Naruto: I sell jars in Konoha Village

Chapter 146 The bondage that covered the examination room, the enraged jonin, which candidate is so

Why does the Chunin Exam still require a written test?

And there are so many ninjas watching?

How terrible.

The most important thing is that after the exam, all members of the group whose points are deducted and get 0 points will lose the qualification to continue taking the Chunin Exam.

This means that even if she does not get 0 points on the exam, others in the team who get 0 points on the exam will drag her down.

She wasn't worried about Neji.

The only thing she worried about was Rock Lee.

After all, Rock Lee's efforts were only in physical skills.

When I didn't have the talent for ninjutsu in the ninja school, I didn't study hard. Instead, I kept working hard on training in taijutsu.

After graduation, I didn’t even read any books and started practicing physical skills like crazy.

Tiantian knows that today's Locke Li can't even read a few Chinese characters.

That’s not right, at least he can read.

Thinking of this, Tian Tainan sighed and looked at Rock Li in the distance.

Even though she was at the back, she could still see Locke Li and the other candidates in the front scratching their heads crazily, unable to write a word.

"It's really troublesome."

Tiantian turned his pen while frowning and thinking carefully.

Then start answering the questions.

Time passes.

After reaching the eighth question, Tian Tian paused and frowned.

In addition to the difficulty of questions 8 and 9, question 10 actually has no questions?

"The tenth question will not be given until forty-five minutes after the exam starts. You must answer it after fully understanding it."

"That is to say, no matter how fast or slow you do it, you still have forty-five minutes."

"Even if you finish the question quickly and finish it in ten minutes, you still have to wait forty-five minutes before you can answer the tenth question."

"Although these questions are complicated, they are not too difficult. For me, I am not a unique genius."

"Furthermore, there is no fixed promotion quota for qualified test scores, so you need to score as many points as possible."

"Look for Lin Mo."

Looking at the eighty-nine questions in front of him, Tiantian was extremely distressed, and decisively thought of the seventy-seventh binding path he had opened - Tianting Kongluo.

Having mastered this binding method, she could find Lin Mo directly.

In this Chunin Exam, you can definitely ask Lin Mo for help.

Immediately, Tiantian closed his eyes and whispered: "The black and white Luo, the bridge of twenty-two, the crown of sixty-six, the footprints, the distant thunder, the peak, the returning ground, the night, the sea of ​​clouds, the blue formation, the general The garden is filled with colors and reaches the sky!”


As Tiantian finished chanting, Tiantian immediately felt his chakra emanating in the form of a mesh, and instantly found the place outside the classroom that represented Lin Mo.

"Huh? This wave?"

Morino Ihiki, who was watching quietly from the front, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly felt a strange and strange chakra fluctuation, as if there was an invisible net spreading quietly in the examination room, thin and strong.

This kind of perceived chakra did not belong to any ninjutsu he was familiar with, and even made him unable to judge the source of this power for a while.

"Which candidate's method is this?"

Yi Bixi frowned slightly, a trace of surprise flashing through his heart.

His eyes quickly scanned the entire examination room, trying to find the person who released this chakra wave.

However, the examination room remained silent.

Most of the candidates were immersed in their answers. The atmosphere was extremely tense and solemn, and no one showed any unusual behavior.

No one has yet been able to understand the nature of this exam.

But now the first person has discovered the nature of this exam.

But is this guy a little too arrogant?

He released his chakra so unscrupulously, and released it in some form.

Ibiki's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, looking at the candidates one by one, trying to find the source of the chakra.

However, the fluctuation was like an invisible wind, filling every corner of the examination room, yet it was elusive.

Not only Ibiki, but also the other examiners in every corner of the examination room had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

They are all at least Chuunin level, and they can feel a special kind of chakra being released unscrupulously.

Or even spread toward the outside?

But they couldn't find the source.

This behavior is simply provocative.

On the rooftop, there was a gentle breeze, and several experienced jounin were standing leisurely, waiting for the progress of the exam.

"Without my subordinates, it's really leisurely."

Sarutobi Asuma sighed: "There are not many moments of relaxation like this."

"I'll be busy soon."

After hearing Asuma Sarutobi's words, Kakashi said calmly: "The examiner for the first exam this year is Morino Ihiki. Although it is impossible to torture the candidates' bodies during the exam, he definitely has the skills in interrogation. For candidates.”

"That is indeed troublesome."

Sarutobi Asuma frowned slightly: "I can't figure out how he could be the examiner of the Chunin Exam this time."


Sarutobi Asuma, who was just talking, suddenly felt a sudden spread of chakra fluctuations, and his expression was shocked; "Did you feel it? Kakashi, Kurenai."

"This chakra is special, not just perception."

Yuhi Hong's face was startled: "What kind of chakra sensing technique is this?"

Is this still the case with Chakra Sensing Technique?

"What else can you say?"

Metkai looked over with curiosity: "What are you sensing?"

"Someone in the examination room is using a very special sensory ninjutsu."

