponding Muji Ninjutsu."

"And this is still difficult. Sister Tiantian, if you have mastered this ability, you should be able to reverse the changes in the nature of the thunder-type chakra, right?"


Hearing Hinata Hanabi's words, Tenten immediately shook his head and whispered: "I just tried it and found that I can't deduce the changes in the nature of chakra. I can only consume chakra to use this ability. It's very strange to use this ability."

Saying that, Tiantian was also very confused.

If it's Muji Ninjutsu, there's no reason why I can't deduce the changes in chakra's properties.

But this Dao-breaking white thunder seemed to be transformed from chakra in an instant and exploded.

It's too fast.

It was so close that she couldn't feel it or push back.

"This is just experience, you still need to be proficient."

When Lin Mo saw this, he nodded slightly and said: "If you are not proficient, it will be the same as when you used Shunpo before. If you gradually become more proficient, you can completely reverse it."

As long as chakra is transformed into white thunder and the power emitted is thunder attribute, then the nature of the energy will change.

A skilled person can master the changes in chakra properties by working backwards from top to bottom.

"That's true, but I feel it's because I don't have significant ninjutsu chakra."

Tiantian scratched his head in distress and said: "But if I can master the changes in the properties of thunder-attribute chakra through this move, I can rely on thunder-attribute ninjutsu in the future."

Tiantian knows how much he weighs.

She also does not have the Ninjutsu talent of the Five Elements of Ninjutsu.

He is only talented in time and space ninjutsu and taijutsu.

However, her talent in time and space ninjutsu only allowed her to skillfully use seal scrolls and carry a lot of things with her.

Other than that, nothing more.

"Take your time."

Lin Mo shook his head and laughed: "How long has it been since? So far, I have only opened thirty jars. Do you still want to reach the sky in one step?"

"Well, that's right."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Tiantian immediately smiled sheepishly.

As long as Lin Mo keeps opening the jar, he will reach heaven one day.

Don't worry, I have only opened thirty cans so far, and my strength has already improved dramatically.

Thinking of this, Tiantian narrowed his eyes: "Then I will go to the backyard to practice now."

This time, the jars opened chakra one after another, and there was also the experience of this magical ability, which she must master well.

Especially the instant step.

She felt that if she used it well, this could become her best step.

"I'll go too."

Hearing Tiantian's words, Hyuga Hanabi hurried to follow.

Hanabi was also very interested in the ability that Tiantian opened.

When the two women hurried to the backyard, Lin Mo waved his hand, and the things that Tiantian had just opened suddenly appeared.

The first thing Lin Mo fused was the chakra and the ability of breaking the way.

After the fusion, he continued to fuse the binding way.


When Lin Mo mastered the Tenpei Kongluo, he suddenly felt that his chakra could be emitted in the form of a net, to diffuse and sense.

"It is equivalent to the release of a large-scale perception ninjutsu, but the other party can detect it."

In an instant, Lin Mo made a judgment.

This is indeed easy for ninjas to find, and it is no different from the perception technique of chakra.

Although within the range, if he wants to communicate with someone, the ninjas outside the range cannot hear him, but they can sense him.

Unless he can accurately target a certain target and establish contact with the other party.

When Lin Mo's mind moved and he used Tianting Kongluo, even if Lin Mo did not release chakra to form a net, he could sense Tiantian who mastered Tianting Kongluo in the backyard.

This means that he can communicate with Tiantian.

"Voice speaker."

Lin Mo rubbed his eyebrows.

If he wanted, he could now make a sound in Tiantian's heart and communicate with Tiantian.

This kind of communication does not require the other party's consent, but is mandatory.

Not only Lin Mo discovered it, but Tiantian in the backyard also tried to use Tianting Kongluo at this time, and instantly felt Lin Mo in the jar shop.

"Huh? It's amazing."

In Tiantian's feeling, he can establish communication with Lin Mo.


Hearing Tiantian's words, Hinata Hanabi looked up in confusion.

What's amazing.

"This ability can be used as a command."

"If we form a team, we can cooperate."

"And the other party doesn't know yet."

Thinking of his team, Tiantian found that when he did the village mission in the future, he could establish a connection in the minds of Rock Lee and Hyuga Neji.

