Swish! Swish! Swish!

As soon as Kuroki Kiyoshi, Kuji Saburo, and Baotian Xuehan jumped into the base, they saw their fellow Kirigakure ninjas being beaten by the Konoha ninjas.

One Kirigakure ninja fell to the ground. With five people against nine, they had to add the three of them to make up for the difference in numbers.

As soon as the three of them were about to provide support, they saw a flash of black light in front of them, which stopped at the end. Judging from his body shape and attire, it seemed to be their jonin captain Wuxin. However, their captain Wuxin was quite slow in putting away his sword, as if he was putting on airs.

"With the rain perception technique combined with the water instant body technique, will I be able to get a name for myself as a black flash with my speed?"

The reason why Wuxin put away his sword slowly was that he felt that it was more stylish and that he was distracted and walked far away.

"Captain Wuxin, Terumi Sanyoshi is almost dead!"

"Captain Wuxin!"

Several genin talked at once, calling out to Wuxin.

"Terume Sanji?"

Wuxin looked back and saw a soundless boy lying on the ground with a kunai stuck in his chest.

Terume Sanji was a student of Murayama Yuto. Wuxin knew this person and told Baotian Xuehan who came over:

"Xuehan, you are good at medical ninjutsu, treat Terume Sanji."


Baotian Xuehan responded softly, and immediately stepped forward to treat Terume Sanji.

After Wuxin killed ten people instantly with the water body, the rain in the sky slowly became smaller and returned to the previous drizzle.

If Wuxin's rain perception technique is exhausted, it can last for eight hours, but the price is that the chakra is exhausted and he will fall into a coma. If he is unlucky, he may die suddenly due to the exhaustion of chakra.

Moreover, the rain perception technique, the seals and weather changes, etc., have a long pre-shake. What makes up for this shortcoming is that even if Wuxin stops the ninjutsu, the rain will still fall naturally for a period of time.

Before the weather clears, Wuxin can connect the rain perception at any time as long as he wants, eliminating the lead time of weather changes.

Although the rain perception has many similar advantages and disadvantages as the fog perception, the rain perception has rain falling, which is conducive to Wuxin's water instant body and perception, which is of great help to Wuxin.

While Wuxin was taking care of a group of Genin, Takami Yoshiyuki and Murayama Yuto flew out of a house on the right in front. The two adjusted their bodies in the air and landed safely in the camp.

Three Konoha ninjas wearing green vests walked out of the house that knocked Takami Yoshiyuki and Murayama Yuto away.

The three did not chase Takami Yoshiyuki and Murayama Yuto immediately, but looked around and saw Wuxin wearing a Mist Ninja vest with a group of Mist Ninjas behind him.

The three Konoha ninjas looked at each other, two rushed towards Takami Yoshiyuki and Murayama Yuto, and the other rushed towards Wuxin. While running, he took out a shuriken and shot it at Wuxin.

What the three Konoha ninjas didn't know was that when they walked out of the house into the rain, their fate was already determined.

"A shuriken? Ha, I'll play with you."

Wuxin saw the shuriken coming and instantly guessed what ninjutsu the Konoha ninja wanted to perform. He didn't even mention using his body to kill him. Instead, he thought about practicing some actual combat skills. He put his right hand into his mouth and took out the banana leaf fan.

"Ninjutsu: Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

Sure enough, the Konoha ninja quickly formed seals with both hands, and the shuriken turned from one to two, two to four, and four to eight during the shooting. In the blink of an eye, they were densely packed, hundreds and thousands.

Seeing this, Wuxin raised his mouth corners and showed a sneer. He shook his right hand, and a large fan appeared out of thin air in his right palm. Wuxin held the fan with both hands and fanned the attacking ninja tools with force.

"Wind Style: Whirlwind!"

The wind was howling, and all the ninja tools that were shot were rolled back by the howling wind waves.

Wuxin waved the treasure fan repeatedly, and the wind became more and more violent. It was impossible to stand in the entire stronghold. Ninja tools, tiles, bricks, wooden stakes, straw and some furniture were flying in the wind. The wind and rain were very chaotic.

