On the sea off the east coast of the Land of Fire, warships stood in a row.

On the beach, stood a giant purple snake with black tiger stripes. The snake was dozens of meters high when coiled up, and had two horns on its head. Orochimaru, one of the three legendary Konoha figures, stood on the head of the snake, looking at the group of people running on the sea.

On the sea, Wuxin, Mei Terumi, Qing and more than a dozen other Kirigakure ninjas all looked pale and fled desperately towards the Kirigakure warships.

In recent months, Wuxin and others have been wandering on the battlefield, killing countless enemies, reversing the decline of the Kirigakure's partial retreat, and even organizing a counterattack force of hundreds of people.

However, a big tree attracts the wind. Under the ambush carefully arranged by Konoha Orochimaru, the counterattack force suffered heavy losses, and only a dozen people escaped to the sea.

Orochimaru and other Konoha ninjas really stopped at the shore and did not rush into the sea to pursue.

Wuxin and the others ran at high speed on the sea, and soon they came to the ship anchored on the sea.

"I'm going to see the Mizukage! Let's disband the team!"

Wuxin called out to the ninjas behind him, jumped on the ship, and parted ways with the team.

Wuxin was directly under the Mizukage, and like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, his mission scope was relatively broad and there was no specific mission.

Most of the other ninjas had their own commanders or superiors, and were not in the same echelon as Wuxin.

Wuxin shuttled through the warships for a while, found the flagship, and jumped on it.

Wuxin came to the flagship command room, asked the Mizukage's guards for instructions, and was soon summoned by the Mizukage.

Wuxin strode into the bow command room, and after seeing Mizukage Yagura in front of the desk, he knelt on one knee and greeted:


His attitude was very serious, but Wuxin was a little surprised at the moment. Just a simple glance, Wuxin found that Yagura's face was a little pale, and there were dark circles around his eyes.

"Wuxin, you are here."

Yagura's voice was a little hoarse, he jumped off the chair, walked around the desk, walked forward, and helped Wuxin up.

Generally, the etiquette of direct subordinates is to kneel on one knee, and Wuxin never fails to be polite. The last time Wuxin met Mizukage, he was pointed out by Mizukage about his disappearance. This time, Mizukage's attitude was warm, which surprised Wuxin.

"Mizukage-sama, you...?"

Wuxin stood up and looked at Yagura's pale and weak face, and didn't know what to say.


Yakura sighed, but his baby face didn't match his mature temperament. With his face as a backdrop, Yakura's overall temperament looked a bit childish.

"Wuxin, thanks to your activeness on the battlefield, I have restored some reputation.

We have been attacking the Fire Country for almost a year, and we have been frustrated repeatedly. Every battle has failed...

After a year, we haven't even broken through the defense stronghold on the east coast of the Fire Country.

The record is not as good as the battlefield of the Wind Country. Although the Wind Country is poor, we can still plunder some supplies.

Here in the Fire Country, we can't break through the defense line and can't grab anything. The troops here are wasting money and food in vain...

In the village, many voices against me have arisen..."

Yakura's tone was calm, with an unconcealable sadness on his face, and his pale face showed that he had suffered a lot since the start of the Water and Fire War.

"Voices against you? No matter what others do, I will support you."

Wuxin bowed slightly and hurriedly expressed his position.

The Ninja World War, whether it is the Water and Fire War, the Wind and Fire War, or the Thunder and Earth War, seems to be fought for reputation. Wuxin seems to know only the Wind and Fire countries that have land disputes. The Wind Country started the battle for the land of the Fire Country.

The rest of the countries seem to be mostly for face. The Water Country may be for looting and supplies, because the islands of the Water Country are short of supplies and not as rich as the major countries on land.

The significance of these wars has no practical significance to Wuxin, which is why Wuxin is not very concerned about the war. Of course, it may also be that Wuxin is subtly influenced by his teachers Murayama Yuto and Takami Yoshiyuki.

Wuxin's loyalty did not cause Yagura's expression to change. Mizukage Yagura walked back to his seat, was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice:

"Four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were killed, and the attack could not break through the defense line of the Fire Nation.

I am unwilling to end the war like this!

Wuxin, I have a plan and need your help!"


Wuxin asked back in a low voice with some curiosity.

Mizukage Yagura said in a deep voice:

"Well! I have been planning this plan for a long time! It is called the Three-Tails Plan!

More than three years ago, the rebellious Three-Tails and Six-Tails have been resurrected after recuperation!

The Six-Tails has been successfully captured by the Anbu and started the village's Jinchūriki research plan, so it is not suitable to be replaced.There is still a Three-Tails, still outside! And, I can sense the approximate location of the Three-Tails, Wuxin, I need you to find the tailed beast!

After finding the tailed beast, cooperate with the Sealing Squad to seal the Three-Tails in the Konoha captives! Then release the captives back to Konoha and destroy Konoha from the inside! Reverse the war situation! "

Yakura said at the end, murderous, as if he wanted to destroy Konoha.

Wuxin was slightly stunned, and looked at Yagura carefully.

Yakura looked at Wuxin with a serious face, and for a moment, the two of them stared at each other.

"Ah...Okay, the Three-Tails plan is good. "

Wuxin said perfunctorily, and then rubbed his hands.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of rubbing his hands, he quietly mobilized chakra and opened the Byakugan.

The third eye between the eyebrows was covered by a forehead guard, and it could not be seen by the naked eye whether it was open or closed.

From the perspective of the Byakugan, there was a weak chakra in Yagura's body, and the chakra flow was normal, without any trace of illusion control.

It's just that it's a relatively rare situation to refine chakra in the body in this non-combat situation.

Of course, this is only rare, but not impossible. Many defensive ninjutsu require long-term maintenance of chakra.

After seeing the chakra in Yagura's body clearly, Wuxin didn't see the problem, but his mind was turning:

"The characteristics of this chakra are Yagura's... As a Mizukage, it seems reasonable to maintain a certain defensive secret technique for a long time.

But this three-tail plan, if I remember correctly, seems to be planned by Uchiha Madara.

Besides, the tailed beasts are top secret and are usually handled by the Anbu. Do you need to dispatch me?

I always feel that something is wrong, or is there something I haven't noticed? "

Yagura didn't know what Wuxin was thinking. Seeing that Wuxin didn't refute, he reached out and picked up a scroll from the table, and said in a deep voice:

"I have seen your contribution on the battlefield.

It is precisely because of your excellence that you are needed for this mission.

After receiving the mission, immediately set off to return to the Land of Water.

There is a specific address in the scroll, go and investigate it clearly.

Find the three-tailed beast, cooperate with the sealing team, and seal it!"

After saying this, Yagura threw the scroll to Wuxin.

Wuxin reached out to take the scroll, looked down at the scroll in his hand, then looked up at Yagura, nodded slightly, and said softly:

"I understand, I will complete it. "

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