Hidden Mist Village

Early morning

On the stone pier beside the stream in the forest training ground in the southeast corner, Wuxin was wearing a short-sleeved singlet, holding the seal of the unknown with both hands, sitting cross-legged with eyes closed.

At the end of May, the weather began to gradually heat up, and the sun at nine o'clock was already a bit scorching.

A subtle air wave emanated from Wuxin on the stone pier, and the originally clear sky suddenly darkened and was covered with dark clouds.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

After a while, it started to rain. The raindrops fell on the stream, making a relaxing sound.


The rain gradually became heavier, and the light rain soon turned into heavy rain.

Wuxin on the stone pier slowly opened his eyes, looked up at the sky, and let the rain hit his face.

"The Rain of Resentment will reduce the effect of absorbing chakra, not only reducing the seal and chakra consumption, but also speeding up the formation of rainy days. It is a pure rain-making technique..."

Wuxin stared at the sky with a smile on his face. He had mastered the ninjutsu for half a month and improved it slightly.

It took Wuxin a week to master the chakra absorption technique, and it took him nearly a week to master the Rain of Resentment.

As for the C-level water-style water column gun, Wuxin spent less than half an hour to learn it without any difficulty.

Although both are C-level ninjutsu, the Rain of Resentment is obviously much more difficult than the Water Column Gun.

Perhaps because this ninjutsu of a small country is not very lethal, it is not taken seriously and has a low rating.

"There is still room for improvement in this technique, just like the fog perception developed by the perception technique combined with the fog hiding technique.

This rainmaking technique, combined with the perception technique, will definitely achieve the effect of rain perception."

Wuxin maintained the all-purpose seal of the unknown with both hands, and carefully felt the rain of resentment that had just been improved to remove the chakra absorption function.

The original rain of resentment absorbed the chakra of the caster, but that chakra could not reach the caster's body, which was very useless.

Although it weakened the enemy, it also exposed the caster.

If the chakra disappeared when it was touched by rain, it was obvious that someone was obstructing it.

Wuxin felt that it was a foolish dream to defeat the enemy with this rain of resentment technique. The original technique not only required more geography, but also traps, which was simply nonsense.

After the improvement, Wuxin felt that it was very good to simply create rainfall, and it also fit Wuxin's water instant body technique.

While Wuxin was thinking, several birds in the sky chirped, flapped their wings, and flew into the forest.

Noticing the fluttering birds in the sky, Wuxin narrowed his eyes slightly and disappeared on the spot. In the sky, Wuxin instantly appeared beside the birds in the sky, grabbed them with both hands, and captured two flying birds.

Wuxin in the sky passed the neck of the flying bird in his left hand to his right hand, then stood in front of him and made a seal with one hand, and his figure in the air instantly disappeared again and returned to the stone pier.

Wuxin easily caught the two flying birds, grabbed the necks of the two flying birds with his right hand, and threw them into the sky.

The flying birds released by Wuxin fluttered their wings in panic, and squeaked and flew into the forest again.

"Rainfall, water teleportation...

It doesn't take that much trouble to create a water environment, and you can also use water to travel freely.

At this speed, I don't know how it will be against the yellow flash.

His Flying Thunder God Technique is a time-space type ninjutsu teleportation, and my water teleportation technique uses the water environment to travel freely.

Flying Thunder God needs to sense the coordinates, and I also need to lock the enemy's position.

It seems that developing the rain perception technique is imminent for me."

Wuxin carefully felt the water teleportation in the rain just now. This speed gave Wuxin a great boost of confidence in the subsequent battle against the Fire Country.

However, before that, it is necessary to improve the rainfall technique into the rain perception technique.

"Father can fit the perception technique into the mist, so I can also fit the perception technique into the rain."

Wuxin reached out to feel the raindrops, and he had made up his mind to develop the rain perception technique.

The attribute type of instant body movement is completely different from the ordinary D-level physical body movement. The D-level instant body movement is just a high-speed movement that is invisible to the naked eye.

Some people cannot see the high-speed movement of the instant body movement with their naked eyes, but for some masters, they may not be able to see it clearly.

The attribute type of instant body movement, especially the water instant body movement, is a completely different type from the physical body movement.

By the time they see through the movement trajectory of the attribute instant body movement, their graves may have been three feet high.

With Wuxin's thinking and the cessation of chakra supply due to the lack of seals, the rain gradually subsided and the dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed.

With the sun shining and the humid environment, a rainbow rose next to the stream where Wuxin was.

Wuxin turned his head to look at the gorgeous rainbow, and his hands were clasped together.A seal, chakra fluctuations on the body.

On the stream, water rose up and condensed into five Wuxin water clones.

Wuxin got up from the stone pier, jumped, came to the water clone, and pressed his right hand on the water clone's shoulder.

In less than two seconds, the water clone turned into water marks and fell back into the stream.

"If you cancel the water clone technique yourself, you will recover a little chakra.

And through the chakra absorption technique, most of the consumed chakra returns to my body.

The actual consumption is only about 25% of the usual. With the improvement of ninjutsu, perhaps the consumption will be lower."

After Wuxin absorbed the chakra of one water clone, he took back the chakra of the remaining four water clones.

Chakra absorption technique, Wuxin practiced by absorbing his own water clone.

It was just this practice that made Wuxin accidentally discover that the consumption of his water clone seemed to be extremely low.

Chakra can be recovered, and the water clone has some of Wuxin's ninjutsu, such as water transformation technique and chakra absorption technique.

It seems that in a watery environment, Wuxin's water clone is not easy to be killed through the water transformation technique, and can absorb the enemy's chakra through the chakra absorption technique.

It is difficult to kill, lasts for a long time, and consumes very little chakra from Wuxin. This shadow clone or water clone type of ninjutsu seems to have become a magical skill in Wuxin's hands.

After practicing the chakra absorption technique, Wuxin jumped onto the stone pier, and sat down directly without caring about the wet stone pier that wet his butt, and continued to think about the combination of perception technique and rainfall technique.

Wuxin on the stone pier closed his eyes and thought for a long time, but he could not find the entry point of perception technique and rainfall technique.

Developing new techniques is not as easy as Wuxin thought.

Wuxin slowly opened his eyes and touched his chin:

"There seems to be only one technique for sensing rain in the original book, that is Pein's Rain Tiger Free Technique.

But... that is the blood limit of the Samsara Eye.

The perception technique and the rain technique have nothing to do with chakra operation and hand seals. How should I embed the perception technique into the rain?"

Wuxin, who had been thinking for a long time without any clue, gradually became a little irritated. In addition, this technique can only be performed by the Samsara Eye in the original book, which made Wuxin frown.

After a long time, Wuxin's eyes lit up and he thought to himself:

"Why did I forget the fog perception technique? Maybe I can refer to my father's development method.

If we reverse the fog perception technique, wouldn't we be able to find a way to combine fog and perception?

Refer to their combination method, and then find a way to integrate the perception technique into the rain...?"

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