The Konoha ninja who performed the shuriken shadow clone remained calm. He quickly formed seals with both hands and ended with the seal of the snake. The skin on his body suddenly turned gray and black. Facing the strong wind and the ninja tools, he stood still.

The ninja tools and tiles and other debris that flew back hit his body, making a clanging sound, as if they were hit on a hard stone and bounced off.

"Earth escape? Full body hardening"

Wuxin saw that the other party ended with the seal of the snake, which was obviously an earth escape ninjutsu, and his skin color changed. It seemed that sharp blades and the like had little effect on him. It should be an earth escape ninjutsu that hardened the whole body to improve defense.

I didn't expect that this Konoha ninja had this trick. Now even if the water body suddenly attacked, it might not be able to kill him.

Wu Xin thought to himself: "I don't know if it can be hardened.You can't stop my wind blade hidden in the whirlwind."

The Konoha ninja closed his eyes, crossed his hands in front of him, defended with all his heart, and stood still.

Suddenly, several large wounds suddenly appeared on the Konoha ninja's body, and blood spurted out.

The Konoha ninja who maintained a defensive posture screamed in pain and opened his eyes quickly.

"The power of the wind blade can directly cut a tree in half.

I didn't expect that only a few wounds would be left on him. This hardness is indeed comparable to that of a rock."

Wuxin saw that the Konoha ninja was not dead, and was a little surprised at his ninjutsu defense.

But fortunately, his wind blade could hurt him. Wuxin held the fan in both hands and fanned it again and again:

"Wind escape: wind slash! "

Accompanied by the waving of the fan, the wind surged and rushed towards the Konoha ninja.

The wind group fanned out looked like a whirlwind, but in fact it contained a large number of wind blades that were enough to cut people into pieces.

Wuxin flapped again and again, and the wind slashed the wind wave after wave, continuously.

Seeing this, the Konoha ninja did not dare to use his body to resist confidently. He formed seals with both hands, ended with the seal of Si, and squatted down and slapped the ground with both hands.

"Earth escape: Return of the earth and land! "

A piece of stone like a wooden board stood up in front of the Konoha ninja, just like a fallen door that stood up automatically.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The wind blew on the stone, making a dull sound, and the wind blade also left more than ten marks on the stone.

The wind came one after another, but although the stone was scratched, it still stood firm.

Wuxin's wind-cutting technique could not do anything to the stone door. He held up a fan and rushed forward quickly with the help of the wind. After approaching the stone door, he jumped lightly and jumped onto the top of the stone.

There was no one behind the stone. The Konoha ninja had left at some point, and Takami Yoshiyuki and Murayama Yuto, who were fighting with the enemy in the streets of the camp, were also nowhere to be seen.

Seeing this, Wuxin stood up with his left hand in front of him, and made a seal with one hand, and his chakra fluctuated slightly.

With Wuxin's specialization in controlling the rain perception technique, he soon discovered the traces of the three Konoha ninjas in the rain.

"Where are the two teachers? "

Wu Xin could not help but frown as he only sensed the enemy but not his teacher.

In the camp, the strong wind that Wu Xin had created before slowly calmed down and gradually dissipated, and the situation became calm.

After the storm stopped, Takami Yoshiyuki and Murayama Yuto broke through the window and jumped out of a house on the right side of the camp that looked relatively intact.

Seeing that the two teachers were safe, Wu Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice:

"Three Konoha ninjas escaped, and their chakras are not weak."

These Konoha ninjas in vests were just not weak in Wu Xin's words. Wu Xin did not finish his words, and then

Murayama Yuto nodded slightly and said:

"As the Art of War says, do not pursue an enemy who is desperate. We have already made a contribution by capturing this stronghold. "

The three Konoha ninjas had not escaped from Wuxin's rain range yet. They wanted to chase Wuxin but nodded slightly without answering.

Takami Yoshiyuki on the side said seriously:

"I don't know how Natsumi, Goro, and Takeshi are doing.

After a simple repair, we should support them as soon as possible!"

Matsumoto Natsumi, Kitazawa Goro, and Nanbu Takeshi are the Mist Village ninjas who joined forces with Murayama Yuto, Takami Yoshiyuki, and Wuxin. They led their subordinates to attack the base next to the target of Wuxin and others' mission.

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