Water Country

Mist Village

More than a hundred boys and girls stood in line at the ninja school training ground.

At the front of the team, five tall adult ninjas from Mist Village, wearing gray-brown vests and ninja forehead protectors, stood facing the boys.

In the middle of the five adult ninjas was the head teacher of the ninja class, Samejima Ryoma. There was a centipede scar on his face that extended from the center of his eyebrows to the right corner of his mouth. With his nearly 1.9-meter tall stature and iceberg-like face, he gave people a hideous and terrifying feeling.

Samejima Ryoma closed the scroll in his hand and put it down, looking at the students standing in line, and smiled:

"Okay, the groups are complete. Do you know your exam opponents?"

Samejima Ryoma smiled and spoke softly, but his hideous image made people feel unfriendly.


The candidates responded to the words of head teacher Samejima Ryoma in unison.

Samejima Ryoma looked at the students in front of him, his mouth corners curved more and more, even revealing his sharp teeth like a shark.

"Three years of teaching, I am very reluctant to leave you.

However, in our Kirigakure, there is no need for trash to live.

So, this exam competition is different from usual..."

Although Samejima Ryoma's words were soft, the more than 100 candidates present could hear Samejima's words. Samejima Ryoma paused slightly, slowly put away his ugly smile, and continued with a little seriousness:

"I guess you have heard more or less about the content of the graduation exam...

Hehehe, I tell you, that's not a rumor.

For this exam, you need to kill your opponent..."

After Samejima Ryoma finished speaking, his expression was stern, and he exuded a strong murderous aura.

The candidates were shocked by the words and suppressed by the murderous aura of their teacher Samejima Ryoma, and many candidates began to tremble.


"How can you..."


The trembling examinees did not lose their consciences. Many students asked in a low voice or looked around.

Samejima Ryoma looked solemn and silent. His originally gentle eyes now burst out with strong murderous intent, oppressing these ninja rookies.

At the end of the examinee team, a brown short-haired boy looked terrified. His left hand trembled as he patted the black long-haired, waist-length, white-faced boy on the left, trembling:

"Wu...Wuxin, my opponent...is you. Will you...kill...me?"

Wuxin, nine years old, black hair and black pupils, the top of this year's graduates, has a long-standing reputation and is known as the prodigy of the Hidden Mist.

Wuxin's handsome and fair face frowned slightly at this moment. The murderous oppression of the senior ninja Samejima Ryoma seemed to be mainly aimed at Wuxin's position in the back row.

"Takumi, we are best friends. You know, I would never do such a thing."

Under the pressure of the jonin's momentum, Wuxin was still able to remain calm and comfort his friend Takumi.

"Really...really? Wuxin..."

Takumi was still trembling, but with Wuxin's comfort, he felt a little better.

Wuxin turned his cheek and looked at Takumi on his right, showing a sunny and warm smile, and whispered:

"Of course, you don't know what I am like."

Takumi stared at Wuxin's warm face in a daze. Wuxin's kind smile and warm words completely calmed Takumi's nervousness.

Takumi fell into silence, turned his head, as if he didn't want Wuxin to see his embarrassment, and slowly raised his right hand.

Samejima Ryoma looked at these students who were trembling under the pressure of his murderous aura, and glanced at several outstanding students he paid attention to. Zabuza Momochi and Mushin were all calm and composed. Samejima Ryoma could not help but nodded slightly.

When Samejima Ryoma secretly observed the postures of Zabuza Momochi and Mushin, he noticed that Mitsui Takumi next to Mushin raised his right hand. Samejima Ryoma transferred the murderous aura that oppressed Mushin to Mitsui Takumi.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Mitsui Takumi was trembling all over, but still raised his right hand.

Samejima Ryoma was a little surprised and said:

"Mitsui Takumi, speak."

Samejima Ryoma's words were as cold as winter.

Mitsui Takumi was trembling, but his face was a little red. Samejima Ryoma understood that this was caused by the secretion of adrenaline due to excitement. Trembling is not necessarily fear, but also excitement and anger.

"Teacher Ryouma, why, why should we do this?

We, we are all companions! Why do we have to kill each other?"

As Ryouma Samejima expected, Mitsui Takumi loudly questioned the purpose of the exam.

Ryouma Samejima showed a smile that was uglier than crying,He chuckled:

"Hehe... why?"


There was a sonic boom in the field, and Samejima Ryoma, who was in front of the team, disappeared from the spot and instantly appeared behind Mitsui Takumi, who was at the back of the team.

"What a fast instant body technique! Is this... a jonin!?"

Wuxin noticed Samejima Ryoma behind him and exclaimed in his heart.

Before Mitsui Takumi could react, Samejima grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up like a chicken, twisting his waist and spinning him to smash him down behind him.


The ground cracked, and Mitsui Takumi was grabbed by the collar of his upper body by the class teacher, and his lower body legs were rolled up like shrimps, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Samejima Ryoma let Mitsui Takumi's blood spray on him. The centipede scar on his face and the blood on his face made him look like a demon in the world.

Samejima Ryoma made a seal with his hands, disappeared, and returned to the front of the team, allowing the students to admire his bloody face.

"Why? Ha! The Hidden Mist Village is an island country with scarce resources.

In this country, people without value have no need to live.

Giving up the exam is equivalent to failure, and the result is the same.

The only difference is that you are killed by your classmates, or by me!

Now, does anyone have any questions?"

Samejima Ryoma's image is hideous and terrifying, and his words are even more cruel. His words have caused different degrees of damage to the students' bodies and minds, and no one dared to ask again.


Wuxin, who was at the end of the team, squatted down, helped Takumi up, and gently called his friend's name.

The impact of this scene once again refreshed Wuxin's understanding of the Hidden Mist Village.

Wuxin has been reborn in Kirigakure for nine years. With the mature soul of an adult, he has been practicing ninjutsu since childhood and has earned the reputation of a Kirigakure prodigy.

Among this year's candidates, Wuxin is a unique genius. Although Wuxin knows that the Kirigakure graduation exam is cruel and requires killing each other, he is also prepared, but he never expected that the opponent arranged by the teacher would be Mitsui Takumi.

Mitsui Takumi, Wuxin's neighbor, a companion who grew up together, went to school together at the Ninja School, attended classes together, and went home together.

Wuxin's parents are both ninjas, and they are often away from home for a long time on missions. Takumi's parents are catering merchants in the village and often take care of Wuxin, so the relationship between the two is very good.

Most of the time, the graduation exams of Kirigakure are fought between classmates. Because the friendship between classmates is generally very deep, the Ninja School often starts from this aspect.

Wuxin has prepared to kill his deskmate, but he didn't expect that the opponent arranged by the teachers for him was not his deskmate, but Mitsui Takumi.

Although Wuxin has lived in this world for nine years, he actually lived another nine years in his previous life. Wuxin's heart cannot accept killing his friend.

At the same time, Wuxin also understands that deliberately alienating Mitsui Takumi in the three years at the ninja school has not worked.

Because of his genius, he has received special attention from the Kirigakure Village, and his opponent is specially arranged.

"Wuxin, I'm fine..."

Takumi stood up with the help of Wuxin. Takumi was thrown by the teacher Samejima Ryoma, and his chin was stained with blood. He looked very miserable.


Wuxin looked at Mitsui Takumi with a complicated look.

Wuxin knew that Mitsui Takumi's dream was to change the status of civilians and become a Kirigakure ninja...

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