Wuxin was a little excited. Although this Byakugan was not as versatile as the Sharingan, it was far more rare and difficult to obtain.

Hinata Shin performed the Kaiten twice in a row, breathing slightly. Seeing that Wuxin was still calm and composed, Hinata Shin, who knew he was no match for him, said in a deep voice:

"I am Hinata Shin of the Konoha Hyuga clan. May I know your name?"

Wuxin was slightly stunned when he heard this. How could a ninja leave his name for the other party to avenge him later? So he replied:

"You are a dying man? Why are you asking this?"

Hinata Shin swallowed his saliva and said hurriedly:

"As the saying goes, peace is the most precious. We of the Hyuga clan are I have been friendly with the Kaguya clan of your village for generations and have had close contacts for hundreds of years!

I am convinced by your superb ninjutsu! I am just a member of the branch family of the Hyuga clan of Konoha Village, and my life is worthless.

I am willing to offer you 10 million taels as a reward to redeem my life. And I promise that after returning to Konoha, I will no longer participate in the war. I wonder if you can make some concessions for the sake of the Kaguya clan of your village? "

Wu Xin thought he had heard it wrong, and it took him a while to react. The corners of his mouth curled up and he couldn't help laughing. I didn't expect that in this ninja world war, tens of thousands of people were fighting on the east coast. In order to save his life, the Hyuga clan of Konoha Ninja Village actually reported the name of the Kaguya clan of the Hidden Mist Village, and even disguised himself as a branch of the Hyuga clan to deceive.

Seeing Wuxin smile, Hinata Shin thought Wuxin agreed to his request. He was about to speak to get closer to him, but heard Wuxin chuckle:

"Hehe, if you are willing to dig out your eyes and offer them to me, I can spare your life."


Hinata Shin, who just thought he had saved his life, turned pale when he heard this, and the fear and flattery on his face disappeared instantly.

After all, he was a member of the main family of the Hyuga clan of Konoha. Although he wanted to survive, when he heard that Wuxin had seen through his main family identity and wanted his Byakugan, Hinata Shin reached out and quickly touched the ninja tool bag behind his waist, took out the kunai and stabbed it towards his eyes without hesitation.

However, although Hinata Shin was fast, how could he be faster than Wuxin? Wuxin made a seal with his left hand, activated the water instant body technique, and killed the Hyuga youth, and slashed Hinata Shin's right arm that wanted to destroy his eyes with a long sword.

The chakra on Hinata Shin's body was released, forming a layer of blue chakra membrane. Although it did not rotate to achieve the maximum defensive effect of the return of the sky, such a layer of chakra membrane still blocked Wuxin's slash.

Wuxin's slash was blocked, and he took a step back. After the chakra membrane of the young man Hinata was released, he raised the kunai again and stabbed it towards his eyes.

"You dare!"

Wuxin was a little shocked and angry, and his hands quickly formed seals. At the same time, Wuxin also knew that he was careless, and he might only be able to keep one of the two precious white eyes.


Under Hinata Shin's feet, a hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed Hinata Shin's ankle, pulled it, and then pulled it hard to the ground. The pulling action made Hinata Shin's movement unstable, and the kunai stabbed at his eyes stabbed his face.

After such a short delay, Wuxin's technique had been completed.

"Magic: Water Drowning Technique!"

As Wuxin's illusion was launched, the young man's eyes shook irregularly up and down, left and right, and he was obviously trapped in the illusion.

Hyuga Shin, who was trapped in the illusion, was dragged into the ground by the hand that stretched out from the ground, leaving only his head exposed on the ground.

The grass soil bulged, and a Mist Ninja wearing a gray-brown vest jumped out from it, stretched out his right hand, and directly dug out one of Hyuga Shin's eyes.


The bloody scene, coupled with the stimulation of pain, Hyuga Shin instantly broke the illusion and woke up, howling in pain.