"Well, when I leave at night, I will go to see Teacher Kai and then go back."

"These few days, I will master this instant step and the broken way white thunder first."

Tiantian muttered while deciding to master the instant step first.

At the same time, he sparred with Hyuga Hanabi.

Time passed quietly.

It was night in a blink of an eye.

At night, Tiantian and Hanabi ate at Lin Mo's place.

After eating and drinking and resting for a while, he said goodbye to Lin Mo, left the can shop, and went straight to Teacher Kai's home.

When he arrived at the door of Might Guy's house, he saw a huge transparent spherical structure.

That was the gravity machine used by the Saiyans for training, and it was Might Guy, Rock Lee and Hyuga Neiji who were shrouded in it.

At this time, the three of them were under the high-intensity pressure of the gravity machine. Sweat flowed down their cheeks and bodies like spring water, soaking their training clothes, but they had no intention of slowing down.

The air in the gravity machine seemed extremely heavy, and every movement seemed to consume a huge amount of physical strength and willpower.

Rock Lee still maintained that unyielding spirit, with his hands wrapped in bandages, doing push-ups frantically.

Every time he pressed down, it was like squeezing out the strength of his whole body. His face was covered with sweat, but his eyes were still firm, as if the whole world only had his training goal.

"1, 0021, 0031, 004"

Rock muttered something in his mouth, with a hint of panting in his voice, but his movements did not slacken at all.

Even in an environment with doubled gravity, every movement of Rock was still full of strength.

"Rock, come on! Youth is to burn at the limit!"

Might Guy, standing aside, was full of blood, with his hands raised high, making a signature burning gesture.

Although he was also under the pressure of the gravity machine, his expression was full of passion and fighting spirit, as if he had completely ignored the burden on his body.

Might Guy himself was also doing difficult physical training on the side.

His body seemed heavier under the strong gravity, but every kick and punch he made was still accurate and powerful, and the lines of his muscles were particularly obvious against the background of sweat.

Sweat beads slid down his forehead, but his eyes were as firm as a torch, without any slackness.

Hyuga Neji, who was standing on the other side, was more calm and focused.

He sat cross-legged in a corner of the gravity machine, his white eyes were already open, and veins on his forehead were prominent, as if he was concentrating on sensing the flow of chakra around him.

His breathing was steady and deep. Although sweat kept sliding down his cheeks, his calm and steady appearance was obviously doing a very focused internal force training.

Neji raised his hands slightly, and the traces of chakra flowing in his body were faintly visible, as if he was trying to enhance his physical skills and chakra control ability through the pressure of this gravity.

"What a crazy training"

Seeing this scene, Tiantian was a little surprised.

The inside of the gravity machine seemed to be another world, and there was a strong sense of oppression in the air.

Every movement and every breath seemed so difficult.

Rock Lee, Metkai and Ningji seemed to be fighting to the death against invisible pressure, but there was no sign of retreat on their faces, only their unwavering faith and pursuit of their own strength. .

Seeing the three sweating and determined figures standing silently at the door every day, not disturbing them, but watching quietly, I felt a rush of blood boiling in my heart.

This is the team of Teacher Metkakai and their spirit!

Always challenging the limits, no matter how tired the body is, the faith is still burning like fire.

If I wasn't already very strong at opening cans, I would have already joined in.

After a while, Metkai noticed Tiantian standing at the door, and his smile became even brighter: "Tiantian! You came just in time! Look, our youth is burning here! Do you want to experience the charm of gravity training together?"

day by day:"."

After hearing what Metkai said, Tiantian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Teacher Kai, I just came over to take a look and ask you about the next training plan."

"Oh? So fast?"

After hearing Tiantian's words, Metkai sighed: "It seems that you opened the jar today and found something good again. Please wait a moment."

With that said, the three of them continued to exercise.

Another half hour passed, and a "buzz" sound suddenly sounded.

Rock Li immediately fell to the ground, gasping for air.

It's finally over.

Hyuga Neji also struggled, slowly stood up, touched the edge of the Saiyan training gravity machine, and walked out step by step, breathing heavily.

"Come on, Tiantian."

Compared to Rock Lee and Hyuga Neji, although Metkai was sweating, he was not tired.

