"He ran away."

After the strange rock, Wuxin jumped onto the top of the rock and saw the Sand Ninja running into the small forest where they had chased Takami Yoshiyuki before. He disappeared.

"Well, I... poof!"

Takami Yoshiyuki was about to speak when he spat out a mouthful of hot blood and staggered backwards.

Kisame on the side quickly stepped forward and caught Takami Yoshiyuki who was about to fall. Looking closely, Takami Yoshiyuki's face was as pale as paper and he had fallen into a coma, which showed that his body had reached its limit.


Wuxin jumped off the strange rock and quickly stepped forward to check Takami Yoshiyuki's condition.

All the bandages on Takami Yoshiyuki's body turned red, his wounds were torn and bleeding, and his chakra was on the verge of exhaustion. If he hadn't met Wuxin and the others, he would probably have died here.

Seeing Takami Yoshiyuki so miserable, Wuxin felt a little inexplicable in his heart, both angry and sad.

Kisame seemed to sense Wuxin's mood and whispered, "If your teacher can't treat him urgently, I'm afraid..."

Wuxin nodded and said:

"I know! One of the Sand Village escaped. If he goes back to gather his companions and comes back, we will be in trouble.

It's not advisable to stay here for long, let's leave first!"

After that, Wuxin made seals with his hands. After five seals, he squatted down and slapped the ground:

"Spirit Summoning Technique!"


A huge smoke gushed out, and when the smoke dissipated, Wuxin stood on the head of a huge lizard.

Kisame picked up Gao Jianyixing, jumped on the top of the lizard, and laid Gao Jianyixing flat on the top of the lizard.

Wuxin stomped on Lizard Maru's big head with his feet and pointed in a direction.

Lizard Maru immediately ran in the direction Wuxin pointed, at a very fast speed.

Seeing that everything was in place, Wuxin walked to Gao Jianyixing's side, removed his vest and medical bandages, and began to treat his wounds.

Kisame sat cross-legged beside Wuxin, watching the scene with interest, and whispered:

"With such a wound, and the subordinates missing, it seems that your teacher has gone through many battles in the past two days."

"Well. He should have escaped from the oasis where we assisted Xiguashan Puffer Ghost. Before, I wanted to find my teacher's trace..."

Wuxin performed the Palm Immortal Technique and treated Gao Jianyixing's wound seriously, while replying to Kisame softly.

Kisame heard Wuxin say this and remembered that when he and Wuxin entered the oasis, he found that Xiguashan Puffer Ghost was at a disadvantage, and he immediately expressed his support for Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.

It seems that this is contrary to Wuxin's thoughts at the time. But Wuxin still cooperated with him to support Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.


Kisame thought about it and wanted to say something, but just as he opened his mouth, he fell silent again.

Wuxin turned his head and looked at Kisame, and said softly:

"I don't question your choice to rescue Master Fugu. There is no absolutely safe place on the battlefield.

As long as there is a war, everyone will die, including you and me."

At this point, Wuxin paused slightly and changed the subject:

"Pay attention to the surroundings. It is not necessarily safe here.

We can rest assured when we return to the sea."


Kisame nodded and stood up, walked from the top of Lizard Maru to the back of Lizard Maru, stood and looked around.

Wuxin was fully committed, using the palm fairy technique to heal Gao Jianyixing's injuries.

Under the moonlight, Lizard Maru rushed for a long time, and finally rushed to the seaside, making a hissing sound, reminding Wuxin that there was no road ahead.

No accidents happened along the way, until he arrived at the seaside, Wuxin was slightly relieved, and the Red Sand Scorpion that he had been worried about did not appear.

Wuxin helped Gao Jianyixing, whose wounds had been healed, and jumped down from Lizard Maru's head, saying:

"You've worked hard, Lizard Maru, let's go back!"

After Lizard Maru felt that everyone on his back had gone down, he shook his head and disappeared in a giant puff of white smoke.