Sarutobi Asuma's expression was solemn: "This is the chunin exam. No student should be able to perform such high-level sensory ninjutsu, let alone release chakra unscrupulously."

"Well, it's very special."

Kakashi nodded slightly.

As a jounin, he has an extremely keen sense of chakra.

Especially in this quiet environment, any subtle chakra fluctuation cannot escape their perception.

However, the chakra fluctuation this time was unusual.

Its aura was huge and scattered, spreading like an invisible net over the examination room, filling the entire area and even spreading to the rooftop.

"This kind of range of perception. Who can do it?"

Sarutobi Asuma looked at Yuhi Kurenai with a solemn expression: "Red, are you okay?"

"It can't be done."

Yuhi Hong shook her head and said: "And this gives me the feeling that it is not just about perceiving ninjutsu, it is very special, and has an indescribable weird feeling."

As someone who is proficient in the art of chakra perception, she cannot achieve such a large range.

This is an extremely exaggerated proficiency and consumption of chakra!

And this approach is simply a waste of chakra.

"Whoever dares to use this special ninjutsu so unscrupulously in the exam is already a provocation to the entire exam."

Sarutobi Asuma said coldly: "We Konoha examiners and ninjas will never do it, then there will only be outsiders."


Yuhi Hong closed her eyes, her chakra spread, she felt it, and whispered: "Something's wrong, it's not like a candidate can do it. Even a genius ninja can't have such a huge range of perception, let alone Leave no trace."

"It should be a jounin from another ninja village, but this kind of aura spreads from the examination room, which is very strange."

"Since you all can feel it, then Ibixi must also feel it."

Metkai scratched his head: "We only need to ensure the vigilance outside. We don't need to take care of those inside the examination room."

"That's right."

Sarutobi Asuma's expression was solemn, his eyes still fixed on the direction of the examination room, and he whispered: "But we must be prepared. If the situation gets out of control, we must intervene as soon as possible."

This sudden appearance of large-scale chakra forced him to take it seriously.

"As long as you control one direction, you can contact Lin Mo."

At this time, Tiantian let his chakra extend like spider silk, penetrated the wall, quickly found Lin Mo, and touched Lin Mo.



Tsunade, who was watching Hinata Hanabi show off what she had learned, suddenly raised her eyebrows and looked back at the jar shop.

What's going on, where did the chakra aura come from.

And it spread so unscrupulously.

Not only Tsunade felt it, but Shizune was also extremely curious.

He looked around for a moment, shook his head and said, "It's such a long distance, what kind of method is this?"

She could feel the aura of chakra permeating the air, but she couldn't find the direction.

Because she can't counter-track the induction.

Not everyone can master the art of chakra sensing.


Jar shop.

Feeling the signal coming from Tiantian, Lin Mo, who had integrated the golden pupils, was very surprised.

Isn't Tenten taking the chuunin exam?

What are you doing all of a sudden?

According to the original work, the previous Chunin Examination is simply child's play.

While thinking this, Lin Mo had a thought, and instantly let Tiantian's Fu Dao enter the jar shop, and asked Tiantian to agree to contact him.

"Lin Mo, Lin Mo, please help me."

In an instant, Tiantian's voice sounded in Lin Mo's mind: "I am now in the written test of the first Chuunin exam. I don't know how to do the eighth and ninth questions. The elimination quota for this written test I don’t know how many, so the higher the score the better.”

"If I didn't pursue high scores, I could just pass on my answers to others, but I'm just worried that if my scores aren't high enough, I won't be able to advance."

"I can't be sure, so I want to ask you."

"The purpose of this exam is not a simple written test, nor is it a simple high score."

Hearing Tiantian's question, Lin Mo shook his head and laughed: "This is a test to test your intelligence gathering ability as ninjas. You are allowed to use your own methods to cheat on the test. The score is not important. Even if you hand in a blank paper, don't worry."

"I have roughly guessed this."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Tiantian in the examination room quickly responded in his heart: "The essence of a ninja is to see the essence of things clearly. The original intention of the proctor in this exam is to encourage us to cheat, but if we cheat, we must act like a real ninja. Don't get caught."

"According to my understanding, this exam is about how to find the correct answer without getting caught. But I don't know the correct answer, because a score of 0 is also unqualified, so the higher the score, the better good."

Otherwise, she would not contact Lin Mo.

If it was just a simple test, then the scores should be cancelled.

Tiantian doesn't understand what Lin Mo is talking about other than simply high scores.


Hearing Tiantian's words, Lin Mo nodded and said: "This test is just as you said, but this score is just a false shot. As long as you do nothing, it will be okay even if you hand in a blank paper."


Hearing this, Tiantian's eyes suddenly widened.

What the hell, handing in a blank paper?

Subconsciously, Tiantian glanced down at the test paper filled with seven questions and fell into deep thought.

"Yes, hand in blank."

Lin Mo chuckled and said: "The real test for you is the tenth question. As long as you participate, it doesn't matter. As long as you don't get caught for cheating in the exam, it doesn't even matter if you just sleep. Someone will stand up and take care of you."