After the Mist Ninja dug out one Byakugan, he took out a bottle from the tactical pocket on his vest, put the Byakugan in it, and dug out Hyuga Shin's other eye without hesitation.


Wuxin instantly stepped forward, grabbed the wrist of the Mist Ninja who suddenly came to help, and stopped his movement.

The Mist Ninja squatting on the ground had his right wrist grabbed, supported the ground with his left hand, and kicked Wuxin fiercely with his right foot.


Wuxin snorted coldly, holding the kunai that he had already taken out in his right hand, and stabbed at the thick leg that kicked over.

After resting under the tree for a long time, Terumi Mei, who had recovered some chakra and physical strength, recognized the person coming and shouted to the Kirigakure ninja:

"Ao! Stop!"

Perhaps because he heard the voice, or perhaps because he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation, the Kirigakure ninja retracted his thick thighs, pushed with his right hand, and bounced up and pulled a few steps away from Wuxin.


After wasting such a while, Hinata Shin, whose body was buried underground, roared, and blue chakra gushed out, breaking the ground. The blue chakra condensed into a diameter ofThe two-meter round ball was Hyuga's secret technique of returning to the sky.

Wuxin jumped back to distance himself, and shot a kunai at the distant Kirigakure ninja, then drew out the long sword on his back, aiming at Hyuga Shin in front and the Kirigakure ninja who suddenly jumped out, with the tip of the sword shaking.

"Wushin Style: Liu!"

Accompanied by Wuxin's voice, Hyuga Shin's blue chakra light ball that had just stopped returned to the sky, but before it could move again, it was tied up by Wuxin's illusion Liu. Also tied up was the Kirigakure ninja behind Hyuga Shin.

Wuxin's illusion was successful, and he rushed forward quickly, knocking Hyuga Shin on the neck with a hand knife, knocking Hyuga Shin unconscious, and then looked at the Kirigakure ninja who was in a daze.

This Kirigakure ninja seemed to have a bandage under his forehead protector, covering his right eye, and his vest and clothes were all bloodstained.

Mei Terumi rushed forward quickly, blocking Wuxin and the Kirigakure ninja, and hurriedly explained to Wuxin:

"Wuxin, don't kill him! He is Kirigakure's sensory ninja, Qing."

Wuxin pursed his lips and said coldly:

"Miss Ming, he stole my spoils."

"You, don't worry... I will let him return it to you!"

Mei Terumi was in a bad state, and she was barely breathing. After responding to Wuxin, she walked forward and took the jar of Byakugan from Qing's hand. Then she put her hand on Qing's shoulder. After about two seconds, the dazed Qing woke up.

"Miss Ming! Are you okay!"

Qing greeted Mei Terumi naturally after seeing her, and then noticed Wuxin behind Mei Terumi, and immediately stepped forward to block Mei Terumi.

After a while, Qing seemed to remember the Byakugan, and when he found that the jar in his hand was gone, he said in surprise:

"Baiyan, where is Byakugan!"

Wuxin frowned. This guy looked like an old man. He first grabbed the spoils and then remembered his companions.

"Baiyan is Wuxin's spoils, Qing."

Terumi Mei responded softly and raised the jar in her hand.

"This, this..."

Qing wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain to Terumi Mei.

The spoils of the Kirigakure ninja belonged to whoever grabbed them. He succeeded in a sneak attack with the earth escape ninjutsu and grabbed them in his hands. It should be his. However, facing the words of his escort, Miss Terumi Mei, Qing didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing this, Wuxin no longer paid attention to the two people, squatted in front of the unconscious Hyuga Mami, and made seals with his hands.

"Ninjutsu: Fine-tissue Extraction Technique!"

Wuxin's right hand glowed green and pressed against Hyuga Ninja's eyes.

Fine-tissue Extraction Technique can not only extract toxins, but also organs. Wuxin did not use violent ninjutsu like Qing, but used medical ninjutsu to extract them.

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