Wuxin put Gao Jianyixing, who was unconscious, on the ground, took out a small paper bag from the ninja bag behind his waist, opened the paper bag, took out a red pill, and stuffed it into Gao Jianyixing's mouth.

"The wound has been healed. As for the blood loss, you have to take blood-replenishing pills in the next few days. There's no rush, let's go back to the ship!"

After the treatment process was over, Wuxin helped Gao Jianyixing up again.

"I'll do this kind of thing of carrying people!"

Kisame on the side stepped forward, took Gao Jianyixing from Wuxin's hand, and carried him on his shoulders.

Wuxin didn't stop him and chuckled:

"Okay, let's go back to the ship to rest first, and meet Master Fugu tomorrow!"

Kisame hummed lightly, carried Takami Yoshiyuki, and rushed to the sea with Wuxin, treading on the water and heading straight for the commander's flagship.

The guards on duty on the flagship checked Wuxin, Kisame, and Takami Yoshiyuki as a formality, and found nothing unusual.Then let go.

That night, after taking care of the unconscious Takami Yoshiyuki, the exhausted Wuxin and Kisame fell asleep in the sleeping bags in the cabin.

The next day

At noon

Wuxin and Kisame dressed neatly and, led by the dark guards of the flagship, paid a visit to the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost in the command room.

The command room of the flagship was very spacious. The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost sat at the desk with a mountain-like body, writing documents. When he saw Wuxin and Kisame coming, he put down his brush and laughed:

"Our hero is back."



Wuxin and Kisame were a little confused and didn't quite understand what the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost meant.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost stood up from his seat, walked to Wuxin and Kisame, patted their shoulders, and said with a smile:

"Sand Village has heroes Ye Cang and Luo Sha, and we in Kisame Village also have heroes Hoshigaki Kisame and Wuxin.

I witnessed your victory over Ye Cang and Luo Sha in the Oasis Battle.

Unfortunately, there are too many Sand Village ninjas, tens of thousands of them.

Under the huge disparity in numbers and the desert environment, our water escape ninjutsu was difficult to work, which ultimately led to a great defeat.

However, our one thousand Kisame Village fought against ten thousand Sand Village in the desert, and we were still honored even though we lost.

I have written down the details of this battle and sent it to the village.

You two should be ready to receive the commendation from the Fourth Mizukage."

Wuxin and Kisame looked at each other, and Kisame's eyes were wide open, not really understanding what Xiguashan Puffer Ghost said.

There are many Sand Village ninjas, but definitely not tens of thousands, otherwise how could they come back? Although the exact number is unknown, it is definitely not much more than Kirigakure.

Moreover, the two of them did not make any outstanding contributions along the way. At most, they defeated Ye Cang, but the rest of the time, they were basically chased by Sand Village.

Red Sand Scorpion is a Sand Village traitor, maybe not, but when rescuing Xiguashan Puffer Bones, he was really beaten back by Luo Sha.

Wuxin's eyes flashed, and he understood what Xiguashan Puffer Ghost meant.

Probably to repay Wuxin and Kisame for their rescue and protection, plus he had made a little contribution on the battlefield, and he did fight Luo Sha.

In the mouth of people like Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, black can be said to be white, white can be said to be black, and it is clear that it was a big defeat, but he said it was a narrow defeat.

Clearly defeated by Luo Sha, he said that he defeated Luo Sha and many other Sand Village masters.

As for the number of Sand Village, it was even more arbitrary. Anyway, there was no statistics, so he said that it was that.

At the same time, exaggerating the number of enemies can also cover up their incompetence in defeat.


After a long silence, Wuxin agreed in a deep voice.


Kisame was still a little confused, and followed Wuxin's agreement.

After the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost showed his goodwill, he returned to his seat and said:

"I know you two can come back alive, you continue to serve as my guards.

During the shift break, perform the Anbu mission.

The Anbu's main task in the near future is to gather those Mist Village companions who have retreated and returned, and to scout for them.

As long as they can return to the sea, they don't have to worry about the pursuit of the Sand Village ninjas."

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