"The tenth question hasn't appeared yet. This tenth question is a test of your determination to make a choice. As long as you don't choose to give up, then you just need to sit and wait."

According to the direction of the original plot, even if there are no changes from Naruto, just stick to it.

The so-called choice of two is the real question ten.

It is also the only answer in the entire examination room.

"So that's it."

After hearing this, Tiantian suddenly understood.

She naturally believed what Lin Mo said.

"Then I still write an egg?"

Looking at the two questions that were still empty, Tiantian decisively threw away the pen and stopped writing.

Since Lin Mo said it didn't matter if he scored 0 points on the test, he could just wait leisurely.


The next second, Tiantian looked at Locke Li who was scratching his head not far away, with a speechless expression on his face.

Looking in the direction of Hinata Neji, he was already copying like crazy.

At this moment, Tiantian discovered that many of the candidates present knew the truth and began to use tricks to copy the correct answers.

"Tell Neji and Lee."

Without any hesitation, Tiantian decisively took back the Seventy-Seven Heavenly Tingkong Luo that spread out of the examination room.

In an instant, the sky that spread out like a spider web disappeared in an instant.

"No more?"

When Tenten canceled Tenten Kongra, the examiners present and Morino Ihiki both noticed it.

He narrowed his eyes for a moment.

Are you unable to hold on?

They have roughly guessed that it must be the method of a certain candidate.

How could such a large-scale ninjutsu be maintained for a long time?

Although the source was not found, the disappearance of chakra at least allowed them to temporarily relax their vigilance.

But the next second, they felt a strong chakra wave burst out again, instantly covering the entire examination room!

Compared with before, the chakra fluctuations this time are denser and more concentrated!

It was like an invisible net, tightly suppressing everyone in the examination room.

"What's going on?!"

Ibixi's face instantly turned ugly.

He could clearly feel that the chakra fluctuations this time were stronger and more targeted than before.

The ninjutsu that was like perception no longer spread out randomly, but was accurately compressed in the examination room!

Covering almost every corner, the suffocating sense of oppression came again.

"This is definitely the method of a certain candidate!"

An examiner looked solemn and quickly scanned the examination room, trying to find the source of this chakra.

But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find a specific target.

"Is this guy provoking us?!"

The face of the other examiner also became extremely ugly, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

This repeated perception technique is obviously testing their bottom line!

Time and time again, the entire examination room was plunged into a tense atmosphere, but no trace of it was ever revealed. It was simply driving people crazy!

As the examiner, Morino Hiki's face was even more gloomy.

His patience was running out.

As the examiner, his responsibility is to ensure the smooth conduct of the exam.

However, the situation is clearly getting out of control.

Because even he is enveloped in it!

This special chakra fluctuation enveloped the examination room unbridled, making him feel intolerable.

Although the essence of this exam is a testing method, this method is too disgusting.

Repeatedly jumping horizontally was simply a challenge to his bottom line.

Who did this?

The tension in the examination room reached its peak at this moment.

Every examiner's eyes were filled with anger and interest.

There was no talking, just looking at each other and searching, but no one could find the source of the problem.

This unknown chakra fluctuation is like a sharp sword hanging above the head, threatening the order of the entire exam at all times.

At the same time, some candidates in the examination room who resorted to cheating also felt the strong chakra fluctuations.

Originally, they were still secretly using their own skills to cheat, but this invisible sense of oppression suddenly came, instantly making some people feel like a light on their backs, as if their every move was being seen through.

"What's going on?"

Locke Li, who was about to use the reflection in the small mirror, suddenly stopped what he was doing, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Looking around subconsciously, he felt that the atmosphere around him had become extremely depressing, as if the entire examination room was shrouded by some invisible force, which made him feel inexplicably uneasy.

Looking at the blank paper in front of him again, Locke Li felt a toothache.

My luck can't be so bad.

You haven't even cheated yet, but you are caught by the examiner?

With so much attention, who can use cheating methods?

Did he understand it wrong?

And the other side.

Ino Yamanaka, who was secretly preparing to cheat Haruno Sakura with illusions, instantly felt this chakra fluctuation.

His hands trembled involuntarily, and he couldn't help but whisper to himself: "Who is using this powerful sensory ninjutsu? Is it a method of some examiner?"

If it weren't for the examiner, this would be too arrogant.

One after another, the examinees were shocked and doubtful.

Whether it was Uchiha Sasuke who was using the Sharingan.

or Hyuga Neji who was using the Byakugan, their movements could not help but pause.

There were also some examinees from other ninja villages who were still confidently using various tricks to cheat, but now they were completely suppressed by this chakra fluctuation, as if they had been stared at by an invisible eye and could be exposed at any time.

Subconsciously, their breathing became rapid, their heartbeats accelerated, and even their courage to cheat was weakened by half.

Inside and outside the examination room, the atmosphere became increasingly tense, and the sense of oppression echoed in everyone's heart.

Some cheating examinees began to feel afraid.

The examiners' anger and powerlessness reached the extreme.

Especially Morino Ibiki, this feeling of losing control was very bad!

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