
Starlight shines on the East Gate sentry post. Wuxin stands at the edge of the sentry post, counting the stars out of boredom. Behind him, Yuto Murayama lies on the floor, breathing faintly.

"B-level mission, it feels like this? I thought it would be so dangerous..."

The night shift is divided into three time periods, from 8:00 to midnight, from midnight to four o'clock, and from four o'clock to early morning. Wuxin is on duty in the second shift. Wuxin only slept for a while in the first shift and still feels a little tired.

According to the teaching of the Ninja School, ninjas attack at night mostly in the early morning. Yuto Murayama asked Wuxin to work in the second shift, which is actually to take care of Wuxin. After four o'clock, Yuto Murayama will wake up and take over to deal with the dangerous early morning period.

Shuo Shuo...


Wuxin exclaimed softly. In the quiet night, Muran's faint voice sounded, which aroused Wuxin's vigilance. Chakra surged in his body, and he formed seals with both hands to perform perception.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters, fifty meters...

"Are there really people? Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen people!

Only one of them has chakra."

Wuxin's perception ninjutsu actually detected someone moving within the range.

Wuxin gently patted the sleeping Murayama Yuto, who instantly opened his eyes.

"Teacher Yuto, there are unknown people approaching, a total of sixteen people. One of them has chakra, I'll go investigate."

Wuxin leaned against Murayama Yuto and whispered softly.

Two people are on duty, and if there is an abnormal situation, they must remind their teammates to be alert. If they rush out to investigate, it is easy to cause unprepared teammates to be captured and killed.

Murayama Yuto had bloodshot eyes, and it seemed that his sleep condition was not very good. Hearing this, he nodded to Wuxin.

Wuxin jumped off the sentry post, quietly sneaked into the night, and touched the people who were sneaking towards the village.

The mountain village was pitch black at night, and the situation within a few meters could only be seen with the moonlight.

Wuxin, who was silent, quickly found the place where he had sensed the strangers before, hiding in the night and observing these uninvited guests.

In the night, sixteen people quietly entered the mountain village. These people all had long swords on their waists, and many of them even carried quivers and longbows.

Wuxin couldn't see the faces of these people clearly, but the outlines of the long swords on their waists and the longbows as tall as a person could still be seen. At night, carrying weapons and sneaking around, Wuxin knew that these people must be ill-intentioned, so he took out kunai and shuriken from the ninja bag behind his waist.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and several kunai and shuriken shot into the crowd.

Puff! Puff!


"I'm hurt!"

The muffled sound of a few sharp blades piercing the body, along with the men's screams of pain, cut through the night.

"Asshole! Light the torches!"

Accompanied by a furious shout, several piles of torches lit up in the night. In the light of the fire, a team of more than ten people, three of whom had kunai and shurikens stabbed in their bodies, and blood was gushing out.

These people were less than 30 meters away from the gate of the mountain stronghold.

"Warriors, it's time to show your martial arts, kill!"

At the front of the team, a man with an ancient samurai's fringe hairstyle looked at the injured team members, drew out his long sword, roared, and rushed towards the mountain stronghold.



Inspired by the samurai leader, shouts of killing suddenly broke out, and the attackers drew their long swords and rushed towards the village.

Wuxin, who was lying on the ground not far away and hiding in the night, was a little stunned by this scene.

"Isn't this a bit too stupid?"

Wuxin didn't know much about samurai, but knew that he had to repel this group of people. He quickly got up from the ground, took out a kunai, and shot at the running samurai.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The sound of breaking through the air was heard everywhere, and Wuxin's arms swung quickly, shooting more than ten kunai in a few seconds.

The samurai were attacked from the side, and some were caught off guard. They panicked and shouted all kinds of things.


"I'm injured!"



Several samurai fell down. What Wuxin didn't expect was that after they found that they were attacked by ninjas, they immediately turned around and ran away. The injured ones limped, but their speed was not slow at all.

In a few seconds, the samurai team of more than ten people, except for two corpses on the ground, was left with only a man with a bangs hairstyle.

Wuxin looked at these samurai who were acting like a drama, and his original fear and caution disappeared. With a jump, he came to a place not far in front of the samurai in the field.

"Hey, your companions have all run away, aren't you going to run away?"

Wu Xin asked calmly and relaxedly. On the second floor of the city gate next to him, there was a senior ninja named Murayama Yuto lurking there to plunder the enemy.

"How can I be compared to those lowly foot soldiers?"Imitation!"

The samurai with the hair style of the moon hair stood in front of him with his sword in both hands, staring at Wuxin with his eyes, while moving his feet and slowly moving forward.

"Fight to the last!"

Seeing this, Wuxin reached into the ninja tool bag behind his waist with both hands and threw two shurikens at the samurai.

Ding! Clang!

The samurai with the hair style of the moon hair swung his long sword and easily knocked off the two shurikens.


Wuxin exclaimed softly and found that this samurai leader did not seem to be a mediocre hand.

The samurai with the hair style of the moon hair looked solemn, slowly raised the long sword above his head, and bent his knees slightly. Suddenly, with a swift and light leap, he jumped directly over a distance of nearly five meters, and at the same time, the long sword chopped down, even bringing up the sound of wind.

Wuxin was already alert when the samurai's knees bent. Facing the samurai's slash, Wuxin took a step forward, holding the kunai in both hands and crossed, and blocked the long sword that chopped down.

"Hey ha! "

The samurai was skilled in swordplay and changed his moves quickly. After a loud roar, he swung his long sword downwards and slashed to the left at the same time. The long sword and Wuxin's kunai collided and produced a few sparks. The samurai pulled the long sword back completely and faced Wuxin sideways, but the tip of the sword was facing Wuxin's chest, and suddenly thrust forward.

Wuxin reacted very quickly. After the samurai pulled back the long sword, he jumped sideways to get away from the samurai and avoided the assassination. Wuxin, who had pulled a step away, felt unsafe and jumped back two more steps.

The confrontation between the two seemed to be long-lasting, but in fact it was lightning fast. Wuxin understood that the samurai in front of him had extraordinary swordplay and was not an easy opponent.

Wuxin shot the kunai in both hands at the samurai, and quickly formed seals with his free hands.

After the samurai chopped off the shuriken thrown by Wuxin, he could not move in time, and there were only two bangs, and five Wuxins appeared on the field.

Four of the Wuxins ran, and formed a five-pointed star formation with the Wuxin in the original place, surrounding the samurai.

The samurai with the kunai in his hands stood upright in front of him, turned his head and looked around.

The five Wuxins held the kunai in their hands, rushed forward silently, and attacked the samurai.

"Do you think I don't know which one is the real body! Die, scum!"

The samurai with the kunai in his hands aimed at Wuxin who had been in the middle before, rushed forward and stabbed Wuxin quickly, piercing him.

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