Top floor of the Mizukage Building


Wuxin walked forward and whispered a greeting to the Fourth-generation Mizukage who had his back to him.

Mizukage Yagura slowly turned around and looked at Wuxin who was standing tall. Unlike the warmth and humility in the past, Wuxin at this moment made the Mizukage feel a little cold and unfamiliar.

"This mission requires you to take action."

After a long time, Yagura took out a scroll from his arms, flicked his wrist gently, and the scroll shot towards Wuxin.

Wuxin stretched out his hand and caught the scroll easily. He looked at the S on the cover of the scroll, and then looked at Yagura's face. He had no desire to open the scroll to check.

During this period of time, Wuxin mostly accepted tasks from the Yuanshi in the mission hall, and kept a distance from the special missions of the Mizukage.

The normal process of the Mizukage's mission is to select the Anbu to execute it first. If the Anbu cannot execute it for some reason, the village's jonin team will be selected to execute it. In short, most of these tasks are not easy.

Yagura frowned and said softly:

"The Nine-Tails Rebellion broke out in Konoha Village, and the newly appointed Fourth Hokage died. In addition, Orochimaru defected from Konoha some time ago.

At this time, Konoha's strength was unprecedentedly weak. This was a rare opportunity. I dispatched a large number of ninjas to the front line.

Speaking of this, Yagura stopped, as if he realized that he didn't need to explain so much to Wuxin, and continued in a cold voice:

"So, this mission will be sent to you to execute. Why, don't you want to do it?"

Wuxin looked at the cover of the scroll in his hand and smiled:

"How could I be unwilling to do the mission assigned by the Mizukage-sama?

I just want to know more about the specific content."

Yakura stared at Wuxin with a blank expression.

Wuxin's eyes were calm, but there was a hypocritical smile on his face. He didn't open the scroll or take the task.

"Is this guy out of control? Or am I a failure...?" "

Wuxin's refusal to cooperate made Yagura's mind turn. After a while, Mizukage Yagura slowly spoke:

"The remnants of the Snow Clan are entrenched in an island in the Snowy Islands of the Sixue Strait.

According to intelligence, they have about 20 ninjas...

If your team carries out the task, I think it should be solved."

"I see..."

Wuxin, who had a general understanding of the content of the task, responded softly, then opened the task scroll and checked the details.

The scroll contained the names of the enemy ninjas and their expertise in ninjutsu.

S-level ninja expedition mission, the reward is 3 million taels. After Wuxin briefly checked the scroll, he nodded slightly and said:

"I understand, I will handle it properly. "

After saying that, he bowed slightly politely, then made a seal with his hands and turned into smoke and disappeared.

Yakura looked at the smoke, his face uncertain. He saw the change of Wuxin. The former excellent and respectful Wuxin became as arrogant as other blood mist ninjas.

After a long time, the Mizukage Yakura regained his composure and murmured with some self-mockery:

"Will all ninjas who graduate under the blood mist end up like this?"

While speaking, he turned around, put his hands on the railing, and stared at the village quietly.

On the other side, after Wuxin left the Mizukage building, he summoned his three students, and after explaining the mission, he took the three students with him.

The configuration of one jonin and three chuunin can be regarded as an elite team.

A week later, Wuxin's team arrived at the northeast corner of the central island. On the cliff on the edge of the island, Wuxin and his four companions looked at the sea.

"According to intelligence, the remnants of the Snow Clan are entrenched in the Fengxue Islands in the Sixue Strait.

We will sail from here and sail for two days and two nights, and then we can see the Snow Islands. "

Wuxin whispered the intelligence information, turned around, faced the three Chunin disciples, and said seriously:

"These are the remnants of the Snow Clan, and they will definitely fight to the death.

In other words, this is a life-and-death mission..."

Kikuta Tomoko, Ono Reima, and Iijima Rikito had firm faces. After Wuxin's training and teaching, and a series of missions, the three have matured and become quite reliable ninjas.

Wuxin stared at the three people's firm faces for a while, secretly sighed that he was really worrying too much, raised his hand, and began to slowly make hand seals.


"Spiritual summoning technique! "



In the smoke, the Yatagarasu took off, flew into the sky and circled, then dived down. When it was about to approach Wuxin, it flapped its wings hard to slow down, and finally folded its wings and landed steadily beside Wuxin.

Wuxin jumped lightly and jumped onto the back of the Yatagarasu. The three disciples quickly followed, as if they were afraid that Wuxin would fly away on the bird and leave them behind.

"Let's go, big bird, northeast direction!"

Wuxin jumped onto the broad head of Yatagarasu, took off the ninja sword on its back, and pointed the way to Yatagarasu with the hilt.


Yataarasu saw that everyone was sitting firmly, flapped its wings, and took off. The strong push on the back made the hair of several people swing wildly.

The journey that originally required two days and two nights of sailing by boat, at the speed of Yatagarasu, it flew over the Snowy Islands in about three hours.

The Snowy Islands are composed of a large string of small islands. The largest island in this string of islands is called Snowy Island, so this island is named Snowy Islands.

Yataarasu dived down from the air, Wuxin maintained the seal of the unknown with both hands, and the white eyes on his forehead quickly scanned Snowy Island.

"There are three villages on this island. In the village to the south, there are Chakra, Eighteen Groups...

It seems that the remnants of the Snow Clan are in the southern village!

After sensing the situation on the island, Wuxin loudly narrated the information. The Yatagarasu flew lower and lower until it flew close to the ground. Wuxin waved his hand and said, "You get off first and act according to the situation outside!" "Understood!" X3 Swish! Swish! The three of them responded and jumped off the Yatagarasu's back, landing steadily on the ground, and then rushed towards the village. Wuxin drove the Yatagarasu, floating up a little, increasing the distance from the ground, and flew over the village. The Yatagarasu howled and dropped more than a dozen bird eggs. At the same time, the movement of the Yatagarasu also aroused the reaction of the villagers. More than a dozen men, women, old and young in uniform white robes jumped onto the roof. Many of them threw ninja tools at the Yatagarasu, and even dozens of ice cones shot from the bottom to the top at the Yatagarasu. The Yatagarasu was agile and fast. After flying over the village, it quickly soared into the air and flew to a height of a thousand meters, reaching a height that was beyond human power.

"Elder! This must be from the Hidden Mist Village. What should we do?"

A young man in a white robe asked the wrinkled old man beside him.

"We are exposed here. Pack up and go!"

The old man answered without hesitation.

The young man in the white robe wanted to ask more, but he saw that the bird eggs thrown by the Yatagarasu emitted a strong yellow light.

"Elder Zhang, look at that..."

Before he finished speaking, a yellow light flashed, and the bird eggs exploded, with flames and black smoke everywhere.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bird eggs exploded continuously. After more than ten explosions, most of the village buildings were blown off, and some unprepared white-robed ninjas were even killed on the spot.

Wuxin, flying high in the sky, drove the Yatagarasu and swooped down again with an expressionless face.


The Yatagarasu howled and dropped more than ten bird eggs as it flew over the ground.

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