After all, the three of them are training in this Saiyan training gravity machine, and the gravity they can adjust must be acceptable to Hyuga Neji and Rock Lee, which is different from him.

As Metkai walked out, he waved to Tiantian: "Use your physical skills to attack me, and I will plan the next plan for you."

"Okay, Teacher Kai, I'm here!"

After hearing what Metkai said, Tiantian launched an attack without hesitation.

With a thought, it unfolded instantly.


With one step of his feet, he rushed towards Metkai like a sharp arrow, his fists condensed with chakra, and he struck straight in his direction with a fierce momentum.

"Huh? This speed?"

"It's not a teleportation technique."

Sensing Tiantian's movement speed, Metkai's pupils shrank sharply.

But he dodged sideways with a calm expression for the first time, blocking Tiantian's punch. His eyes suddenly understood, and he said: "Your chakra fluctuations are more violent than before, and it is even a little difficult to control."

"Although the attack is fast and violent, it relies too much on the output of power and lacks the precision and delicate control it deserves."

"You have to adjust."

As he spoke, Metkai raised his hands lightly and easily blocked Tiantian's second wave of attacks. He continued: "Tiantian, your chakra has indeed improved a lot, and it is thicker than before. But your chakra The control is not refined enough, the output is too powerful, and there is a lack of subtle control, which is not a small thing. "

"I noticed it too."

After hearing what Metkai said, Tiantian said distressedly: "For someone like me who specializes in physical training, every time the chakra increases, it actually needs to be re-regulated."

"You don't have to do it, but that direction means giving up on physical skills."

Metkai said: "Your talent for physical skills is also very strong, and your physique has been developed through the things in the jar. Giving up physical skills means giving up one of your major advantages, so you must not give up physical skills."

"Although there are benefits to opening the can, the chakra output in your body must be flexibly adjusted. Only in this way can the attack be lethal."


After hearing what Metkai said, Tiantian nodded.

She understood what Metkai meant.

I opened two jars today, one for senior genin chakra, and one for chuunin level chakra.

Although it gave her stronger chakra, her training had been more focused on the accumulation of strength and speed, but not on delicate control.

Especially after rapid improvement, the flow of chakra is more intense than before, making it difficult to use it like an arm or a finger.

I wanted to do this before, but because I had to exercise other abilities, I didn't have any extra time to adjust.

"So what you have to do now is the simplest lesson."

"Learn how to distribute and control your chakra so that every strike is precise and efficient, instead of blindly pursuing speed and power."

"Now, slow down your movements, focus, and feel the chakra flowing through your body."

After hearing Metkai's words, Tiantian immediately adjusted his breathing, worked hard to concentrate chakra in his fists and feet, and slowly made fine adjustments.

"Well, continue."

Metkai nodded with satisfaction: "Attack here."

Tiantian's potential is endless. As long as he can master the control of chakra, his physical skills will surely reach a higher level.


After hearing Metkai's words, Tiantian launched another attack on Metkai. This time, her movements became smoother, with a clear sense of control in every punch and kick.

Although the power is not as violent as before, every shot is more accurate, giving people a stable and powerful sense of oppression.

After a short exchange of more than a dozen moves, with Metkai's constant guidance and adjustments, a light counterattack stopped Tiantian.

"That's about it."

Metkai nodded, looked at Tiantian and said, "We will continue to deepen the training in this direction, and I will develop a more suitable training plan for physical skills and chakra control for you."

"You are coming here tomorrow. If you have time these days, run here. You have neglected the most basic chakra control, which is a taboo for taijutsu ninjas."

"The Chuunin Exams are coming up in a week. You must master these first, otherwise you will be in trouble if your foundation is not stable."

"Yes, Teacher Kai!"

After hearing what Metkai said, Tiantian nodded.

"Teacher Kai, I'm going back first."

Next to him, Hinata Neji, who had been watching, said softly: "There is a notice from the family today and you must go back."

If it weren't for the notice from his family, he would have slept here.


After hearing what Hyuga Neji said, Metkai nodded: "If you have anything to do, tell me tomorrow. If it's not inconvenient, I will go back with you."

Hyuga Neji had been fine for a few days, but suddenly he was told to go back. Something was definitely wrong with Metkai.


Hinata Neji nodded, then turned and left.

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