"See how much chakra you have and whether it can withstand consumption."

Wuxin saw this and made a decision. He held the seal of the left hand upright in front of his chest and raised the seal of the right hand above his head. With the fluctuation of chakra, the water droplets on the branches and leaves in the forest rose quickly and turned into mist.

Although he didn't know how this strange ninjutsu of Uchiha Shisui was done, it must not be easy for him to maintain this technique. Wuxin prepared to use the Mist Hidden Technique to block his vision and wait for an opportunity to cut it off.

The mist spread rapidly. At the same time, the clones of the Uchiha boy in front of him seemed to have some unexpected conditions and disappeared one after another.

It was a real dissipation, like a mirage. In a moment, all the clones of the Uchiha boy disappeared.

"Run away!? Can you run away!?"

As the mist became thicker, Wuxin's eyes hidden in the mist showed ferocity. For such a genius of the enemy country, he must be killed to eliminate future troubles.

The gradually spreading mist added a sense of mystery to the forest, like a dream.

Wuxin had just made up his mind, and maintained the seal with both hands, using the mist to sense the Uchiha boy for a long time, but he still couldn't find the Uchiha boy. He seemed to have suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Is this the difference between a true genius and a fake genius?"

Wuxin frowned as he slowly released the seal, feeling a little confused. Wuxin, who was good at perception, had a target that escaped his perception under his nose for the first time.

The mist created by Wuxin gradually connected with the mist created by Murayama Yuto, and the range of the mist became larger and larger. Wuxin, who lost his target, took a deep breath and turned to rush towards his teacher.

Compared with this unreasonable Uchiha boy, the Uchiha Jonin who fought with his teacher was powerful, but at least he could still be sensed by himself.

Wuxin walked forward, suppressing his footsteps and sounds as he moved forward. After a while, he reached the vicinity of the two warring parties. Judging from the fog perception, Wuxin was less than 30 meters away from Uchiha Jonin. This distance was a matter of a moment for Wuxin's water instant body, and the chakra consumption would be relatively less.

Wuxin took a deep breath, stood upright in front of him with his left hand, and pressed the handle of the knife behind him with his right hand. Just as he was about to launch an attack, he sensed that Uchiha Jonin was rising quickly.

Uchiha Jonin seemed to be aware of the danger and jumped into the air, directly leaving the forest and the fog.

For a moment, Wuxin lost his target again, but fortunately this time Wuxin saw with his own eyes how he escaped from his perception. Wuxin let go of the handle of the knife, put his hands together to form the seal, and the way of perception changed from fog to rain. The drizzle in the sky dripped on Uchiha Jonin.

"This height is at least 40 meters...

So that's how it is. It seems that Uchiha Shisui also escaped this way."

Wuxin's rain perception not only sensed this Uchiha jonin, but also sensed the boy suspected to be Uchiha Shisui who was several kilometers away.

He was just out of the rain environment at the edge of Wuxin's rain perception. He was sensed by Wuxin at the last moment, but Wuxin didn't want to chase him at this time.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The dark sky suddenly turned red and bright, and countless fireballs fell from the sky. The upper part of the fog covering the forest suddenly emitted red light. The fog was being diluted, and the visibility increased rapidly.

Boom! Boom!

The Uchiha jonin in the sky spewed out hundreds of watermelon-sized fireballs, which fell densely from the sky. The forest was suddenly like being attacked by thousands of cannons, and explosions sounded everywhere.

The mist covering the forest was violently dispersed by the fireball, and even black explosion smoke was diffused.

Wuxin was sensing and dodging the fireball in the forest. The mist was blasted by the high temperature and diluted to the point that it was not enough to cover the vision. In the rain perception maintained by Wuxin, his teacher, Murayama Yuto, took advantage of the undiluted mist at the edge to move quickly and escape from the war range.

Seeing this, Wuxin no longer had the idea of ​​competing with this Uchiha jonin. While dodging the fireball, he ran quickly in the forest and chased his teacher.

Fortunately, Wuxin was good at perception. The exploding fireballs that fell from the sky were all dodged by Wuxin. Although the momentum caused by this ninjutsu was great, it only blew down some big trees and ignited some grass and trees.

The trees were soaked in rain and were not easy to ignite. After burning for a while, the flames went out automatically.

The Uchiha jonin in the air finished performing the ninjutsu, slowly descended, and stood above the canopy of a big tree.

The Uchiha jonin spent a lot of chakra and barely dispersed the fog. He no longer had the desire to continue fighting with the Mist Hidden Ninjas who were good at creating fog. He stood quietly for about four minutes.After five seconds, he seemed to have made up his mind and turned to run in the direction where his teammates were killed.

The two sides separated tacitly, and there was no idea of ​​fighting to the death.

There were smoke everywhere on the eastern border of the Land of Fire. Those ninjas lying on the lawn with their eyes wide open seemed to be shouting silently at this cruel ninja world.


In the forest, Wuxin, who had left the battlefield, shuttled quickly. After reuniting with his teacher Murayama Yuto, he set out to look for the defeated Genin.

On a lawn hidden by a large bush, three silent Genin lay together. Baotian Xuehan's hands were emitting green light, and he was trying to treat the Genin boy lying on the side. The other two Genin who escaped were breathing heavily, calming down the physical exhaustion after the rapid maneuver.

Swish! Swish!

Wuxin and Murayama Yuto broke through the bushes and came behind the Genin.

The sound made the two resting Genin instantly alert and bounced up. After seeing that it was his teacher and boss, he was surprised and said as if he had survived a disaster:

"Teacher Yuto! Captain Wuxin!"

Murayama Yuto and Wuxin responded softly. Murayama Yuto looked at the three Genin lying on the ground, and a complex expression appeared in his eyes.

Wuxin walked forward and looked at Kuroki Kiyoshi, the person rescued by Baotian Xuehan, and said in a deep voice:

"What happened to Kuroki Kiyoshi?"

"Kuroki Kiyoshi's kidney was punctured. I, I, I can't save him... wuwuwu."

The strong female Genin Baotian Xuehan choked up. Although their three Genin team was formed not long ago, one of them died in this first mission, which made Baotian Xuehan sad.

"You go check the other two, and let me treat Kuroki Kiyoshi."

Wuxin walked forward and squatted beside Baotian Xuehan. He made a few seals with his hands, and when his hands were clasped together, his hands emitted a ball of green light with a strong breath of life.

Baotian Xuehan looked at this magical scene. He never thought that his captain Wuxin could actually know medical ninjutsu, and it was a more advanced palm technique than his own healing technique.

A-level medical ninjutsu palm technique is a technique that can only be mastered by real medical ninja masters, which is also the ultimate goal of Baotian Xuehan's practice of medical ninjutsu.

"Don't be in a daze, go and check them quickly."

Wuxin put his hands on the waist and abdomen of Hei Chu Qingye, and saw Baotian Xuehan beside him in a daze, and reminded him.

Medical ninjas, even if the ninja is dead, as long as it is not a tragic situation such as the body being separated, they can be rescued through palm techniques to help the injured cells activate and divide, so that the wounds grow and heal quickly.

After treating the external injuries, emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed to rescue them. If this can't be saved, then it is really dead. Before that, medical ninjas cannot give up treatment.

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